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巴菲特:只要升息緩 buying stocks hand over fist

2015-09-28 TWM

巴菲特日前接受CNBC採訪,他強調自己也無法預測整體市場的走向,但只要美國聯準會升息步調非常 慢——比如20年才升100個基點(1%),他買股票的節奏就不會變;訪談也詢及他對美國總統大選的看法,尤其熱門參選人川普表示,美國人支持他是因為政 治人物都被富豪收買了,巴菲特認為這說法過於偏激。

Buffett: If you guarantee me interest rates would be at 100 basis points higher than this for the next 20 years, I would be buying stocks hand over fist….I believe that billionaires and special interests have a greater influence in politics generally than I would like them to have and I think Citizens United* really sort of open the barn door on that. But in terms of either one of those people being owned, that would not be true.


*註:Citizens United為美國立場保守的非營利團體,此處指聯合公民訴聯邦選舉委員會案,此案判決認定通過資助來播放批評其他參選人的競選廣告是合法的,但限制企業或組織對於參選人的直接金錢資助。


hand over fist 原意為水手拖拉船帆時,不是蠻橫硬扯,而是兩手穩當交替地收繩。


例句:He knows how to attract people's eyeball, so he's making money hand over fist.


barn door 原意穀倉門,後引伸為容易的目標或方式。

例句:Her shooting is so bad that she couldn't hit the barn door.



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