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交易十大守則 Consilient_Lollapalooza

1. 趨吉避兇
Trade favorable opportunities withaffordable risks.
2. 順勢而行,擇機行事。
Trade with trends. Trade at swings.
3. 淘弱留強
Buy the strengths. Sell the weaknesses.

4. 整體觀察, 以常達變
Analyse holistically with attention toabnormalities.

5. 集中投資, 分段交易
Invest heavily with diversified trades.
6. 進退有度
Trade in terms of measurable risks.
7. 量力而為
Take the risk affordable by the performance.

8. 以方法交易,以信念等待.
Trade with routines. Wait with faith.
9. 有始有終
Know the start and the end of your work.
10. 配合直覺
Check portfolio with intuition. Comfort andthank it afterwards.
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ZKIZ Archives @ 2019