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2015-12-14  TWM

十二月二日,臉書創辦人馬克.祖克柏公開寫給女兒麥克絲(Max)的家書。祖克柏的父愛「愛屋及烏」,為了讓女兒長大後,能活在比現在更平等、美好的世界 裡,他誓言捐出99%臉書股份,要打造永續環境、開發人類潛能、伸張弱勢族群的權利。最終,這位網路巨人認為,要建立這樣的世界,網路仍是不可或缺的重要 拼圖。

Our hopes for your generation focus on two ideas: advancing human potential and promoting equality. Can we harness more clean energy so you can invent things we can’t conceive of today while protecting the environment?Can we truly empower everyone — women, children, underrepresented minorities, immigrants and the unconnected?Many of the greatest opportunities for your generation will come from giving everyone access to the internet.For the majority of people in the world, the internet can be a lifeline.

我們期盼在你這一代,可以實現兩件事情:開發人類潛能和推廣平權。我們能否使用更多的乾淨能源?那麼在未來,你就能在顧及環保的前提下,發明出現今世界無 法想像的東西。我們是不是真的可以讓每個人享有更好的權利,包括女性、孩子、少數族裔、移民與邊緣族群?你們這一代的絕佳機會,萌生於「網路連結每個人」 的環境。而對世上多數人來說,網路,會是一條生命線。

harness /ˋhɑrnɪs/ (v.) 利用、治理例句:We harness the solar power to boil the eggs.


empower / ɪmˋpaʊ/ (v.)賦予某人某種權力、使自主例句:The first step in empowering people is making sure they get fair education.


lifeline /ˋlaɪflaɪn/ (n.) 生命線例句:For many modern families the technology products could be their lifeline.


撰文 / 蔡曜蓮


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