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酒店話事人鄭志雯豪言開多40間 鄭家孫女初長成 李華華

2010-10-26  AD


鄭家孫女初長 成,養在深閨大家終於都識!新世界發展(017)董事總經理鄭家純位千金鄭志雯,唔經唔覺負責新世界嘅酒店業務接近兩年,噚日首次透過新聞稿,講解發展藍 圖,透露新世界中國(917)旗下新世界酒店,計劃喺未來五年,投資85.8億擴展業務,開超過40間酒店。

鄭志雯今年29歲,同大哥鄭志 剛都喺美國名牌哈佛大學畢業,擁有哈佛應用數學文學學位,主修經濟,曾經喺一間國際投資銀行同埋美資私募基金,負責地產業務。08年底回歸家族生意,負責 新世界發展同新中嘅酒店業務;09年2月坐正做新世界發展酒店首席總監,同埋新中旗下新世界酒店執行副主席。




鄭 志雯集中講解新中旗下新世界酒店嘅發展策略,新店主要喺內地同東南亞經營新世界同貝爾特品牌嘅酒店,現有8間酒店。佢又話,諗住響未來五年投資85.8億 元擴展業務,希望開設超過40間酒店,現有20多個項目正在發展中,除咗新世界及貝爾特,亦會推出一個全新高級酒店品牌……大嗱嗱86億投資,好明顯阿爸 同阿爺彤叔,已經對鄭志雯投下信心一票,成績如何,拭目以待。



有 個咁高嘅職位,佢嘅志氣亦唔嘢小,就係希望新世界酒店利用未來幾年發展,成為一間國際酒店企業,擁有獨有嘅企業文化,響業界訂定新指標同標準,令品牌同所 代表嘅獨特文化備受國際認同。佢亦都好明白到龐大嘅中國市場有幾重要,預期未來收入有一半以上嚟自內地,二、三線城市更加係主要動力來源。



[email protected]


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類似的「雙峰」模式Twin Peak屬於環球大趨勢,內地領導誠意可嘉,但財金部委既是監管者,亦是政策推動者一兼兩職角色不變,似乎改革註定難有成功。


PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=177282

金山能源前話事人 美證交會控侵吞資產

1 : GS(14)@2012-02-25 13:28:15

【明報專訊】本港上市公司金山能源(0663)股東之一的山西煤老闆趙明,被美國證券交易委員會(SEC)指控侵吞其在美上市的煤礦公司Puda Coal公司資產。金山能源回應本報查詢稱,趙明現與公司業務無任何來往,事件對金山無任何影響。

美國證券交易委員會(SEC)近日在曼哈頓聯邦法院提起訴訟,稱Puda Coal董事長趙明在2009年9月將公司主要資產,即該公司間接持有的山西普大煤業90%的股權秘密轉至自己名下,並在2010年7月把其中49%的股權出售給了一家中國私募股權基金。SEC稱,趙明同時涉嫌將山西普大煤業51%的資產做抵押,換取5.16億美元貸款。上述資產轉移未得到Puda Coal董事會批准,也沒有在公開文件中向投資者披露。



2 : GS(14)@2012-02-25 13:35:11

3 : GS(14)@2012-02-25 13:35:45

http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edga ... aform2509122011.htm
On April 8, 2011, a website article was posted and made allegations regarding certain improper transactions by Mr. Ming Zhao, the Chairman of Puda Coal (the “Article”). Specifically, the Article alleged, among other things, that prior to its initial listing on the Exchange, Mr. Zhao transferred the Company’s 90% interest in Shanxi Puda Coal Group Co., Ltd., the Company’s operating subsidiary (“Shanxi Coal”), from the Company to Mr. Zhao. On April 11, 2011, the Company issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had unanimously ratified the decision of its Audit Committee to launch a full investigation into these allegations (the “Investigation”). In the press release, the Company stated that, “although the investigation is in preliminary stages, evidence supports the allegation that there were transfers by Mr. Zhao in subsidiary ownership that were inconsistent with disclosure made by the Company in its public securities filings.”
4 : GS(14)@2012-02-25 13:40:33

http://seekingalpha.com/article/ ... hinese-pe-investors

Chinese RTO Puda Coal, Inc (PUDA) Chairman Ming Zhao transferred the ownership of PUDA’s sole Chinese operating entity, Shanxi Puda Coal Group Co., Ltd (“Shanxi Coal”), to himself in 2009 without shareholder approval according to official government filings. Then, in 2010, Zhao sold 49% and pledged the other 51% of Shanxi Coal to CITIC Trust Co., Ltd (“CITIC”), a Chinese private equity fund, for RMB245 million ($37.1 million).

