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全球都在看 Brexit是否成真

2016-06-27  TCW



Brexit 英國脫歐公搜(Britain+exit) A : The Brexit backers, who plan to vote to leave the EU, are gaining momentum.

(脫歐公投的支持派聲勢持續壯大。)B : But, it's so close, so we still can't say for sure which side will win.(但雙方實力接近,我們還不敢說誰會贏。)volatile 動盪的、易變動的A :The financial sector in Britain has proved volatile ahead of the June 23 vote.

(6/23投票前,英國的金融業早已動盪。)B : If Britain votes to leave the EU, it'd have a negative effect on global economic growth.

(若公投結果確定要脫歐,將衝擊全球經濟成長。)contentious 引起爭議的A : 1 wonder if the referendum can be guaranteed to put this contentious matter to rest.

(我在想,公投是否真能平息爭議。)B :Some Britons are expecting years of uncertainty to follow, which will be a nightmare.



1.euroscepticism:泛歐懷疑主義2.to guarantee:保證、擔保3.to curb:控制、約束




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