本來應該講 counter-productivity 同 negative headcount, 正好中鐵建這篇公告,一口氣講完了 user requirement 的一大課題,所以打亂次序。原文隨後。
講IT項目, requirement change 是最難處理,最頭痛的事, 中鐵建的問題,正是Project A 和 Project B 的寫照,也是我決定離開IT業的主因。
The Project adopts the EPC+O&M general contracting mode. The Project was based on conceptual design at the time of signing of the contract. As the owner requested new functional requirements and additional work quantities during the course of construction of the Project, the estimated total costs for the contract gradually increased. As at 30 June 2010, the estimated total costs had increased to RMB12.544 billion.
In the second half of the year 2010, with the Project entering the phase of large scaleconstruction, and the full commencement of the construction of the various sub-projects, the actual work quantities increased significantly as compared with the estimated figures at thetime of signing of the contract. Moreover, the owner increased substantially the transportation capacity of the Project for the year 2010 as compared with the capacity set out in the contract,while the underground pipeline network, land expropriation and relocation undertaken by theowner were substantially delayed, and re-adjustments on parts of the completed construction were also required as a result of the new instructions specified by the owner. Accordingly,the total work quantities and costs of the Project increased significantly, and there were delays in certain phases in the scheduled construction timetable. As the Project has major social influence and has drawn close concerns from the governments of both countries, and in order to ensure the scheduled progress, the Company invested large amount of manpower,resources and capital in the Project, thereby ensuring the scheduled completion of the main part of the Project as planned and commencement of operation in November 2010, in accordance with the requirements of the owner. The above changes have led to substantial increase in the estimated total costs for the contract.
In accordance with the contractual requirements, the Company has delivered relevant materials to the owner in support of the variations and applications for compensation claims. The owner has undertaken to set up a special committee upon completion ofthe Project to negotiate the claims and compensations. So far, the Company has been innegotiations with the owner for the compensation for the above variations and has not yet obtained the approvals from the owner. In accordance with relevant accounting standards, theCompany has not included the amounts of such compensation claims in the estimated totalrevenue from the contract. The Company will continue to further negotiate with the owner onthe compensation issues arising from the above variations and claims.
但建築業明顯好過IT(以及graphic design)既係:
1. 建築業好多時「落左石屎」就會係一舊睇得到既實物,啲老闆係要咁樣有舊嘢望到,先明白,佢轉一個concept,係真係要改動好多嘢(同埋俾好多錢!),所以就唔會改;
你真係講得好應,建築d野見得到,feel 得到,IT d野見唔到,客戶無法衡量施工期到底是否合理,結果一定係低估左。
反正做咁多年IT,從來未聽過project 係可以提早交貨既,個中乜事,心照啦!
先不理中鐵建的文字是否一個one side story,而是,基建一定會有改動;而這些改動,很多都很難分清是業主改動還是技術上改動。寫consultancy contract的人一定不會是蠢蛋,有很多時contract中的condition都有一些補底條款的。例如:會規定要跟怎樣怎樣的安全結構以及當時最新的建築規例所以業主賠錢與否,並非質素問題,而是contract如何寫,又或兩家人如何四四六六傾掂的問題(工程最後拗數,很多時根本不是講道理,而是兩家老闆看誰有牙力之後傾掂的結果...同黑社會講數,其實類似)
要多提的,是有很多時改動都是外在因素,非業主或承建商的責任/技術是否足夠的問題;此要牽涉到risk management以及落bid者有幾醒目的問題
回到中鐵建,留意國企的模或是要做大做量,而並非做盈利;我會以中國海外做例,一直以來它都是以超低價bid job,所以有很長時間你在香港見到的地盤多數都是中海的;但如此low bid的後果當然是質數下降。結果鑊鑊補鑊,越多job公司盈利反而越倒退;但没問題呀!因為錢是阿爺的,最後蝕本,一來根本没人理(不是自己錢),二 來,最後埋數是要多年後才會知賺蝕...但CEO當時卻可以以「市佔率擴大」領工...反正以國企來說,幾年後又可能被調去其他位置了。