Harry和Sally是同期考進銀行的儲備幹部,試用期間Sally發現Harry向主管John報告時特別能讓他頻頻回應。她私下向Harry討教後才明白,原來他善用「畫面感」說法吸引對方注意。如何用「畫面感」英文讓聽者連連點頭?以下試舉3例。 【情境A】自從我接下這個工作後,就一直如履薄冰。 【一般說法】I have been very careful ever since I took this job. 【畫面說法】I have been walking on eggs ever since I took this job. 解析:你對這份工作有多在意?若是猶如每天走在蛋殼上,深怕一不小心蛋就破了,這麼有「畫面感」的說法,肯定能讓聽者明瞭你的用心。 例句:Everyone walks on eggs whenever someone from the head office makes an inspection. (每當總公司派人來視察時,大家都戰戰兢兢。)[情境B]競爭很激烈,我知道我必須使出渾身解數。 [一般說法]Since competition is intense,I know I have to work very hard. [畫面說法]Since competition is intense,I know I have to try the whole bag of tricks. 解析:Work hard是老梗到不行的說法,而且通常無法讓人真正體悟到底有多辛苦,不如說成「把袋子裡的所有法寶都亮出來」清楚、有力。 例句:You'll have to try the whole bag of tricks if you want to win this job. (如果你想得到這份工作,就必須把十八般武藝全使出來。)[情境C]明天就要上台簡報了,我超焦慮! [一般說法]I'll give a presentation tomorrow.I'm so nervous! [畫面說法]I'll give a presentation tomorrow.I'm about to pull my hair out! 解析:nervous是抽象形容詞,聽在別人耳裡,絕對比不上快把頭髮扯光的威受強烈。to pull/tear one's hair out這句慣用語表示「生氣、抓狂」,頗具情緒咸染力。 例句:My supervisor wilI tear her hair out if I don't get the project back on schedule. (如果我沒有讓案子跟上進度,主管真的要抓狂了。) 撰文者湯名潔 | ||