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After fandangling...........seems rekindling

To me, the greatest joy in the stock market are;

(1) Reading the cards correctly - just two/three weeks ago, before the world cup 2010 started, the world seems blustering fully about the Euro debts mainly from those PIIGS. Of course, attached with the action, hitting the EURO$ below the 1.20 level, it's just like watching a movie, knowing very well the protagonist's crying is for the show, but when crying with tearing and sniveling attached. During then, the crying seems real.

Same thing to the market, bad/good news flowing around with pricing-reaction. This is exactly how THEY manipulating it. who are THEY? THEY are bloomberg/reuters/cnbc/bbc and many others, I have been wondering who the hell are behind the THEY?

(2) Second joyful factor is, making money OR losing money. How to make money, a very straight forward question, and I know the answer too, it is pretty direct; DIY, a system that able to identify a potential company, ride along with the company. Keep on going with the same system with a very stringent discipline compliance.

Cakap BOLEH lah !! It's not so easy to stay discipline constantly. My very own method to stay discipline is, not to be so active in the market and always stay liquid, waiting for the opportunity.

For instance, one of the greatest player in the century. He sold off his controlling stake of a HK bank in year 2002, sitting on hefty cash pile of couple of billion US$ since then till now.

how about people like me, who never (not yet) a substantial shareholder of any bank anywhere of the world?

How to make a super profit from the stock market?

A glance of the past, a real big buck for those who ride along some of the Malaysia companies, which had gone through the transformation process from a green company to the super blue chipS.

I think, a lot of the cows are totally forgot about;

(1) Palmco Holding

(2) Austria Enterprise

(3) Hock Hua Bank/Public Finance

(4) Hume Industry/OYL

(5) Highland and Lowland

Those above mentioned companies were in the perfect position during then, riding high up the country economy cycle.

(1) Decent macro economy

(2) Right industry

(3) Not too bad fundamental

(4) Government wish, reciprocal with the policy. Again, every season has a reason.

Same strategy, but is to be applied in China/HK this round..............

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=176382

Some thoughts after setting up this blog for 6 days

1 : GS(14)@2010-12-04 10:35:17

2 : abbychau(1)@2010-12-04 11:54:21

I don't know wt it is about.
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=271884

Red paint thrown at pair after firms go to court-百營環球資源(0761)、施展望

1 : GS(14)@2010-12-17 11:57:01

http://www.thestandard.com.hk/ne ... d=105890&con_type=1

Friday, December 10, 2010

The chairman of a listed company and his barrister were splashed with red paint outside Eastern Magistrates' Courts after they attended a hearing.

Bel Global Resources Holdings chairman Stephen Sy Chin-mong, 54, and his 49-year-old barrister were getting into their white vehicle yesterday when the paint was thrown at them.

Another car was also hit by paint.

There was paint on Sy's face and his lawyer had the substance all down his back and trousers.

It was not clear if there were one or two attackers.

A police spokeswoman said they have received a report of the incident.

The case was classified as criminal damage and the crime squad from Eastern District was investigating.


Earlier in the morning, Sy and his companies - Bel Trade Investment Holdings and Elite Dragon - were fined HK$48,000 for failing to disclose their liabilities.

They were also ordered to pay HK$41,838 towards court fees.

A company spokeswoman declined to comment as police are investigating.

Sy was formerly chairman of the board of directors at Po Leung Kuk.

He was a director for China Overseas Friendship Association and also a member of the Eighth Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Fujian Province.

He was awarded the Hong Kong Young Entrepreneur Award and Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award in 1996.

2 : GS(14)@2010-12-17 11:59:38

The SFC no longer announces the prosecution of directors and shareholders for failing to disclose their dealings, so an incident like this one is about the only time you would hear about such a prosecution.

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=272070

蘋影話:《末日1000年》(After Earth) 死不悔改! 仰止

1 : GS(14)@2013-06-08 15:07:08




                  禮切沙也馬蘭(M. Night Shyamalan)這個名字你記得嗎?對啦,他便是那個拍《鬼眼》(The Sixth Sense)一炮而紅的導演,數天前我才在某收費電視台的頻道重看。之後,他所拍的電影都是有強烈懸疑性的人性化作品,雖然都不賣座,爛船也有三斤釘,何況他不算爛船。這其實是一部講青年成長的電影,由韋史密夫(Will Smith)與兒子積頓(Jaden)父子兵上陣,大概是父親節的應景電影。要看父子情,要看青少年歷險成長,這是不錯的電影。
影片有一點佛學味道:恐懼是假的,是人自己的心製造出來。片中那頭怪獸最大的長處,是能感應人類的恐懼,反之,最差勁的是對於不恐懼的勇者則一無是處。這是我最不同意的觀點,因為恐懼是人類自己製造出來的好東西,而不是像影片說的壞東西。我們有恐懼,所以我們對危機有警覺性,就正如《龍紋身的女孩》(The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)三部曲中那個沒有痛楚反應的壞人一樣,無論身體受到甚麼損害都沒痛楚,於是也就面臨死亡。人類沒有恐懼,只會比現在我們身處的世界更殘酷,甚麼都不怕,好的壞的甚至殺與被殺都沒感覺,正是現代人漸走向的末路。


PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=282992

【馮仁昭四圍超】After 10寫歌諷刺政壇

1 : GS(14)@2016-07-06 08:11:36


來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/entertainment/art/20160706/19682594
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=302731

高C9手記:Happily Ever After?太天真了

1 : GS(14)@2017-02-07 05:14:07

《星聲夢裡人》(La La Land)橫掃多個頒獎禮,大年初一放假即刻走去睇,全片歌舞一流,內容卻充滿空洞感。最精采是開場時一場公路大型歌舞,導演在烈日下封閉全條公路拍攝,幾十名舞蹈員載歌載舞,目不暇給。女主角Emma Stone的表現不是不好,但論歌喉,Anne Hathaway在《Les Mis?rables》更勝一籌,Keira Knightley一樣沒有巨肺唱腔,但在《Begin Again》唱得動人,聲線具有個人風格,她在戲中所唱的《Tell me if you wanna go home》與《Like a fool》,我每日還在聽。論故事,男女主角好似為撻着而撻着,事前沒有火花位。去到最尾,一個鏡頭話5年後,女主角便搖身一變成為大明星,還嫁得如意郎君,有美滿家庭。如果這套電影是講追夢的話,這種happily ever after的結局,對於我完全起不了任何作用。我腦海當刻即時彈出現實的想法:一名女星紅了之後,還要繼續靠努力與運氣去保持人氣,試問荷李活有幾多個Meryl Streep?香港又有幾多個譚詠麟、劉德華?變了大明星便live happily ever after,太天真了吧!不過,導演都算別出心裁,最尾拍了一段「如果時光能倒流」的片段,可惜,這個世界沒有如果,男女主角還是走着自己該走的路,女主角有點神傷,卻沒有後悔,留下仍然帶着傷感的男主角。男主角Ryan Gosling確實值得一讚,他飾演爵士鋼琴手,不想用替身,花3個月苦練鋼琴,他在戲中演奏多曲,彈到識飛,令人有拍手大叫Bravo的衝動,證明世上無難事,這點才夠實在。高淑嫻

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/financeestate/art/20170207/19919927
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=325797

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