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1 : GS(14)@2011-02-12 16:30:27

倫交所搶資源股上市 力抗香港

2 : GS(14)@2011-02-12 16:52:23


【本報綜合報道】全球交易所再度掀起併購潮,繼倫交所( LSE)周三宣佈與經營多倫多交易所的 TMX合併後,紐交所泛歐交易所亦於數小時內證實,正與德意志交易所洽商合併,若成事,將成為以盈利及營業額計,全球最大交易所,以及美國衍生工具交易所一哥,消息令市場憧憬業界將湧現更多併購,刺激交易所股份昨普遍上揚。惟專家質疑,今次交易未必能獲歐洲反壟斷機構通過。

紐、德交所正考慮透過換股形式進行合併,日後分別持有 40%和 60%權益。兩所預期,合併後每年可節省 3億歐元,惟目前仍在洽商階段。業界消息指,兩所最快下周正式宣佈合併。消息刺激紐交所股價周三急升 14%,德交所昨一度急升 6.6%。
兩所合併後市值將達 240億美元(約 1872億港元),僅次於港交所( 388),年度成交金額將超過 20萬億美元。不過,《華爾街日報》稱,今次交易凸顯華爾街在國際金融市場的地位褪色,因為全球各地均已建立完善的資本市場,可直接吸引投資者到當地投資。
全球交易所近日頻傳跨境併購,藉此降低成本及擴濶全球版圖,以抗衡近日迅速崛起的新興電子交易平台。繼去年 10月新加坡交易所宣佈收購澳洲交易所後, LSE周三亦宣佈與 TMX合併,締結全球最大礦業股交易平台。

紐、德交所合併後,正好組成衍生工具交易所巨頭,業務橫跨 11個衍生工具市場,除取代芝加哥商業交易所( CME),成為全球最大期貨交易平台,亦撼低芝加哥期權交易所( CBOE),成為美國最大期權交易平台。市場料其他業內對手不會坐以待斃,併購交易將接踵而來。
然而,有法律界人士稱,紐、德交所的併購交易將面臨歐洲反壟斷機構的重大阻力,而新公司由德交所持 60%權益,亦將惹來美國政界反對。

• LSE與 TMX同意以換股形式合併

去年 10月

08年 8月

07年 12月
德交所旗下 Eurex收購美國國際證券交易所( ISE)

07年 10月
LSE收購 Borsa Italiana

07年 7月

07年 4月
3 : GS(14)@2011-02-12 16:52:41

撼電子交易 併購料續來

紐約金融顧問機構 Tabb Group衍生工具研究部主管 Andy Nybo指出,衍生工具交易的價值在過去數年的全球交易市場中不斷增長,是令交易所併購活動頻繁的原因之一。而電子交易平台逐漸取代了傳統交易平台,亦增加了交易所間的競爭。

現時紐交所泛歐交易所在美國期權市場的市佔率約為 23%,而德交所旗下的國際證券交易所則佔 17.5%,若兩者能成功合併,市場份額將遠超現時為美國期權交易所一哥的芝加哥期權交易所( CBOE),以及其主要對手納斯達克 OMX集團,截至今年 1月, CBOE的市佔率為 27.1%。
有分析估計, CBOE將成為這一波交易所併購潮中下個炙手可熱的目標。
Sandler O'Neill分析師 Richard Repetto指,環球交易所一體化或已成新趨勢,當美國與歐洲的交易所併購頻繁,投資者或會見到亞洲大型交易所如東京交易所、港交所( 388)及新交所等,未來將會與區外其他交易所合併。
4 : GS(14)@2011-02-14 22:59:13

http://www.hket.com/eti/article/ ... d476b7759afb-819171

5 : GS(14)@2011-02-19 15:21:20

美第3大證交所 28億購Chi-X
減成本 打造歐最大電子交易平台

6 : GS(14)@2011-02-19 18:31:59


歐洲北美交易所大整合,成為上周市場焦點。先是英國倫敦交易所宣佈,計劃收購加拿大證券交易所運營商 TMX集團。德意志交易所又於一天後宣佈,收購紐約泛歐交易所,並會在未來幾天有結果,合併後將成為全球最大交易所,在此交易所交易的股票市值佔全球總市值的 36%。

