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漲停板!你clean up了嗎?

2016-03-28  TCW

最近,Jenny聊起投資的股票已經連續幾天漲停板,話還沒說完,Bob忽然插嘴問:Did you clean up? Jenny不知為何他要問起大掃除,一時語塞。其實,clean up意指「大撈一筆」,美語中講到「賺大錢」有幾個特殊用語,分述如下。

to clean up 大撈一筆解析:to clean up最常見的意思確實是大掃除,但談到投資,也常被老美用來表示「賺很多錢」。

例句:During the period of economic recession, few people can clean up in real estate trading.

(在經濟不景氣時期,很少人能夠買賣房地產賺很多錢。)to rake in the dough大發橫財解析:rake是耙子,後面加上介系詞in就是大量取得(錢財)之意:dough的原意是生麵糰,常用衍生意為現金,rake in the dough就是「大賺、暴富」之意。

例句:A Iittle bird told me that Henry has raked in the dough in the future market recently.(有人告訴我,亨利最近在期貨市場發了一筆大財。

to make a bundle 發大財解析:bundle是指一大捆,to make a bundle就是指「賺了一大捆錢」。此外,像make a killing、make a fortune、make a packet、make a mint等,都是指發大財。

例旬:l made a bundIe in the stock market today.The three different stocks I bought rose simultaneously. (我今天在股市大有斬獾,手上的3支股票都飆漲。)


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