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2015-09-28  TWM

「英國脫歐」是歐盟當前熱門話題,而英國最大反對黨工黨在12日選出新黨魁科爾賓(Jeremy Corbyn),更讓外界對於歐盟裂解的加速提高警覺。畢竟,他的左派風格強烈,長期以來未曾對英、歐結盟表達肯定態度。不過,近日,他於公開場合澄清立 場,強調他在意的始終是工人權利,而不是讓英國離開歐盟。

Basically, on the question of Europe, I want to see a social Europe, a cohesive Europe, a coherent Europe, not a free market Europe….They think they will put me and Labour on the back foot by highlighting our support for trade unionism…Being in Europe has protected and improved workers' rights in Britain, giving everyone statutory paid holiday….the truth is if we want to protect workers' rights the answer isn't to leave the EU, but to get rid of this Tory Government.

基本上,關於歐洲問題,我想看到社會主義的歐洲,一個團結的歐洲,一個制度齊一的歐洲,而不是一個自由市場的歐洲。……他們(保守黨)以為強調我和工黨支 持工會的行為,將使我們(的選情)處於劣勢,……處於歐洲使英國工人權利受到保護並有所改善,給予每個人法定帶薪假期,……事實是如果我們想要保護工人的 權利,答案不是離開歐盟,而是除去保守黨政府。


coherent (a.) /koˋhɪrent/ 一致的、連貫的例句:Politicians don't seem to have coherent policies for improving the economy.


be on the back foot 處於劣勢例句:Our player didn't train as well as the others, so we were on the back foot.


statutory (a.) /ˋstatʃʊtorɪ/ 法定的例句:The outdated act has created a state of statutory limbo.


撰文 / 蔡曜蓮

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