交易所出售資訊作為收入的操作手法由來已久,最早出現於 17世紀美國內戰期間,身在交易所外的經紀,每人要向交易所繳交 100美元費用,為的是可以在門外偷聽交易所內的交易情況,近水樓台獲得最快的資訊作交易決定。
直至 3年前,若投資者想獲得在紐交所交易股票的實時報價,只能致電經紀查詢,或自資擁有一部彭博終端機。互聯網及電子交易的普及,的確大大降低資訊價格及流通時間,現在散戶若要獲得同樣資訊,所需時間已由 15年前的滯後 20分鐘,縮短至現時的幾毫秒。由於科技進步,只差幾毫秒,足以令機構投資者快人一步得到所需訊息,並進行高頻交易獲利。

有分析批評,兩大交易所結盟,無論如何對散戶都不是好事,交易所規模變大,只對大型炒家有利,卻令到市場更波動,此局面對於喜歡短炒的投資者十分不利,因為發生去年 5月道指 10分鐘瀉千點事件的風險將大增。
《時代周刊》專欄作家 Stephen Gandel指出,大型交易所如紐約泛歐交易所,以高速電腦進行的交易,令股價更添波動,希望集資的中小企,是無法承擔這種股價波動。若企業因此選擇經場外途徑集資,對散戶以至市場均不是健康的發展。
7 : GS(14)@2011-02-19 19:10:11

券商籲港深 交易所合併

上海證券交易所昨傳出將與巴西商品期貨交易所簽署協議,並實現股票兩地上市的目的,明搶港交所( 388)生意。但市場人士認為,港交所優勢仍在,對其前景分析並未太悲觀,更提議港交所可與深交所合併,以產生協同效應。

受到全球交易所併購潮影響,港交所股價於 1月中升見 189元後一直下跌。訊匯證券行政總裁沈振盈昨表示,港交所是內企對外集資、及外企投資內地的平台,加上監管體制成熟的優勢,只要繼續融合內地市場及拓展人民幣業務,估計其業務發展空間仍大,並相信上交所在未來 5至 10年,也不會對港交所構成重大威脅。
他又指,港交所現價合理,但未來仍會受波動市況影響,投資者可候 160元才吸納。
事實上,高盛早前已就全球交易所合併潮發表報告,力撐港交所。該行指出,港交所早前表明,現時並沒有就收購進行商討,與該行認為港交所應聚焦大中華地區業務的自身增長看法相同。高盛維持港交所「購入」評級,目標價 221元。
8 : GS(14)@2011-02-19 19:10:21


獨立股評人 David Webb認為,上海交易所與巴西交易所合作並不值得激動,主要原因是中央暫不會放寬對人民幣的控制,而且,與巴西比較,中國企業仍較傾向選擇於香港掛牌。巴西礦業股淡水河谷( HDR, 6210/6230)去年底在港以預託形式掛牌,交投偏低,亦可證明巴西股在中港的受歡迎程度。

David Webb向本報表示,基於影響力及控制等問題,認為中國企業仍喜歡於香港上市,現時越來越少國企於英美掛牌就說明了這個道理,現只剩下一些中國私人公司仍會選擇於英美上市。此外,兩地政府並不能強迫企業往對方交易所掛牌。
David Webb特別提及來自巴西的淡水河谷,指公司於本港掛牌以來成交一直偏低,正好說明雙邊掛牌的實際結果是怎樣。
他指出,淡水河谷於去年 12月掛牌,當時於本港註冊普通股預託證券約 590萬份,上周五已跌至 96萬份,優先股預託證券亦由原本的 250萬份下跌至約 16萬份,若將兩者換為股份,共佔總發行股本約 0.05%,流通量極低,實際上與已「除牌」無異。
9 : 鱷不群(1248)@2011-02-19 20:07:18

10 : GS(14)@2011-02-20 10:08:43


11 : idsdown(1658)@2011-02-20 11:16:41

Globalization VS Localization
12 : 鱷不群(1248)@2011-02-22 22:09:44

February 22, 2011
Singapore Exchange Partners With NASDAQ OMX to Offer Innovative Corporate Solutions to Asian Companies
Partnership to Provide Extensive Suite of Tools and Solutions to Asian Market

NEW YORK and SINGAPORE, Feb. 22, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Singapore Exchange (SGX) in partnership with the NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:NDAQ) will be offering a comprehensive suite of tools and solutions designed to enhance corporate activities for listed companies in Asia starting with Southeast Asia and India.

The SGX-NASDAQ OMX suite of tailored tools and solutions provides companies with market intelligence, communications tools and governance solutions.

The suite includes access to impactful Investor Relations websites built to improve shareholder communication, as well as the GlobeNewswire press release distribution network designed to effectively disseminate corporate announcements, and advertising opportunities through the NASDAQ OMX MarketSite in New York.

