農曆春節前夕,西洋超級天后(super diva)瑪丹娜啟動亞洲巡唱,3月初也有日本歌姬安室奈美惠接棒,一時間,台北、香港等地眾星雲集。兩位女神等級巨星善於創造話題,前者在舞台上披著台灣國旗引爆兩岸論戰,後者則將在8月為巴西奧運獻聲。 【超級天后淺談】 diva 女主唱,延伸意為歌后A:The fans became wild as the super diva, Madonna, took to the stage. (超級天后瑪丹娜一登台,粉絲全都為之瘋狂。)B:Her first-ever concert in Taiwan!She performed a total of 23 songs. (這可是她在台灣的首次演唱會呢!前後共演出23首歌。)sensation 轟動一時的人、事、物A:The international pop sensation drove twelve thousand audience members delirious that night. (這位國際流行樂女神當晚讓聽眾嗨翻天了。)B:The veteran Material Girl's onstage costumes were So extravagant! (這位資深拜金女郎的舞台服裝可真是大手筆。)to splash 大肆報導A:Japanese pop music queen Namie Amuro will also hold concerts here in March. (日本歌姬安室奈美惠3月也要來開演唱會。)B:The news of the so-called Japanese Madonna surely will be splashed across the front pages. (這位被稱為「日本瑪丹娜」的歌后必將占據媒體版面。) [延伸關鍵字] 1.audial and visual feast:聽覺與視覺饗宴2.pop icon:流行偶像3.to encore:安可、要求加演多益時事通工作團隊獨家授權 |