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1 : GS(14)@2016-03-09 16:23:47

最近買了一本英文繪本,內容十分簡單,講一隻猴子跌了心愛的雪糕,既傷心又生氣,之後他大叫兼發脾氣,接着一幅圖畫是他放聲大哭,旁邊寫着一句:It's okay to cry。買給女兒看,想她記着It's okay to cry。人生不如意事十常八九,最緊要找人傾訴,當是去了一趟廁所,將不快事全部沖走,或者痛痛快快哭一場,讓淚水帶走所有傷悲。記得中二時有位老師為鼓勵我讀書,說了一番話:「當你讀書讀到半夜三更,望望周圍的高樓大廈,當中總有幾個窗亮了燈,有人跟你正在一齊溫習。」人長大了,發現好多事情,無論好的壞的,都是you are not alone。今天再難過的事情,總會過去。最簡單,你買滙豐控股(005)坐艇,其實身邊很多艇友,只要跟滙控鬥長命,總有獲利一天。美劇《Six Feet Under》女主角有一段對白:「If you lose a spouse, you're called a widow. If you're a child and you lose your parents, then you're an orphan. But what's the word to describe a parent who loses a child? I guess that's just too awful to even have a name。」孩子永遠是父母心頭一塊肉。高C9

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/financeestate/art/20160309/19521944
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=297313

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