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藍籌股是甚麼? What are blue chips? Daily Speculation

藍籌股是甚麼? What are blue chips?

 藍籌股票這個說法源於賭場,在賭場當中往往以藍色籌碼為最高的面額籌碼,因此在股票市場上面,就是指市值(MARKET CAPITALIZATION)最高的股票。市值就是股價乘以所有已發行的股票,在世界的股票市場上,最大市值的股票就是蘋果公司,市值 為$599.34*9.32億股,大概5400億美金,因此現時,蘋果就是藍籌中的藍籌。 The saying of blue chip originated from the casinos. In the casinos, the highest denomination chip is usually the chip in blue, therefore, blue chip stocks are stocks with the highest market capitalization. Market Capitalization is calculated by Share Price multiplied by all issued shares. As of now, the highest market capitalized stock is Apple, with an overall market cap of 540 billion. Therefore, Apple is the blue chip of blue chip.

 一般來說藍籌股是一些擁有良好聲譽,運作比較透明,相對一般公司較高的信用度和可靠性,企業比較穩定和歷史比較悠久的公司組成。 這是一個約定俗成的規則。道瓊斯工業平均指數就包含這些公司。包括大家熟悉的可口可樂,卡夫食品,波音,微軟等等。 Broadly speaking, blue chips stocks are companies that have a good reputation, a relatively transparent operation, higher level of reliability, stronger excitability and more solid company fundamentals. The definition of blue chip is very vague, yet these are the main criteria when people consider whether a stock is a blue chip or not. The very famous Dow Jones Industrial Average contains 30 of these companies, Coca Cola, Kraft, Microsoft etc...

藍籌股還有一個比較少人提及的特性,就是藍籌股普遍流通性比較大,所謂流通性就是能夠買賣的容易度。流通性高的股票主要由於有大量的買家或賣家,所以相對 的擁有權比較分散,持有的人沒有那麼集中,所以買賣的價格也比較分散,每一個價格都有人想賣一部分的股票。因此假如有資金想購入這一些沒有那麼集中的股份 也比較容易,以致每一次價格變動也比較少,因為每一個不同的價格都有一定程度的人放售,價格的波動也較少。如果擁有權相對集中的話,股票持有人的個人買賣 意願就會有更大的影響,因此股票也就波動比較大。 One of the less noted and yet significant criteria of blue chip stock is higher liquidity. Liquidity is the ease of share buying and selling. A higher liquidity signifies a large amount of buyers and sellers, as the ownership is not very concentrated and the stock ownership is more diverse, the ability and willingness of selling will be spread-ed across different prices.Therefore, it will be easier for capital to acquire such shares from the market without making a huge impact on the price, because there are sellers of the shares at different price level, therefore price fluctuation is more stable. Vice Versa, if the stocks ownership is highly consolidated, the sellers personal preference will have a higher impact on the individual stock. Therefore the stock will have higher volatility as the selling action is not as spread-ed.

一個流通性很好的例子就是夏天買聖誕燈與聖誕節買聖誕燈。在夏天買聖誕燈,由於一般地方很少有賣,由於沒有其他參考價格,也不知道有多少消費者購買聖誕 燈,也不知道他們願意付出多少錢來購買,因此不同的店鋪的標價會相差很遠,因此價格波動比較大。在這個情況下,如果我要大量購入聖誕燈,我買入的價錢也會 有大差別有些$150, 有些$300 有些$700 諸如此類。但是如果冬天買聖誕燈,店鋪的供應相對比較多,因此價格波動比較少,由於有其他店鋪的售價作為參考,因此不同店鋪的差價會比較少,在這個情況 下,如果我要大量購入聖誕燈,我買的價錢差距也會比較少,大概$250 到 $400 左右,比起在夏天買聖誕燈就更有機會以接近市價的方式購入,更少機會撿到便宜貨或被詐取金錢。
 A good example of liquidity will be buying Christmas lights in winter and buying Christmas lights in summer. When you are buying Christmas light in the summer, there are not a lot of places offering it, the price thus is relatively unstable. As there are no reference to the price provided by other competitors and the sellers are finding a hard time assessing the demand for Christmas lights at different prices therefore, Different shops will likely offer the Christmas lights at vastly different prices, therefore if I am going to buy a lot of Christmas lights, my entry price will be vastly different, from as low as $150 to as high as $700. This exhibits an example of low liquidity. Whereas in winter, the liquidity of Christmas light is higher, there will be more supply from sellers, different shops will have supply at different prices, therefore price is more stable. As there are reference from other shops, price differentiation between shops will be lower, from around $250 to $400. In this case, if I am going to purchase a lot of Christmas lights, my entry price will be very close. Compared with buying Christmas lights in the winter, I am more likely to buy Christmas light at the average price rather than the being ripped off and getting a bargain.

