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1 : GS(14)@2014-08-27 13:31:58

問:「開傘子」和「收傘子」英文怎樣說?答:「開傘子」可說to open/ put up/ unfurl/ spread an umbrella,而「收傘子」則可說to close/ fold(up)/ furl/ shut an umbrella,例如:(1)It started to rain, and she opened her umbrella(天下起雨來。她撐起傘子)。(2)She folded her umbrella, shaking from it the clinging raindrops(她把傘收攏,同時搖去附着的雨點)。「開了的傘」和「收了的傘」通常就叫an open umbrella和a closed/ furled umbrella,例如:(1)It is difficult to run with an open umbrella(拿着張開的傘,很難跑起來)。(2)The old man was walking with a furled umbrella, which he used as a stick(那老人以捲起的傘作拐杖,拄着走路)。問:貴欄以下一句,many和in some degree是不是應該改為a lot和to some degree?──Many amusing things happen on the battlefield, which in some degree atone for the terrible experiences of carnage(戰場上,有不少可笑的事,稍稍可以抵消殘殺的恐怖)。答:這位讀者認為many應改為a lot,因為「有文法書說many和much兩字,只可用於否定或疑問句」。其實這兩個字只是「多用」於否定或疑問,而用於肯定句也絕對可以。請看兩句英文成語:(1)Many hands make light work(人手多,工作就輕鬆)。(2)Much honey cloys the maw(蜜太多,就倒胃)。
In some degree和to some degree都是正確說法,只是to較為常用。美國英語學巨擘Noah Webster的An American Dictionary of the English Language pretty條有以下注釋:in some degree(有幾分)。

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20140827/18845402
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=285234

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