「東莞市寶盛環保投資有限公司」的名字曾經出現在真優美的招股書(p.127, 128),招股書英文版本顯示這公司與收購金迪生物科技的公司名字相同,寶盛在2008年11月14日公佈不再是金迪的股東,暫時仍未發現新股東的任何資料。有一個網站,紀錄了一間東莞市寶盛環保投資有限公司的資料,資料寫著法人代表是何汝風(風和鳳的簡體字極為接近,是兩個人還是出現錯字?), 通信地址是東莞市常平鎮振興購物廣場步行街A18-A19號,黃頁竟然顯示這地址有間曼詩貝丹化粧品有限公司,真優美旗下的品牌名稱正是曼詩貝丹。 http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20071203/LTN20071203403_C.pdf 於二零零七年九月十日,高寶化妝品(中國)與獨立第三方東莞市寶盛環保投資有限公司(「東莞寶盛」)訂立協議,內容有關東莞寶盛每月就高寶化妝品(中國)排放的污水及廢氣及產生的噪音向高寶化妝品(中國)提供環境測試、維護環保系統及有關環保政策的顧問服務。該協議的固定期限為兩年。 倘協議一方違反協議任何條款,協議另一方有權於期限屆滿前終止協議。根據該協議的條款,東莞寶盛須每月向高寶化妝品(中國)就其提供的服務提交報告。 高寶化妝品(中國)須向東莞寶盛按月支付服務費人民幣20,000元,並須承擔環保系統的保養費用。東莞寶盛曾參與部分大型環保項目,包括廢水排放處理、油脂處理、火車衛生間改造及中國鐵道部下屬企業鐵路排污處理、中國東莞常平鎮一個14,000噸排污處理項目及中國東莞麻涌鎮一個20,000噸排污處理項目。東莞寶盛未曾發現本集團違反任何環境保護措施或本集團所採取的環境保護措施存在任何不足。本公司將於日後就任何已查明環保措施不合規或不足作出本公司認為適當的補救。由於本公司最近方委聘東莞寶盛,故於營業記錄期間並無支付東莞寶盛任何款項。 http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20071203/LTN20071203402.pdf On 10 September 2007, an agreement was entered into between Global Cosmetics (China) and 東莞市寶盛環保投資有限公司(Dongguan Bao Sheng Environmental Protection Investment Limited*) (“Dongguan Bao Sheng”), which is an independent third party, in relation to the provision by Dongguan Bao Sheng to Global Cosmetics (China) of a monthly environmental testing on the sewage, air and noisedischarged by Global Cosmetics (China), maintenance of environmental protection system and consultancy service on environmental policy. The agreement was entered into for a fixed term of two years. Either partyshall have the right to terminate the agreement before its expiry if there is any breach of any term of the agreement by the other party. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, Dongguan Bao Sheng shall providemonthly report to Global Cosmetics (China) on its service provided. Global Cosmetics (China) shall paya monthly service fee of RMB20,000 to Dongguan Bao Sheng and shall be responsible for the maintenancecost of the environmental protection system. Dongguan Bao Sheng has been involved in some large-scaleenvironment protection projects, including the waste disposal treatment, grease treatment, modification oftoilets on trains and train sewage treatment for the corporations under the Ministry of Railways of the PRC,a 14,000 tonne-sewage treatment projects in Chang Ping Town, Dongguan, PRC and a 20,000tonne-sewage treatment projects in Ma Yong Town, Dongguan, PRC. Dongguan Bao Sheng has not identified any non-compliance or weaknesses on the environmental protection measures adopted by ourGroup. To the extent we consider appropriate, we will remedy any detected non-compliance or weaknesses on the environmental protection measures adopted by us in the future. As Dongguan Bao Sheng wasrecently engaged by us, no amount was paid to Dongguan Bao Sheng during the Track Record Period. 減持紀錄: http://biotreat.listedcompany.com/news.html/id/117659 http://eticket.gzrail.com.cn/oldcorpfile/09HZ.htm HZ00680 那一行 http://www.dg114city.com/SearchByClass.asp?CC=030603&CN=%BB%AF%D7%B1%C6%B7%A1%A2%BB%A4%B7%F4%C6%B7曼诗贝丹化妆品有限公司 地址:常平镇振兴购物广场步行街A18-A1.
"Bio-Treat makes headway in fight with ex-chairman
BIO-TREAT Technology is making progress in its courtroom battle with ex-chairman Wing Hak Man. The wastewater treatment firm said yesterday that it has begun legal proceedings against Mr Wing and ex-financial controller Zhao Min in Shanghai for their refusal to hand over company seals and documents. It has also successfully applied for a halt in legal proceedings in Singapore for alleged fraud filed by Mr Wing. In its update on the legal proceedings involving Mr Wing and the company, Bio-Treat said its subsidiary in China, Jinai Bio- Technology Engineering (Shanghai) Co, started legal proceedings against Mr Wing on Jan 4 as he 'continued to refuse to hand over his responsibilities, including certain seals and documents' even after his appointment with Bio-Treat was terminated.
Upon Mr Wing's termination as chairman, Bio-Treat's CEO and executive director Dennis Chan replaced him as the legal representative of Bio-Treat's subsidiaries in China.Meanwhile, Mr Wing's lawsuit in Singapore against Bio-Treat, Mr Chan, former independent director Jerry Yip and current independent director Kwok Chi-Shing has been halted. Mr Wing has sued for a potential loss of some $400 million, as well as interest, costs and damages to be assessed, on the allegation that the defendants conspired to defraud him of his 30 per cent stake in the company - which he estimates to have a market value of $400 million - through a complex series of actions.
Among his claims, Mr Wing alleged that he was tricked by Mr Yip into signing documents later used to set up the Wing Family Trust that was used to fraudulently transfer Mr Wing's shares and that his signature was forged on several notices which effected the transfer of his shares to some of the nominee companies in the trust structure.
This complex trust structure enabled the defendants to manage all of his shares without his knowledge or consent, Mr Wing had claimed. The suit also alleges that Bio-Treat lodged false and misleading announcements with the Singapore Exchange - which gave the impression that Mr Wing knowingly divested his stake in the company - and that his signature was forged to effect his resignation last October. In response, Bio-Treat appointed Allen & Gledhill to represent the company in this matter in October. It subsequently applied to the High Court here on Dec 7 for an order that the proceedings be halted 'on the basis that it was not appropriate for the plaintiffs to have commenced the proceedings against the company in Singapore'.
Though Bio-Treat is listed in Singapore, its operations are mostly in China and none of the defendants or plaintiffs (Mr Wing and his wife Yiu Ching) in this lawsuit are Singaporeans. The High Court ruled in favour of Bio-Treat's application on Jan 9 and ordered Mr Wing to pay for the application. He has filed an appeal against this decision, which will be heard in two weeks' time."