Clemencia Manansala Gallagher v Azure Trustees Ltd
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GS(14)@2011-03-19 12:57:08
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GS(14)@2011-03-19 13:15:00「法官正確地觀察到極差的方法利用可行的角度用以便利異於解讀信託工具。事實上,信託工具充滿著複雜的設計。..很明顯地,這樣信託工具被廣泛用於花旗私人銀行的服務標準上」
"The judge correctly observed that poor draftsmanship provided considerable scope for advancing different interpretations of the trust instrument. In fact, the trust instrument bristles with difficulties of construction....Apparently, the trust instrument is widely used as a standard precedent for Citigroup Private Banking"