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《新概念英語》應該包括中國的故事 張化橋


三十多年前,我在學習《新概念英語》時,特別喜歡其中的一篇文章:A Puma At Large(一隻美洲虎從動物園跑掉了)。

最近,我讀英國文化協會前主席Gerald Lemos 去年出版的書:中國夢的終結(The Eng of The ChineseDream)。其中兩段,也許可以加到《新概念英語》裡面。

其中一段描寫他到重慶農村參觀。當地政府"安排"了一戶農家接待他,但是,那個安排太粗糙,一看就知道做假,做得太低級:床墊上的塑料包裝尚未取下來,電視機和音箱都是尚未用過的。參觀時,氣氛太緊張了!他因為被騙,所以一言不發。.... 終於,當地的陪同官員鬆了一口氣:參觀完畢了,吃飯的時間到了。好酒好菜由納稅人買單,怕什麼?他寫道:

The couple who had been instructed to say they lived thereconfirmed that they still farmed a small plot of land. They werealso attending the skills training centre in the village. All inall, they claimed implausibly, they were quite happy with howthings had turned out. My incredulity was expressed inuncharacteristic silence...(In their house,) an enormous televisionand a stereo with huge speakers looked similarly virgin...Theplastic wrapping had not been removed from themattress....(Finally,) the local officials were relieved that thevisit had passed off uneventfully and delighted that they could nowjoin in an excellent meal along with plenty of alcohol at officialexpense; paid for in other words by taxes on the universally poorlocal people.


Behind these closed doors business dinners and banquets take placeout of sight of prying eyes. Relationships are established;promises made; Party officials wooed; bribes agreed; dealsdone.


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