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fatlone’s view: 機會要來了, are you ready? fatlone's investment paradise


股市不斷下跌, 仍在股海浮沉的我, 是不會放棄研究股票的。

現在不是入市好時機, 但一定是研究股票的好時候。

現時手上只剩下兩股: #3899 中集安瑞科 和 #81 中國海外宏洋集團, 前者是賭LNG概念, 後者是跟風(有很多blog界強人都持有, 而又不是有很多blogger持有, 數據又確實強勁下, 趁這波回調建倉的, 沒有對#81有很深認識, 未能分享更多 (但我希望有留意#81的朋友可以留言分享, 謝謝)

這一輪經濟下行勢態, 使兩樣東西下跌, 產生了「機會」

1) 股市跌, 估值降低, 股價變得更低, 這點不用多談

2) 原材料價格下跌, 這一點是我想多著墨的地方

經濟變差已成事實, 但1)不代表所有企業的生意都會轉差, 而2)料價下跌對原料成本佔比高的企業來說可以令盈利大爆發

會計sir的推介華能國際#902就是個好例子, 以下是來自他的啟發

#902做的是公用事業, 沒有一個行業比它更穩定, 營收理應不會受這波行情影響, 符合1)的條件, 其次煤價佔成本份額很重, 煤價下跌數個百分點足以明顯改善毛利率, 加上電價有向上調的空間, 又是另一增長動力, 2)都符合了。(加上新加坡的電廠開始貢獻盈利, 增長又快一點, 只要利息不上升, 高槓杆運作的#902業績就不會出事, 其實我沒有研究過#902)

依照此思路, 市場理應有一些潛力股等待我們發掘, 要更加努力做功課才行!

其實我手上的#3899, 應是受惠股之一



我相信這裡的原材料主要由鋼價構成, 原材料佔銷售成本高達87.9%, 粗略估算佔公司整體支出的7成以上, 我在篇寫此文在google「鋼價」的新聞全都帶有「下跌」和「創新低」等字眼, 我相信#3899是受惠者之一。

經濟下行, 會使產品降價影響營收嗎? 我認為#3899的產品售價可以維持不用大跌, 因公司在各分部業務的市佔都很高, 本身產品都不貴, 而自己都是cost leader, 其他對手可以減價的空間理應更少。不過, 訂單會否減少就說不準了, 這就是風險所在。化工與食品裝備會否「出事」? 能源分部可以單天保至尊嗎? 有很多個可能性… 要看近期有沒有company reports更新一下。

我一直想繼續加注#3899, 可惜我真的看不通它的業績, 最新的業績來自其母公司中集集團的2012Q1季報, 旗下的能化及食品裝備營業額達19.91億人民幣, 這個數字大概就是#3899的Q1業績。但第二季的經濟前景變差了很多, 而目前市況忍手應屬上策, 始終不是無限子彈, 可以吸一百幾十注仍有力再買…

(更新1: 根據這份report, 罐式集裝箱的訂單已排滿至2012上半年, 所以化工裝備分部的收入應有一定保障, 食品裝備所佔的純利並不高, 而公司亦是在該領域的國際龍頭, 即使要虧蝕都沒有太大空間, 希望我沒有看錯)


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You’ve got to find who you are. 海濱政經述-橡谷智庫

來源: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_608e1afd0102vojo.html














      You’ve got to find who you are。

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Are you ready?


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藍籌股是甚麼? What are blue chips?

藍籌股是甚麼? What are blue chips?

 藍籌股票這個說法源於賭場,在賭場當中往往以藍色籌碼為最高的面額籌碼,因此在股票市場上面,就是指市值(MARKET CAPITALIZATION)最高的股票。市值就是股價乘以所有已發行的股票,在世界的股票市場上,最大市值的股票就是蘋果公司,市值為$599.34*9.32億股,大概5400億美金,因此現時,蘋果就是藍籌中的藍籌。 The saying of blue chip originated from the casinos. In the casinos, the highest denomination chip is usually the chip in blue, therefore, blue chip stocks are stocks with the highest market capitalization. Market Capitalization is calculated by Share Price multiplied by all issued shares. As of now, the highest market capitalized stock is Apple, with an overall market cap of 540 billion. Therefore, Apple is the blue chip of blue chip.

 一般來說藍籌股是一些擁有良好聲譽,運作比較透明,相對一般公司較高的信用度和可靠性,企業比較穩定和歷史比較悠久的公司組成。 這是一個約定俗成的規則。道瓊斯工業平均指數就包含這些公司。包括大家熟悉的可口可樂,卡夫食品,波音,微軟等等。 Broadly speaking, blue chips stocks are companies that have a good reputation, a relatively transparent operation, higher level of reliability, stronger excitability and more solid company fundamentals. The definition of blue chip is very vague, yet these are the main criteria when people consider whether a stock is a blue chip or not. The very famous Dow Jones Industrial Average contains 30 of these companies, Coca Cola, Kraft, Microsoft etc...