Zhao then recklessly leveraged Shanxi Coal by borrowing RMB3.5 billion ($530.3 million) from CITIC at an incredibly high 14.5% annual interest rate (including fees) to finance the development of its coal mines. PUDA shareholders are completely unaware of these transactions that decimate the value of its U.S. listed shares.

Background – An Industry Facing Government Mandated Consolidation

According to PUDA’s 2010 10-K filing:

  In order to improve production efficiency, workplace safety and to reduce coal mine accidents, the Shanxi provincial government issued a policy in 2009 requiring mergers and consolidations of smaller coal mining companies in Shanxi Province. Pursuant to the government policy, the government awarded certain selected larger coal production enterprises the opportunity to acquire, consolidate and restructure smaller coal mines through mergers, acquisitions and asset or share transfers.

The aggressive government mandated consolidation of the coal mining industry beginning in 2009 coincided with the darkest days of the world financial crisis. PUDA management either had to become a consolidator, requiring massive additional capital, or else dispose of its coal businesses. Management, lead by Chairman Ming Zhao, made the decision to pursue aggressive growth by becoming a consolidator. Unfortunately for PUDA, during the financial crisis, the U.S. capital markets were completely closed. Therefore, in September 2009, Chairman Ming Zhao made a fateful first step to attract Chinese domestic investors: he transferred the ownership of Shanxi Coal to himself.

PUDA Chairman Ming Zhao Takes Action, Stealing Shanxi Coal from U.S. Shareholders

In order to raise money domestically, Zhao needed to sever the direct foreign shareholder ownership of Shanxi Coal, PUDA’s sole Chinese operating subsidiary. On 9/3/09, Yao Zhao (Ming Zhao’s brother and the legal representative of PUDA’s WFOE, Shanxi Putai Resources Limited, “Putai”) illegally authorized Putai to transfer 90% of Shanxi Coal to Ming Zhao, adding to the 8% Ming Zhao already held. Additionally, Yao Zhao divided his own 2% of Shanxi Coal between Ming Zhao and Wei Zhang.

An official copy of the “Notification of Share Registry Change” can be downloaded here (.pdf), including a partial translation. The transfers resulted in Ming Zhao owning 99% of Shanxi Coal, leaving U.S. investors with nothing. Incredibly, PUDA’s auditor, Moore Stephens, failed to catch this theft of an entire company that is clearly documented in government ownership filings that any lawyer can obtain directly from the source.

After stealing Shanxi Coal from U.S. investors, Ming Zhao began looking for domestic investors to fund his aggressive expansion plans. At the same time, Zhao brazenly continued trying to raise money for PUDA in the U.S., despite the fact PUDA (without Shanxi Coal) was just a shell company. As U.S. capital markets recovered, on 2/18/10, PUDA sold 3.284 million shares in a public offering underwritten by Brean Murray and Newbridge Securities raising $14.5 million (8-K here), without disclosing to the investors that PUDA no longer owned Shanxi Coal, its sole operating subsidiary in China. Why did Brean Murray fail to perform any basic legal due diligence on the real ownership of Shanxi Coal?

Chairman Zhao Sells Half of Shanxi Coal and Borrows $530.3 Million at 14.5%

In July 2010, Zhao recklessly accepted a highly leveraged RMB2.745 billion ($416 million) equity and debt investment from the $31.3 billion Chinese private equity arm of China International Trust and Investment Company (“CITIC”, website here). On 7/15/10 Zhao sold 49% of Shanxi Coal to CITIC for RMB245 million ($37.1 million) and pocketed the proceeds. An official copy of the “Notification of Share Registry Change” can be downloaded here, including a partial translation.

