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借爆按揭 套現未夠還債

1 : GS(14)@2014-02-26 12:46:27



忠誠拍賣行昨日再拍賣瓏璽2座21樓B室銀主盤,實用1,061方呎,以2,100萬元售出,實呎約19,793元,較銀行估價2,400萬元,低300萬元或12.5%。據悉買家為大埔康樂園業主,見上址低於市價,索性買入自住。土地註冊處資料顯示,上述單位業主張智勇(Zhang Zhiyong)持內地證件,2011年以2,358.09萬元買入上述單位。


資料又顯示,張智勇買入單位後,先後承造多達四次按揭,其中第三次及第四次更向持有內地身份證的同胞救亡,分別向梁國強(Liang Guoqiang)借800萬元,以及向黃國華(Huang Guohua)借1,500萬元。到2013年12月更被管理公司追討管理費,最終上月被銀行收回單位,今個月在拍賣行進行拍賣。張智勇今次就算能夠套現2,100萬元,仍無法償還所有債務。
2 : ideal(34344)@2014-02-26 14:13:01

recently there are definitely a lot more interesting properties at attractive price for sale...
3 : 肥B(18468)@2014-02-26 15:18:56

recently there are definitely a lot more interesting properties at attractive price for sale...

咁多D睇下樓, 合心水個業主又手緊咪有機會低於市價成交~~
4 : Sunny^_^(11601)@2014-02-27 09:23:45

5 : ideal(34344)@2014-02-27 09:34:21

recently there are definitely a lot more interesting properties at attractive price for sale...

咁多D睇下樓, 合心水個業主又手緊咪有機會低於市價成交~~

from what I see, still quite a bit of pent-up demand. not easy to find those 10% discount as mentioned in the newsapaper...
6 : 肥B(18468)@2014-02-27 09:59:33

recently there are definitely a lot more interesting properties at attractive price for sale...

咁多D睇下樓, 合心水個業主又手緊咪有機會低於市價成交~~

from what I see, still quite a bit of pent-up demand. not easy to find those 10% discount as mentioned in the newsapaper...

實際市場的情況通常都係唔能夠完全反映, 有說「近水樓台先得月」及「朝中有人好辦事」

市場的第一手資訊, 當然會由前線參與交易的人仕最為清楚, 所以有家人/朋友(當然係要信得過啦)係做代理的話, 就會可以更清楚當下樓市的「溫度」同及時得悉減價盤的消息~~
7 : ideal(34344)@2014-02-27 10:18:05

in the last week, I saw three attractive properties. one is a blind auction for a foreclosure. I was the second highest bidder (with >10 bidders) and the highest bidder is 20% more than my bid!
8 : 肥B(18468)@2014-02-27 10:24:42

in the last week, I saw three attractive properties. one is a blind auction for a foreclosure. I was the second highest bidder (with >10 bidders) and the highest bidder is 20% more than my bid!

but what is teh difference between the "marcket parice" & the highest bid price?

It should be a bit lower than the market price which are within 5-10%?
9 : ideal(34344)@2014-02-27 10:27:44

there is really no market price for the properties I am looking at, mostly because the transaction volume is so low and the bank is not leading. even for those properties, there is still a lot of demand..
10 : 肥B(18468)@2014-02-27 10:33:06

yup, that's why the press or some articles said "Hong Kong is full of rich people" to support the property market......

Let's wait~~
11 : ideal(34344)@2014-02-27 11:11:39

yes and no, on the other hand, most buyers are really newly-weds, or going to marry soon...
12 : qt(2571)@2014-03-02 06:55:00

賣家唔通係溫洲幚?! 但溫洲幚或強國人唔興借按揭買樓ga喎.

http://www.28hse.com/news/news_m ... 5%A0%B4&newsid=8424
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