藍籌股還有一個比較少人提及的特性,就是藍籌股普遍流通性比較大,所謂流通性就是能夠買賣的容易度。流通性高的股票主要由於有大量的買家或賣家,所以相對的擁有權比較分散,持有的人沒有那麼集中,所以買賣的價格也比較分散,每一個價格都有人想賣一部分的股票。因此假如有資金想購入這一些沒有那麼集中的股份也比較容易,以致每一次價格變動也比較少,因為每一個不同的價格都有一定程度的人放售,價格的波動也較少。如果擁有權相對集中的話,股票持有人的個人買賣意願就會有更大的影響,因此股票也就波動比較大。 One of the less noted and yet significant criteria of blue chip stock is higher liquidity. Liquidity is the ease of share buying and selling. A higher liquidity signifies a large amount of buyers and sellers, as the ownership is not very concentrated and the stock ownership is more diverse, the ability and willingness of selling will be spread-ed across different prices.Therefore, it will be easier for capital to acquire such shares from the market without making a huge impact on the price, because there are sellers of the shares at different price level, therefore price fluctuation is more stable. Vice Versa, if the stocks ownership is highly consolidated, the sellers personal preference will have a higher impact on the individual stock. Therefore the stock will have higher volatility as the selling action is not as spread-ed.

一個流通性很好的例子就是夏天買聖誕燈與聖誕節買聖誕燈。在夏天買聖誕燈,由於一般地方很少有賣,由於沒有其他參考價格,也不知道有多少消費者購買聖誕燈,也不知道他們願意付出多少錢來購買,因此不同的店鋪的標價會相差很遠,因此價格波動比較大。在這個情況下,如果我要大量購入聖誕燈,我買入的價錢也會有大差別有些$150, 有些$300 有些$700 諸如此類。但是如果冬天買聖誕燈,店鋪的供應相對比較多,因此價格波動比較少,由於有其他店鋪的售價作為參考,因此不同店鋪的差價會比較少,在這個情況下,如果我要大量購入聖誕燈,我買的價錢差距也會比較少,大概$250 到 $400 左右,比起在夏天買聖誕燈就更有機會以接近市價的方式購入,更少機會撿到便宜貨或被詐取金錢。
 A good example of liquidity will be buying Christmas lights in winter and buying Christmas lights in summer. When you are buying Christmas light in the summer, there are not a lot of places offering it, the price thus is relatively unstable. As there are no reference to the price provided by other competitors and the sellers are finding a hard time assessing the demand for Christmas lights at different prices therefore, Different shops will likely offer the Christmas lights at vastly different prices, therefore if I am going to buy a lot of Christmas lights, my entry price will be vastly different, from as low as $150 to as high as $700. This exhibits an example of low liquidity. Whereas in winter, the liquidity of Christmas light is higher, there will be more supply from sellers, different shops will have supply at different prices, therefore price is more stable. As there are reference from other shops, price differentiation between shops will be lower, from around $250 to $400. In this case, if I am going to purchase a lot of Christmas lights, my entry price will be very close. Compared with buying Christmas lights in the winter, I am more likely to buy Christmas light at the average price rather than the being ripped off and getting a bargain.

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File#599 creatures that are oblivious to the past...

原載《東Touch》1065期 (27Oct2015)
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Donald, you are fired!




Donald 1974年继承老爸40M,

1982年當時Forbes 估計他有200M, 他說有500M,  
最近Forbes 估他有4.1B, 他又說自己有10B.

但1982年若只買SP500 ETF, 然後每天打呼嚕,1982年的1元便可獲40元.

Donald 有一個10B 的王國,也不可能是傻的。

但表現長期跑輸大市, 如果他是基金經理, 好多人會說:

You are fired!

......................................................................................................................... ..................................
 **** 免責聲明 本站純屬個人網誌, 用於表達個人意見和經驗分享, 在任何情況下, 不應被視為閣下任何行動、包括投資的建議, 也不構成要約、招攬、邀請、誘使、建議或推薦,本人無法保證網誌內容的真確性和完整性。閣下必須運用個人獨立思考能力自行求證和分析, 並且明白閣下一切的投資決定以及該投資決定引致的收益或損失,概與本人無涉
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《天水圍的日與夜(The Way We Are)》:This is the way I was


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[余大千]What we are reading: Paranormality

1 : GS(14)@2012-01-07 14:08:54

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What we are reading:中女看民主

1 : GS(14)@2012-01-14 00:06:53

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