On 7/19/10 Zhao and Zhang pledged the other 51% of Shanxi Coal to CITIC as security so that the company could obtain a 3-year loan for RMB2.5 billion ($379 million) at a cost of 14.5% (annual interest plus fees) from CITIC. (Note: Zhao pledged 50% and Wei Zhang pledged his 1% of Shanxi Coal to CITIC so that the entire remaining 51% of the company was thus pledged to CITIC). The loan was subsequently increased to RMB3.5 billion ($530.3 million), bringing the combined investment to RMB 3.745 billion ($567.4 million). The official filed copies of the share pledge agreements detailing all these amounts can be downloaded here (.pdf) and here (.pdf).

As of 1/26/11, the outstanding principal, interest and fees payable under the 14.5% 3-year loan agreement amounted to RMB5.0225 billion ($761 million). Annual interest and fees on the loan are an incredible RMB507.5 million ($76.9 million USD), over twice the $34 million EBIT shown in PUDA’s 2010 10-K filing. Shanxi Coal is now a highly leveraged bet on Ming Zhao’s operational ability to dramatically increase coal production and profitability enough to service the company’s crushing debt load. Any disruption could lead to default and loss of the pledged shares to CITIC.

On 12/16/10, PUDA again tapped the U.S. capital markets, this time for $101.5 million by selling 7.85 million shares at $12 per share in a public offering underwritten by Macquarie Capital and Brean Murray (8-K here). PUDA again failed to disclose Chairman Zhao’s 9/3/09 illegal transfer of 99% of Shanxi Coal to himself, nor Zhao’s illegal sale of 49% of Shanxi Coal to CITIC for $37.1 million, nor the $530.3 million 14.5% loan from CITIC secured by the pledge of the remaining 51% of Shanxi Coal shares. Why did Macquarie Capital also fail to perform basic legal due diligence on the real ownership of Shanxi Coal, half of which had been already sold to CITIC? Furthermore, at $12 per share, Macquarie investors paid over six times the $1.91 valuation CITIC paid for 49% of Shanxi Coal in July (see my discussion of valuation at the end of this report).

Chairman Zhao Secretly Returns a Portion of the Shanxi Coal to the Rightful Owner

In a partial attempt to cover up his theft of the company, Chairman Zhao and Wei Zhang transferred their pledged 51% interest in Shanxi Coal to Shanxi Puda Mining Industry Ltd (“Puda Mining”), a former 100% owned subsidiary of Shanxi Coal that, through suspicious shareholder shuffling, Zhao maneuvered to make it the 51% parent of Shanxi Coal. Puda Mining’s 51% interest in Shanxi Coal continues to be completely pledged to CITIC (see official agreement here (.pdf)).

According to the government filing (available here (.pdf)), Puda Mining shares are now 90% owned by Putai (the WFOE), 8% Ming Zhao and 2% Yao Zhao. Following these transfers, PUDA now owns only 45.9% (90% of 51%) of Shanxi Coal, about half of the 90% PUDA owned before Chairman Zhao began his shenanigans.

PUDA’s 2009 and 2010 Audited Financials can No Longer be Relied Upon

Since Ming Zhao stole 99% of Shanxi Coal in 2009, the operating company’s 2009 and 2010 financials should not have been consolidated into PUDA’s 2009 and 2010 audited financials. PUDA’s audited 2009 and 2010 financials can thus no longer be relied upon. For 2011, even though Zhao recently returned 45.9% of Shanxi Coal to PUDA through its 90% ownership of Puda Mining (the 51% owner of Shanxi Coal), Puda Mining’s 51% interest in Shanxi Coal is entirely pledged to CITIC.

PUDA Cannot Consolidate Shanxi Coal’s Financials in 2011 and Beyond

Since CITIC has 100% control of Shanxi Coal, via its 49% ownership plus 51% share pledge agreement including voting, veto and other control provisions, PUDA can no longer consolidate the financial results of this subsidiary (see SFAS 94 page 5 Section 4 link here (.pdf)). PUDA should record its stake in Shanxi Coal as a long-term investment on its balance sheet, valued at cost.

