就在1月16日,蔡英文創下台灣史上第一位女總統紀錄;3月,緬甸可能推選翁山蘇姬坐上總統大座;年底的美國總統大選,希拉蕊也有贏面。女力崛起(women thrive)在政治、經濟舞台上擔綱越來越強勢角色,會與傳統男性社會有何不同?且拭目以待。
【女力崛起淺談】 to thrive 成長、茁壯A:Hey, finally we had our first female president! (欸,我們終於有了第一位女總統。)B:Women thrive worldwide and are gaining power they never had before. (在全世界各地,女力崛起正取得前所未有的權力。)to embrace 欣然接受A:I guess most people have embraced the concept of a woman as national leader. (我猜多數人已欣然接受女人擔任國家領導人。)B:With SO many dilemmas ahead.her role as president wiII be a challenging job. (隨著眼前諸多待解難題.她的總統一角頗具挑戰。)to lag behind 落後A:Following the rise to power of global female presidents,we’re not 1agging behind the trend. (繼全球女總統崛起之路,我們毫不落人後。)B:I beIieve that we’ll have more high-profile women in politiCS in the future. (我相信未來政治上會有更多耀眼的女性。) [延伸關鍵字] 1.womenomics:女性經濟學2.gender issue:性別議題3.to strive:努力、奮鬥,意近to thrive 撰文者 周強 |