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西方管理學派有所謂彼得理論《Peter Principle》,即係將一條廢柴升到一個佢自己都力有不逮的位置,People are always promoted to the level of their incompetence,大家見到馬英狗呢個未戒奶廢柴總統嗰種姐手姐腳法,台灣的民主仲有乜前途?

論到領導能力,各位真係要翻看前紐約市長Giuliani朱利亞尼的暢銷書Leadership,他曾經處理過911事件,冷靜而迅速地平伏了紐約市民的創傷,並於2001年獲選為Time Magazine風雲人物,他的故事更被拍成電影,由SharkJames Wood演出,James是當年黑幫電影Once Upon a Time in America其中四個小流氓之一,是荷里活一線尾二線頭嗰批。

Leadership》並非一本政治小說或自傳,主要是教人如何做一個出色的領導人,可說是一本領袖手冊。適合需要日理萬機的老闆們及高幹參考。全書最震撼的就是一句話:I'm Responsible ,話說得極簡單,力量則極大,不獨說明所有(不同崗位)領袖,要有承擔感;也說明了每一個角色,都要負上該角色的責任。任何機構有問題,都係因為有人沒有把責任做好,縮骨,仲衰到卸膊添!入面精采無比,即管分享一些精句,在此日全蝕Halo Effect下補心潤腦,思想境界都會高 D

1. I made it my policy to see with my own eyes the scene of every crisis so I could evaluate it first hand.
2. God is in the details. 這也是郭台銘的精句
3. Understanding that the way citizen would perceive the information they were getting would be as
important as the information itself. --Perception 決定一切!
4. Visualize things in your own mind.
5. Instill preparedness in others: creating reasons for those who work for you to establish their own culture
of preparedness is part of being a good leader. 未雨綢繆
6. Everyone's Accountable, All of the time.
7. But a leader's role is to raise the bar. 止於至善, 永無止境
8. Every time we'd add a performance indicator.
9. The best indicators don't simply measure performance, they improve it. 自我完善,自律
10. The leader's job is to set the tone and agenda, including specific targets for managers in the field, and to
supply whatever a11. A leader must manage not only results but expectation. 沒有希望,就沒有失望
12. Every initiative has supporters and distracters. No matter how "positive" a plan seems, there's always a
side that considers itself the losers.
13. One of the duties of a leader is to let his staff know how he expects them to behave.上有所好,下必甚
14. Great leaders led by ideas. Ideology is enormously important when running any large organization. 同心同德,統一戰線,建立共識

15. A real leader, one who leads from a true heart and honest mind, won't deny an emerging belief simply
because it makes him uncomfortable. 交心
16. Expressing ideology is one of a leader's most powerful tools. 要高舉思想紅旗
17. One of a leader's responsibilities is to meet the needs of those he or she leads.
18. Honesty and frankness were the best policy. 講真話
19. Be your own man. 都係講真話,做自己
20. Set an example.
21. You have to base your decisions on the allegiances that are most important to you. 唔好連自己都呃埋!
22. When I delegate, I delegate. 問責
23. The organization of systems was a top priority for me. 軟件及系統好重要
24. I believe that a city government's primary mission is to protect its citizens and provide and unfettered
opportunity to excel.
25. I wanted to challenge my administration, the City Council, myself, and the voters and citizens. 所以經常
raise the bar.
26. A leader should be anticipating all the time. 要學處理變化之道

27. A big part of leadership is consistency--letting those who work for you and others you lead know that you'll be there for them through good times and bad. 始終如一

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