The damage done cannot be reversed. There is no way CITIC will give up their 49% of Shanxi Coal, 51% pledged shares, veto rights and other control provisions. Shanxi Coal owes CITIC over $761 million. Until this debt is repaid (if ever), the share pledge and other control provisions will certainly persist. PUDA is now just a holding company with a minority 45.9% investment in a coal operation in China it does not control, with the added overhead of being a public company (for now at least) in the U.S.

What is PUDA’s Investment in Shanxi Coal Worth?

The book value of PUDA on 12/31/10 was $251 million. Shanxi Coal owns all the mining assets, coal washing plants, cash and receivables and bears the obligation to repay the debt reflected on PUDA’s 12/31/10 balance sheet. The 12/31/10 book value of Shanxi Coal is therefore roughly the same as the 12/31/10 book value of PUDA. I need only to deduct an estimated RMB184 million ($27.7 million) in placement fees and accrued interest on the CITIC loan from the book value of Shanxi Coal, bringing its book value down to $223.3 million. Since PUDA shareholders now only own 45.9% of Shanxi Coal, multiplying $223.3 million by 45.9% gives a value of $102.5 million for PUDA’s Shanxi Coal investment. Dividing $102.5 million that by 30.02 million PUDA shares outstanding at 12/31/10 values PUDA at $3.41 per share.

There is significant risk of default due to the very high leverage and servicing cost of the $530.3 million 14.5% debt of Shanxi Coal. Annual interest and fees on the loan total $76.9 million USD, more than twice times the $34 million EBIT PUDA generated from operations in 2010. Even if Shanxi Coal can grow its profit by 80% in 2011 (as CFO Laby Wu claimed here) to $61.2 million, this growth is insufficient to cover 2011’s $76.9 million interest expense implying Shanxi Coal may incur an operating loss in 2011.

Shanxi Coal is now racing to dramatically increase coal production and profitability from its mines before it defaults on the massive debt load. A default could force the transfer of the pledged shares to CITIC and result in a total loss for PUDA’s U.S. investors. Given the risks, I believe PUDA deserves to be valued at a discount to the $3.41 value of its Shanxi Coal investment.

Apparently, CITIC agrees with me, since the $37.12 million price CITIC paid for their 49% of Shanxi Coal divided by 19.82 million PUDA shares outstanding at the end of the third quarter (when the acquisition occurred) equals only a $1.91 per share valuation.

The average of the valuation CITIC paid ($1.91) and the book value of PUDA’s investment in Shanxi Coal ($3.41) is $2.66. Considering the 2009 and 2010 audited financials can no longer be relied upon, and more importantly, the complete lack of internal control that allowed Chairman Zhao to first steal the company, then sell half the company (pocketing the proceeds) and then pledge the other half of the company to a Chinese PE fund while piling on $530.3 million of 14.5% debt, I strongly believe $2.66 is the most this stock is worth today.

Note: I would like to thank GeoInvesting LLC for obtaining official copies of all the ownership, loan and share pledge records that I cited and linked in this report.

Disclosure: I am short PUDA.
5 : GS(14)@2012-02-25 13:44:04

http://labemp.files.wordpress.co ... -on-sep-10-2009.pdf

http://labemp.files.wordpress.co ... -on-jul-29-2010.pdf
http://labemp.files.wordpress.co ... -on-jan-26-2011.pdf

http://labemp.files.wordpress.co ... wnership-record.pdf
6 : GS(14)@2012-02-25 13:47:15

Puda Coal, Inc.


Abbey Spanier Rodd & Abrams, LLP has filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on behalf of a class consisting of all persons or entities who purchased the securities of Puda Coal, Inc. ("Puda" or the "Company") (Nasdaq:PUDA - News), between November 13, 2009, and April 11, 2011, inclusive (the "Class Period").

The complaint charges Puda and certain of its officers and executives with violations of the Exchange Act. Puda describes itself as a leading supplier of premium high grade cleaned coal used to produce coke for steel manufacturing in China.

