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monkey business震出上百人命?

2016-02-22  TCW

春節前夕,一場地震奪去上百條人命,猴年未至,全台就蒙上一股哀戚氛圍。維冠金龍大樓疑似偷工減料而崩塌,monkey business就是用來指責不肖廠商的不法情事;若地震打亂過年計畫,monkey wrench則是適當慣用語。

monkey business 見不得人之事解析:這組詞彙不能照字面解釋成「做猴子生意」,而是指輕則毫無意義的胡鬧行為,重則不道德、不合法情事,好比貪污、詐騙、偷情等。

例句:There must be some monkey business when establishing this building,which allowed the earthquake to cause great damage.

(建造這棟建築時必定有些見不得人的事,使得地震得以造成重大損害。)monkey wrench 破壞計畫解析:monkey wrench原指一種活動扳手,可以夾住不同尺寸的螺帽,以便旋到相配的螺絲釘上,後來引申為破壞計晝或行動的器具。

例句:I、 d planned to visit Tainan during the Chinese New Year holidays,but the earthquake threw a monkey wrench into my plans. (我原計畫農曆年假去台南玩,地震卻壞了好事。)解析:背上有隻猴子,肯定渾身不舒服,所以a monkey on my back就是指「被某人、事所煩擾」,也可用來指「戒不掉的癮」衍生用語get the monkey off my back則是「除去煩惱不快」。

例句:The earthquake caused a big crack in the wall ,which is really a monkey on my back.



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