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投資與賭博(已更新) CUP








昨日瀏覽市場先生為谷主的 newsgroup《價值投資谷》,發現不少發言的版友已不再相信價值投資。






對於我自己來講,即使沽空都可能是價值投資(只不過將低買高賣的過程掉轉來做。但要記住,做沽空最不利的地方是,贏的幅度是有限〔max. 100%〕,但輸的幅度卻是無限)。


買賣期權都不是洪水猛獸,有人的確是可以 獲利,但要考慮的是 A. 能否長期這樣操作都同樣能獲利;B. 是否明白操作的目的;C. 這是否達到目的最好的工具。我個人相信很多人對自己的期權操作並不是太理解而產生了危險。(大家千萬不要問我關於期權的問題,因為我的確不太擅長這方面的 操作)









Peter Lynch "One Up On Wall Street"


Frankly, there is no way to separate investing from gambling into those neat categories that are meant to reassure us. There's simply no Chinese wall, bundling board, or any other absolute division between safe and rash places to store money. It was the late 1920s that common stocks finally reached the status of "prudent investments," whereas previously they were dismissed as barroom wagers -- and this was precisely the moment at which the overvalued market made buying stocks more wager than investment.


Historically, stocks are embraced as investments or dismissed as gambles in routine and circular fashion, and usually at the wrong times. Stocks are most likely to be accepted as prudent at the moment they're not.


I'm always amused when people describe their investment as "conservative speculations" or else claim that they are "prudently speculating". Usually that means they hope they're investing but they're worried that they're gambling.


Once the unsettling fact of the risk in money is accepted, we can begin to separate gambling from investing not by the type of activity (buying bonds, buying stocks, betting on the horses, etc.) but by the skill, dedication, and enterprise of the participant. To a veteran handicapper with the discipline to stick to a system, betting on the horses offers a relatively secure long-term return, which to him has been as reliable as owning a mutual fund, or shares in General Electric. Meanwhile, to the rash and impetuous stockpicker who chases hot tips and rushes in and out of equities, and "investment" in stocks is no more reliable than throwing away paychecks on the horses with the prettiest mane, or the jockey with the purple silks.

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