SGX will also offer competitive market intelligence to assist companies in monitoring their stock performance, peers' performance and industry developments by using powerful analytic tools and solutions. Listed companies can also use a secure portal to better manage board information and documents.

"We are pleased to announce this unique partnership with SGX, which gives Nasdaq OMX the opportunity to support Asian companies with efficient, comprehensive tools and solutions within the corporate solutions community. We look forward to working with SGX and further engaging with an international audience," said Bruce Aust, Executive Vice President of Global Corporate Client Group, NASDAQ OMX.

Gan Seow Ann, President at the Singapore Exchange, said, "This product suite will help listed companies to reach out to their shareholders and global investors in a more impactful way. Effective communications and profiling will strengthen investor confidence and promote interest. We believe our customers will benefit from this additional initiative with NASDAQ OMX."

About Singapore Exchange

Singapore Exchange (SGX) is among the world's largest exchanges and Asia's second largest listed exchange. As the Asian gateway, SGX is the market of choice for investors wanting to participate in Asia's vibrant and rapidly-growing economies, and for Asian issuers seeking international capital.

SGX's extensive suite of securities, derivatives and commodities products makes it Asia's most international exchange. SGX's services range from listings, trading, high-speed market access, clearing and settlement to depository services and Central Counter Party services for OTC traded derivatives. With the region's longest trading hours, and powered by cutting-edge technology, SGX is the unparalleled conduit for investment flows into and out of Asia.

For more information, please visit www.sgx.com


The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. is the world's largest exchange company. It delivers trading, exchange technology and public company services across six continents, with more than 3,600 listed companies. NASDAQ OMX offers multiple capital raising solutions to companies around the globe, including its U.S. listings market, NASDAQ OMX Nordic, NASDAQ OMX Baltic, NASDAQ OMX First North, and the U.S. 144A sector. The company offers trading across multiple asset classes including equities, derivatives, debt, commodities, structured products and exchange-traded funds. NASDAQ OMX technology supports the operations of over 70 exchanges, clearing organizations and central securities depositories in more than 50 countries. NASDAQ OMX Nordic and NASDAQ OMX Baltic are not legal entities but describe the common offering from NASDAQ OMX exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Iceland, Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius. For more information about NASDAQ OMX, visit http://www.nasdaqomx.com. Please follow NASDAQ OMX on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/nasdaqomx) and Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/nasdaqomx).

13 : GS(14)@2011-02-22 22:13:20

14 : GS(14)@2011-02-23 22:54:04

港交所謹守3年大計 無懼威脅

15 : 鱷不群(1248)@2011-02-23 23:14:16

16 : GS(14)@2011-02-24 07:48:02

17 : 鱷不群(1248)@2011-03-02 23:11:46


NYSE Euronext and Tokyo Stock Exchange to Explore Network Linkage

NEW YORK, Mar 01, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Atsushi Saito, President and CEO of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), and Duncan Niederauer, CEO of NYSE Euronext (NYX), today met in New York to sign a letter of intent to identify options to give customers of each exchange accessibility to the other's markets through a network linkage.

The Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI(R)) hub, being planned by NYSE Euronext and "arrownetTM," TSE's trading and information network, will play an important role in the consideration of options for establishing a network linkage between the markets. Using "arrownetTM," customers of the TSE would be able to access NYSE Euronext markets without costly dedicated network connections. Similarly, NYSE Euronext customers who use SFTI would be able to access TSE markets with their existing infrastructure. Customers of both exchanges could take advantage of this multi-functional network to translate order formats and so avoid the need for costly development work. Market data would also be available over the network. Both parties would also explore the potential of jointly expanding the network linkage to Asia, which would enable investors to more easily trade cross-borders and globally.

This latest agreement builds on the existing relationship between TSE and NYSE Euronext which dates back to 1987, when Japanese Government bond futures were launched on the LIFFE market in London. Recently, NYSE LIFFE has listed futures on the TOPIX index, under license from the TSE, and there is a clearing link in place for the daily transfer of open positions from NYSE LIFFE to TSE. In October 2009 TSE activated its options market trading platform, the Tdex+System, which is powered by NYSE Euronext's LIFFE CONNECT(R) technology, and the TSE will migrate its futures market to the platform in the 4th quarter of 2011.

In acknowledging the letter of intent between the two exchanges, Duncan Niederauer said: "We are privileged to host Saito-san today in New York and welcome the opportunity to move forward with this new initiative aimed at delivering new services and value to our respective customers. Our collective goal is to leverage our technology and expertise to create a global trading community with direct access to the world's foremost markets. Bringing more innovative products to our customers and more customers to our products will be to everyone's advantage."

