根據《華爾街日報》,聖嬰現象加劇,亞洲國家越南、泰國及柬埔寨皆因稻米歉收物價飆漲。全球政府宣示減少剩食仍力有未逮,於是科技業積極投入機器造食,好比首富比爾.蓋茲投資取用植物仿造肉品的Beyond Meat。但科技真能為糧荒解套嗎? 【糧食危機淺談】 food crisis 糧食危機A:Do you agree that technology might extricate the world from severe food crisis? (你認同科技能解決嚴重的糧食危機問題嗎?)B:I agree with the fact but not the idea. (我相信事實如此,但不認同這套想法。)meat akernative 肉類替代品A:Why'S that?If meat alternative becomes prevaIent,no one WOUId be starving. (怎麼說?如果肉類替代品普及,就沒人餓肚子啦。)B:Would you like to eat fake food instead of actual food for the rest of your Iife? (難道你會想一輩子都吃人工食品,而非真正食物嗎?)perception 認知A:Well,I guess it reaIly comes down to what perception you're hoIding. (說的也是。我想這真的得看個人的認知了。)B:Yeah.I'd rather die from hunger than being a lab rat for fake foods. (沒錯,我寧可餓死也不願意當假食物的實驗品o) [延伸關鍵字] 1.to extricate someone from something:替某人解套某事2.suppIy and demand:供需關係3.scarcity:缺乏、匱乏多益時事通工作團隊獨家授權 撰文者羅伊伶 | ||||