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Hong Kong Retail Stock - English, finding and defining the subject.

英文教學: 在一段/句英文中如何找到主語呢?

"Sa Sa, the largest cosmetics store chain in Hong Kong, is expected to bear the brunt. Li said the rebound in its share price cannot be sustained despite its Tuesday rally of 6.5 per cent."

The part highlighted yellow was referring to the subject "Sa Sa"; The Green referring the subject will be the rebound in Sa Sa's share price, while the light blue areas are extra information for the subject of describing the "rebound level" of the share price. Remember it is the rebound of share price consider as the subject instead of just share price or Sa Sa's share.

"Multi-brand fashion house I.T limited jumped 3.61 per cent to HK$2.58 on Tuesday, but Li said speculation was behind the rebound."

SCMP report last viewed 23:44 on June 2, 2016 : http://www.linkbucks.com/0j8Y
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=198540

堅持用Oxford English冬叔:我受英國殖民地教育嘛

1 : GS(14)@2017-03-04 10:18:30

冬叔不時夾雜講英文,字正腔圓:「我喺英國殖民地出生同受教育,我係講Oxford English,有尾音㗎。?家嘅人鍾意講Chinese English,覺得溝通到就得,有啲嘢要堅持。」冬叔生活充實,更與不同朋友開了多個WhatsApp群組吹水:「知吓身邊發生緊嘅大事,好似林鄭高票入閘、劉鑾雄分身家、王衛(順豐創辦人)身家追過李嘉誠呀。」冬叔大搞爛gag講戲癮,「90歲都有戲癮,問題係夠唔夠氣啫!」他心郁郁想演出:「無綫獨大、ViuTV又『炒雜碎』,奇妙(電視)都唔知點奇妙法,所以好難。」

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/entertainment/art/20170304/19947402
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=327753

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