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開學收心!study mode啟動

2015-08-31  TCW

【back to school淺談】

● to get back into study mode 開學收心A:Look at your gorgeous tan! You must have had a great time at the beaches.(你曬得真好看!一定是去海邊玩得很愉快。)B:Thanks! But getting back into study mode after the long break is tough.(謝啦!但是長假之後收心可難了。)

● to distract 分心A:I need to turn off the video games, or I'll get distracted. (我非得關掉遊戲不可,否則會分心。)B:Me too! We'll be back to sitting in class, and we need to focus. (我也是!我們要重回教室,也要重拾注意力。

● to replenish 補充、備足A:How much is your budget for replenishing school supplies?(你學校用品的補貨預算是多少?)B:Besides the necessities, I am thinking about buying a tablet.(除了必要用品,我還想買一台平板電腦。)


1. shopping list:購物清單2. saving tips:省錢秘招3. essentials:必需品4. to get back into work mode:上班族長假收心


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