The complaint alleges that, throughout the Class Period, defendants failed to disclose material adverse facts about the Company's true financial condition, business and prospects. Among other things, the complaint alleges: (i) that, prior to the beginning of the Class Period, certain of the individual defendants fraudulently transferred Puda's ownership interest to defendant Ming Zhao; (ii) that Puda was nothing more than a shell company during the Class Period; (iii) that Puda's reported operating results and financial condition were materially overstated; (iv) that Puda's financial statements were not fairly presented in conformity with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and were materially false and misleading; and (v) that, based on the foregoing, defendants lacked a reasonable basis for their positive statements about the Company, its prospects and growth.

On April 8, 2011, Puda issued a press release announcing that it was currently reviewing the allegations regarding improper share transactions by defendant Ming Zhao, which were published in an article entitled "Puda Coal Chairman Secretly Sold Half the Company and Pledged the Other Half to Chinese PE Investors". In reaction to the article and the Company's press release, shares of the Company's stock declined more than 34% on April 8, 2011, on extremely heavy trading volume.

On April 11, 2011, Puda announced that it had launched a full investigation into the allegations raised in the article alleging various unauthorized transactions in the shares of a subsidiary company, Shanxi Coal. The April 11, 2011 press release noted that, "[a]lthough the investigation is in its preliminary stages, evidence supports the allegation that there were transfers by Mr. Zhao in subsidiary ownership that were inconsistent with disclosure made by the Company in its public securities filings. Mr. Zhao has agreed to a voluntarily [sic] leave of absence as Chairman of the Board of the Company until the investigation is complete."

In response to the above announcement, trading in the Company's stock was halted on April 11, 2011.

Plaintiff seeks to recover damages on behalf of all purchasers of the common stock of Puda during the Class Period (the "Class").

If you would like more information about this case please contact:

Nancy Kaboolian
[email protected]

James S. Burrell, II
[email protected]
7 : GS(14)@2012-02-25 13:47:27

8 : GS(14)@2012-02-25 13:48:20

http://www.businessweek.com/news ... lleges-in-suit.html
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USTRE81L1H620120223
9 : greatsoup38(830)@2012-02-25 18:21:37

[ 普大煤業負責人回應稱,該起糾紛緣於公司私有化過程中未能與股東達成一致所致,並稱公司目前已在美國應訴 ]





2011年4月,署名為「Alfred Little」的作者在博客上發表文章,指出趙明為融資收購,將該公司在中國的運營實體山西煤業的49%股權出售並且抵押剩下的51%股權,使普大煤業成為空殼,且未對美國投資者就上述交易進行披露。一時間,普大煤業的資產騰挪成為市場關注的焦點。








因此,Alfred Little在博文中指出:「趙明賣空了普大煤業在中國境內的資產,把一家美國公眾公司的資產變成了其私有財產,這意味著對美國投資者而言,普大煤業什麼都不剩了。」


10 : 鱷不群(1248)@2012-02-26 23:17:08


http://sdinotice.hkex.com.hk/di/ ... AIN&lang=ZH&sa2p=2&
11 : P4EVER(23901)@2012-03-03 08:56:38


I hope you speak english, since I do not speak mandarin (unfortunately).

I've noticed that you lately posted many info about Puda Inc. and KSE. I hate do admit that it was really interesting to read it.

I was wondering if you are a Puda Inc. shareholder? or if you are doing it just for research purposes.

Anyway, if you are if you are interested, I could give you some more pieces of info about this story. You did an incredibly good job at summarizing what happened with Triumph Fund A, and how Ming Zhao was able to gain access to the HK market (by mean of a reverse merger ... the company was then renamed KSE).

