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元旦巨獻第五季—Orasure Pune的碎片哥



Magic Johnson: OraQuick, The First At-Home HIV Test, Is 'AGame Changer'



唯一FDA 認證的HIV自檢測---OraQuick   http://www.oraquick.com/

唯一FDA認證的唾液收集器---DNAgenotek http://www.dnagenotek.com       



一家很小的公司 很有特色主攻唾液檢測。這是一種非創傷的檢測。非創檢測長期看未來方向。

在我看來兩個FDA各值3個億 也就是低估至少一倍。


OraQuick    http://www.oraquick.com/----OraQuick艾滋病 自檢套件




1.HIV是傳染病 所以這是一個社會問題。

所以大部分情況下 檢測可以做到免費 當然必須去公共醫療機構一般都是血檢

2.HIV有潛伏期 這很麻煩 檢測不出的而且潛伏期是傳播力最強的。



4.OraQuick需要20分鐘等待時間 這很煎熬。。。

總體看OraQuick還是在消費者培育期 目前階段,更多是讓潛在消費者瞭解產品。元旦巨献第五季鈥擮rasure元旦巨献第五季鈥擮rasure

DNA genotek http://www.dnagenotek.com ---DNA的唾液收集器




23andme幾乎所有的唾液收集器都是採購自DNA genotek的

這部分大概佔DNA genotek營收的20%

原來 DNA Genotek2014年上半年會擴張3倍產能 現在不知道如何?

公司方面reaffirm forecast其實也是有點excuse。




so DNA檢測才開始 目前這還是唯一一家FDA認證的


So 這就是壟斷哈。

最後還是說一句 元旦巨獻還是一個非常保守的策略 目標是30%

去年的DATE 有過一波大漲最後還是回歸平靜最終慘淡的10%超過一點而已。加上分紅大概12%。已經連續三年正收益不夠都是很慘淡。慚愧


Types of Tests

Rapid (Point of Care): detects antibodies – three to fourweeks after infection, rapid result

Early (NAAT/RNA): detects virus ten to 12 days afterinfection, one-week result

Standard: detects antibodies three to four weeks after infection, one- weekresult

The Rapid HIV test is useful forroutine testing and/or if you don't want to wait several days forthe results. The Rapid HIV test detects HIV antibodies in theblood. Most guys (about 90%) will develop enough HIV antibodies tobe detected three to four weeks after infection. The Rapid HIV test gives you a result in a few minutes, eliminatingthe stress of waiting a week for results.  TheRapid test uses a blood specimen taken by poking your finger with alance and then drawing some of this blood into a fine plastictube.  The Rapid test is just as accurate as aStandard HIV test. If you test negative, then you do not requireany further tests. If you are positive, then you will need afurther blood test using a specimen that needs to be sent to alaboratory.

The Early HIV test is useful ifyou've had a recent risk incident (anal sex without a condom withsomeone whose status was different or unknown) or a known exposureto HIV. The Early test reduces the window period (the time you haveto wait before getting tested) to only ten to 12 days. The test isperformed on a blood specimen taken from your arm, just like aStandard test. The Early HIV test looks for the actual HIV virus,not antibodies produced in response to the virus. That means thetest can detect if you are infected when you are still in thewindow period of an antibody test.

The Standard HIV test can be usedfor routine testing or when the Rapid HIV test is not available.The Standard HIV test detects HIV antibodies in the blood. As withthe Rapid test, most guys (about 90%) will develop enough HIVantibodies to be detected three to four weeks after infection. Thebig difference is that it is done with blood drawn from a vein. Theblood is sent to a lab and you will have to wait up to five daysfor the result. If it is negative, then you don't require anyfurther tests. If the result is positive, you will need anothertest to confirm.


From the moment the HIV virus enters the body, it takes time forthe immune system to develop enough HIV antibodies to be measurableby a Rapid or Standard HIV test. The period oftime required for the body to produce enough HIV antibodies tobecome detectable by a Rapid or Standard HIV test is called thewindow period. HIV tests currently administered inBritish Columbia have a window period that can last anywherebetween ten to 12 days (Early HIV test) and three months (Rapid andStandard tests).

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