這裡列舉了太陽能相對其他石化能源和再生能源的八大優勢, 誠意推介給打算研究太陽能行業的朋友
太陽能前景一片光明, 最大問題是我們如何從中挑選一些能夠跟隨行業的步伐, 不斷成長的企業
老實說, 做太陽能的不會是大眾心目中的好公司, 一如其他科技行業, 這是資本密集兼具週期性的行業, 資本開支巨大且風險不低, 競爭又非常激烈, 市場都不會對這些行業寄予厚望
我個人覺得, 一般人不看好的板塊可能正是發掘寶藏的好地方, 人所共知的好公司必然估值高昂, 太陽能普遍都是予人只是一個新能源概念的新興產業, 數年前曾經有過巨大的泡沫, 現在那些公司的股價只有當時的幾分之一, 可能就是因為這一點, 嚇怕了投資者
我沒有經過那段日子, 我可以很客觀地研究這個行業, 我看到的不只是概念, 而是一個快要達成的理想, 就是grid parity市電同價. 當太陽能達成此里程碑, 就可以擺脫一直以來要靠補貼才能生存的形象
業者們主要從兩方面減低成本: 擴大產能換取經濟規模和技術提升. 自從中國的業者強勢進入太陽能行業, 成本下降得很快, 因為他們擴產計劃比起來自西方的先行者激進很多, 最大的一線廠家在來年的資本開支, 是去年的數倍, 以最進取的龍頭保利協鑫為例, 2010年大約賺三十多億, 但今明兩年的投資將達到177億, 看起來這是非常不理性的, 這就是中國的特色, 外國人不理解也不認同. 我相信這一點解釋了市場只願給予這些以倍數增長的公司十多倍市盈率. 能夠以這般非理性速度發展, 背後必定有國家支持, 若所有太陽能的投資者就是參與這場新能源賭局的人, 那中國政府就是賭得最大的一個, 我看得到領導人的遠見和氣魄, 原本可能只是概念的太陽能, 經過中國政府的強力支持, 加速降低成本, 到快要有力和石化能源競爭, 這就是資本的力量. 我相信政府大力支持太陽能, 目的是要創造更多產業, 沒有產業又怎能養活人民? 難道像香港一樣靠金融? 這些行業養不了多少人, 最終都是要靠製造業. 現在人工高了, 工廠不能再做低價產品(就算做也會用機器代替), 要做賣得到價錢的貨, 新興產業就是要做一些有價錢的貨, 太陽能行業是其中一個發展方向
中國政府有很多地方做得不夠好, 但決策者的眼光, 我是很認同, 香港的領導人有中央的一半, 香港就有救了
原文如下: (source: http://greenworldinvestor.com/2011/03/03/advantages-of-solar-energy-declining-cost-the-biggest-one/)
Solar Energy is the only form of Energy whose costs are continuously declining compared to other forms of Energy.This is one of the biggest advantages of Solar Power over other renewable and non-renewable forms of energy.Solar Energy costs have declined by over 50% in the last 2-3 years even as Coal,Oil,Gas and other Energy costs have gone up.While Wind Energy costs have declined in the last year the overall trend is increasing as the costs of copper and steel go up.This is one of the main reasons why solar energy demand has gone up by 150% in 2010.With solar costs going down by another 10% each year over the next few years,expect Solar Energy to grow at a further fast rate in the future as well after growing at 50% CAGR over the last decade.Here are some of the advantages of Solar Energy over other non-renewable energy forms
1) Environment Friendly – Solar Energy does not lead to any major mining activity,does not lead to significant GHG emissions,does not lead to health hazards like thermal power
2) Declining Costs - Solar Costs are declining at a rapid pace and are rapidly approaching grid parity in most parts of the world.The use of semiconductor techniques ensures that the costs should continue to decline in the future as well
3)No Fuel and Low Maintainance - Solar Energy does not require any fuel like Wind Energy and the Operation and Maintainance Costs are extremely low.This is a huge advantage in these days when gas and oil disruptions are causing energy insecurity.Libya,Russia are all examples
4) No Pollution and Deaths- Solar Energy does not lead to pollution disasters like the BP Oil Spill and Coal Deaths which are directly related to Dirty Energy Productionl.
5) Almost Unlimited Potential – Solar Energy Potential is almost infinite compared to the limited and peak features of other forms of energy like Wind,Geothermal,Oil,Gas and others.Only Nuclear Energy has potential similar to Solar Energy
6) Size Advantages - Solar Installations can be installed in various sizes with as little as 200 Watts and as big as a 1000 MW.This is not possible for other energy forms which require a minimum large size such as Coal,Nuclear etc.
7) Quick Installation - Solar Energy can be installed very quickly.Small residential installations can be installed in as low as 3 days.This is much faster compared to other energy sources
Grid Independent – Solar Energy finds the most use in non-grid areas where it can be installed with batteries for energy storage.It is a much cheaper form of energy for non-grid applications than other forms.It is giving competition to Diesel Gensets being used.
Solar Energy will see massive growth in the future which has led to most of the MNC conglomerates getting into this sector.TSMC,GE,Siemens,Areva,Toshiba,AUO,Honda are some of the companies making large investments into solar energy.
其實太陽能業務只佔華電福新整體業務頗少的部分。華電福新上市前太陽能業務有79.4MW,加上前兩天提及的50MW,共129.4MW。以筆者所知華電福新在2012獲甘肅省發改委批出2個9MW項目,估計明年(2014)才投產,加起來都不過150MW (註:根據2012年中期報告,太陽能資源儲備有550.0MW)。
除了太陽能業務外,華電福新也有生物質能項目發電業務,分別為湖北省龍感湖農場項目(1,338KW,以年出欄20萬頭生豬農場的糞便、尿液和沖洗水為原料)及 黑龍江樺川協聯生物質能項目(24MW,以秸稈、稻殼為燃料),2個項目在2012年下半年已經並網投產。普遍來說,風電建設成本為每千瓦(KW)8,000元(人民幣•下同),而龍感湖農場項目總投資約5,400萬元,折合每千瓦投資成本要為40,359元,十分貴。不過每年可向電網輸送約8,000MWh,換化成年度利用少時為5,979小時,比風電的2,200小時高好多。項目上網電價為0.616元(含稅),由於找不到更多資料,筆者沒有計算項目的回報率有多少。不過,項目CDM及有機肥副產品也會帶來小小收入。
雙螺杆膨脹動力發電機(helical screw expanding power generator)的強項是把中低品位熱能高效率的轉為電能。雖然雙螺杆膨脹動力發電機的功率很低(通常在200KW以下,達到1MW已經是高科技了),但它是地熱(geothermal)或餘熱(waste heat) 發電的重要技術。日後有機會再談雙螺杆膨脹動力發電機。