I have some interesting info on Triumph Fund A1, and recent resignations of two CITIC executives from King Stone Energy
I really hope that you are interested,

maybe we could mutually profit from getting in touch.

have a nice week end

To contact me you can drop me a private message on this forum. of you can contact me at [email protected]
12 : greatsoup38(830)@2012-03-03 18:44:27

I have sent a mail to you, have you received yet?
13 : P4EVER(23901)@2012-03-03 21:32:22

received! ... are you the same person ? .... greatsoup38 = greatsoup ?

same person ... 2 aliases? ...
14 : greatsoup38(830)@2012-03-03 22:00:42

greatsoup38 is another alias in this forum...They are same person
15 : P4EVER(23901)@2012-03-03 22:29:51

I just sent you an e-mail
16 : GS(14)@2012-03-05 22:13:04

http://www.ecitic.com/UserFiles/ ... x/zxjxhjmt1tjxx.pdf
17 : GS(14)@2012-03-05 22:13:16

18 : P4EVER(23901)@2012-03-13 00:51:18

Is Shanxi Puda Coal issuing misleading PRs in the PRC to restore its reputation?

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=277925

TVB幕後話事人 盛傳已久終浮面 周顯

1 : GS(14)@2015-04-24 12:34:06

http://www.mpfinance.com/htm/fin ... mnist/en30_en30.htm



大家樂降檔 大快活應升檔



[周顯 投資二三事]
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1 : GS(14)@2016-03-05 01:26:33







來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/entertainment/art/20160304/19515237
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1 : GS(14)@2017-01-19 08:07:56

【特朗普就職 家庭篇】美國新任總統特朗普明日就職,出身商賈的他,沒有顯赫的政治家族撐腰,但甫涉足政壇,即沿用經營家族生意的一套,實行家族政治,由競選以至籌組新政府,處處可見他女兒伊萬卡(Ivanka)與女婿庫什納(Jared Kushner)的身影,後者已被委任為白宮高級顧問。有輿論甚至相信庫什納夫婦將成為白宮的實際話事人。



儘管伊萬卡至今未獲特朗普指派公職,她已宣佈不再參與家族生意和個人時裝品牌營運,此舉既為擔任白宮高級顧問的丈夫避嫌,亦被指是為自己將在白宮身居要職鋪路,而她本人亦表明對教育、兒童、婦女創業及就業議題充滿熱誠。伊萬卡在新舊政府交接期間已致電國會議員,討論為保障兒童和減稅立法,又與關注氣候變化的影星里安納度狄卡比奧會面,令外界猜測她或會成為特朗普的「氣候沙皇」。特朗普對36歲女婿庫什納亦寵信有加,在競選中命他負責數碼策略、協調特朗普接觸外國領袖等,上周任命他為白宮高級顧問,專責中東和貿易事務,並擔當白宮與商界聯絡的中間人。他的影響力甚至足以改變特朗普的人事任命,如原本獲委任為過渡團隊主席的新澤西州州長克里斯蒂(Chris Christie),有傳就是因早年當檢察官時起訴庫什納的父親,令他最終被攆出過渡團隊。


美國有線新聞網絡(CNN)記者霍塞恩(Anushay Hossain)認為,庫什納和伊萬卡儼如華盛頓最具影響力的夫婦,連候任總統高級顧問康韋(Kellyanne Conway)、候任白宮幕僚長普里伯斯(Reince Priebus)和候任首席智囊及高級顧問班農(Steve Bannon)等親信也望塵莫及。「梅拉尼婭和特朗普堅持盡量少花時間留在華盛頓,令伊萬卡和庫什納將成為實際上的美國第一夫婦,行使比史上任何第一女兒和女婿更多權力。」就算庫什納的任命最終被否決、伊萬卡沒有被委以官方職銜,他倆仍會在特朗普身邊出謀獻策。相比下,梅拉尼婭異常低調,不會隨特朗普遷入白宮,只會留居在紐約照顧幼子,外界相信伊萬卡將代她履行第一夫人大部份職務。而白宮東翼的第一夫人辦公室,則有傳將改為第一家庭辦公室,以配合「家天下」的新政府,但特朗普團隊否認。美國有線新聞網絡/《蘋果》資料室


【伊雲娜Ivana Trump】■特朗普在1977年迎娶捷克出生前滑雪運動員兼模特兒伊雲娜,誕兩子一女,1992年因男方出軌而離婚。

【梅普爾斯 Marla Maples】■特朗普與女演員梅普爾斯在1993年結婚,婚姻僅維持6年,育有一女。

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20170119/19901114
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=323221


1 : GS(14)@2017-07-07 02:42:04




來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20170705/20079263
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=338283

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