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Ztrader – Moving Average (1) 港股博弈


The Guppy Multiple Moving Average (GMMA), using two groups of EMA lines to help visually identify the trend and trading opportunities:



The green lines are groups of shorter period EMA lines, and the red lines are groups of longer period EMA lines. When the stock is on a clear uptrend (or downtrend), these lines will be aligned in order and go in parallel. When the trend changes or the stock price consolidates, these lines will be merged or crossed.



It looks nice. However, GMMA itself does not give extra information more than a group of EMA lines. It is also not useful for setting up automatic trading rules. It is only a nice visual tool to help making trading decisions. e.g. jump on a strong stock when the GMMA lines merged at price consolidation, ride on a stock when GMMA lines aligned and goes parallel.

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=78360

Ztrader – Moving Average (2) 港股博弈


While Moving Average is a very good tool, it suffers when market situation changes. If the price is changed rapidly with a lot of noises, the MA may generate wrong trading signals.

Many adaptive methods had been created, it tried to vary the length of the moving average to better cope with the market situation. Kaufman’s moving average, KAMA, is based on the concept that a noisy market requires a slower trend than one with less noise.

Look at this stock with 10day SMA:


20 day SMA:


30 day SMA:


50 day SMA




KAMA seems able to follow the trend closely but less affected by the minor noises. It seems as smooth as a 50 day SMA at the same time follow the major price trend more timely.

It needs more verification on actual trading performance. It looks better than it performs, from my observations.

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=78362

Get Everybody Moving!…(and No More Bluffing!) 朱泙漫屠龍記


除了張敬軒和謝安琪外,G.E.M.是近十年來少有令筆者重拾上世紀九十年代香港樂壇那一種失落了多年震撼感覺的巨星。吊詭的是,G.E.M.是在上海音樂世家移民香港的強國蝗蟲。在香港這個經濟、政治(不管販民還是左仔)、藝術演藝界、RoyalTHK甚至連屎坑也被老屎忽霸住的困局,G.E.M.這個除了日本的MISIA外是少有的亞洲巨肺天后靠「食力」在強國一炮而紅。也許是藝高人膽大,2014年1月G.E.M.確認參加中國大陸湖南衛視《我是歌手》第二季歌唱節目。憑着一首她曾在X.X.X. Live演唱會改編的《你把我灌醉》,在強國觀眾一人一票的選擇下G.E.M.打敗其他華語歌手成為冠軍。


PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=90732

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