Atsushi Saito said: "I am very pleased with the signing of the letter of intent with NYSE Euronext. TSE has been enjoying a partnership with NYSE Euronext in many aspects, and I am excited about taking another initiative for a new service with our cutting-edge technologies. "arrownetTM" is TSE's highly reliable and robust trading and information network. By connecting with NYSE Euronext's SFTI network, "arrownetTM" will give the investors of Europe and US more opportunities for investment in Asia, and at the same time, Asian markets will have exposure to capital outside of the region. TSE is proud to build this bridge between the continents, and hope that this will consolidate our position as a hub exchange in Asia.

About NYSE Euronext

NYSE Euronext (NYX) is a leading global operator of financial markets and provider of innovative trading technologies. The company's exchanges in Europe and the United States trade equities, futures, options, fixed-income and exchange-traded products. With approximately 8,000 listed issues (excluding European Structured Products), NYSE Euronext's equities markets - the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Euronext, NYSE Amex, NYSE Alternext and NYSE Arca - represent one-third of the world's equities trading, the most liquidity of any global exchange group. NYSE Euronext also operates NYSE Liffe, one of the leading European derivatives businesses and the world's second-largest derivatives business by value of trading. The company offers comprehensive commercial technology, connectivity and market data products and services through NYSE Technologies. NYSE Euronext is in the S&P 500 index, and is the only exchange operator in the S&P 100 index and Fortune 500. For more information, please visit: www.nyx.com.

About Tokyo Stock Exchange

Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE) is one of the leading global exchanges and the largest securities market in the Asia-Pacific region. TSE is best known for its equities market, valued at US$3.8 trillion as of the end of January 2011. It also boasts the largest market for Japanese securities derivatives such as Japanese Government Bond (JGB) and TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) futures. For more information, please visit: www.tse.or.jp/english/index.html

http://ir.nyse.com/phoenix.zhtml ... =1534754&highlight=
18 : GS(14)@2011-03-03 07:39:19

19 : 鱷不群(1248)@2011-04-01 22:03:22

20 : GS(14)@2011-04-02 11:02:19


21 : GS(14)@2011-04-09 17:57:34

新交所購澳交所 面臨觸礁

【明報專訊】近半年環球交易所掀起併購潮,但暗湧不斷,新加坡交易所去年10月宣布收購澳洲交易所,惟交易一直未完成,澳洲財長斯萬(Wayne Swan)近日開腔指出,合併違反國家利益,意味新交所透過併購晉身全球第五大交易所好夢隨時成空。另一邊廂,紐交所泛歐交易所與德意志交易所謀合併,遭遇美國納斯達克交易所及洲際交易所兩「攔路虎」提敵意收購,有報道指紐約泛歐交易所考慮反客為主,敵意收購納斯達克交易所。
22 : GS(14)@2011-04-09 17:57:54


【明報專訊】成立於1976年的外商投資審核委員會(Foreign Investment Review Board,下稱FIRB),乃澳洲負責審核海外資金於該國直接投資申請,並向政府建議是否批准相關交易的機構,由跨國企業的併購,到外國人於當地買樓,均須經其逐一審核,目的是確保所有外來投資不會損害國家利益。

23 : GS(14)@2011-07-16 16:09:24

imeigu.com 2011-07-15 10:57:00 来源: 新浪财经 原文链接 
24 : GS(14)@2011-07-23 20:18:24

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... 307&art_id=15453798
25 : GS(14)@2011-10-01 12:40:53

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... 307&art_id=15663798
新交所夥倫交所購 LME
26 : greatsoup38(830)@2011-10-08 13:45:30


【明報專訊】倫敦金屬交易所(London Metal Exchange, LME)成為環球交易所的「聯婚」對象,外國傳媒指,香港交易所(0388)及香港商品交易所均已表示興趣,成為其中約10個有意「提親」的交易所,顯示亞洲區的交易所均覬覦在環球交易活動上搶得更大份額。




LME之所以成為環球交易所的併購目標,主要是因為全球近八成的金屬期貨交易量,均由該交易所處理,其去年處理的期貨交易量達1.2億手,相當於7.4萬億英鎊(約89.5萬億港元)。此外,LME在5月時透露,有意成立旗下結算所,以增加其營運收入,及推出新期貨合約時更為靈活。但是LME行政總裁Martin Abbott提出,未悉其他股東是否支持股權易手,相信交易最快要到下年才會進行。
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