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1 : GS(14)@2011-11-12 11:26:59


文章由 taurust » 週四 11月 10日, 2011年 9:52 pm
正所謂黑狗偷食, 白狗當災, APAC賺錢都唔夠貼歐豬班PK..但係香港人又唔爭氣, D工會無X用. 個D高層就睇準呢一樣香港弱勢, 唔攪香港唔通攪歐洲自己囉來煩, 話炒香港人就炒, 炒完仲聽話個隻狗..
2 : GS(14)@2011-11-12 11:27:14

文章由 lovewai » 週五 11月 11日, 2011年 10:17 am


舊聞 不過都多謝香港HSBC STAFF 幫左好多中東及歐洲同事手 :lol:
3 : GS(14)@2011-11-12 11:27:22

文章由 大出血 » 週五 11月 11日, 2011年 10:33 am
尋日收到風,裁咗唔少 2/4/6...

即係 20 年,40 歲,60k....

以 HK 人性格,應該好多人睇哩班人唔順眼,所以跟本唔會為佢地去罷工爭取...
4 : GS(14)@2011-11-12 11:27:32

文章由 殘劍 » 週五 11月 11日, 2011年 10:41 am

咁話說回來,60k 又真係抵炒,佢乜學歷,幫公司做乜可以收人60k 一個月先?
我唔係認同裁員。但如果避免唔到,炒呢d 人先都無辦法。
5 : GS(14)@2011-11-12 11:27:57

文章由 cy8 » 週六 11月 12日, 2011年 2:47 am
20年 40歲 60k ?

講真hsbc 有幾多人有 60K 人工呀?

你估hsbc 係政府公務員靠年資人人都升到上去咩

係匯豐 廿年, 四張野能上到六萬銀, 應該唔會無個人之處

20-30年 , 40-50歲 , 20-30k 既就多 , 呢批就好多可能係好低學歷低技術既人, 炒左基本出面唔會再找到工

  文章: 5474
  註冊時間: 週六 3月 12日, 2005年 2:43 am
6 : GS(14)@2011-11-12 11:28:07

由 cheese » 週六 11月 12日, 2011年 9:40 am
HSBC cuts several hundred investment bank jobs

LONDON | Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:11am EST

Nov 10 (Reuters) - HSBC Holdings is laying off several hundred investment bankers in London, Hong Kong and elsewhere this week as part of its jobs cull to save billions of dollars, people familiar with the matter said.

Staff in the global banking and markets (GBM) investment bank arm were being told of the cuts this week, and some had already been told, several sources said. It is expected to affect several hundred of GBM's 20,000 staff.

Europe's biggest bank plans to axe 30,000 jobs by the end of 2013 under a revamp by Chief Executive Stuart Gulliver to cut annual costs by $3.5 billion. It has shed 5,000 to date, it said on Wednesday.

The bank had 296,000 staff at the end of 2010, so the cuts represent 10 percent of the workforce. That would equate to about 2,000 staff at GBM, although that could be more as investment banking revenue has been hit hard by recent euro zone turmoil, especially in credit and rates. The bank has also said it will hire in some growth areas and countries.

HSBC has pinpointed five countries and its UK headquarters for the first wave to face cuts, mostly by the end of the year. It has said 3,000 jobs would go in Hong Kong, but not detailed any more specific cuts. The other affected countries are the United States, Brazil, Canada and Mexico.

"We are not commenting on specifics but HSBC is going through an efficiency programme as described at the investor day in May. The programme is about reducing bureacracy and enhancing organisational effectiveness," a spokesman for the bank said.

Gulliver has said the cost base is "unacceptable" and wants to get expenses below 52 percent of income. He has some way to go -- costs represented 59.1 percent of underlying income in the first nine months of this year, up from 54.4 percent a year ago.
7 : GS(14)@2011-11-12 11:28:15

由 cheese » 週六 11月 12日, 2011年 8:21 am

滙豐銀行裁減本港員工的「派信」行動進入第二天,消息說,與首日派逾百封解僱信比較,昨日規模較為零星,料派信約數十封,相信首階段精簡行動亦已接近尾聲,不過個別前線部門如零售銀行及財富管理( RBWM)部,據悉會到本月底才「派信」,但裁減數量有限。

消息指,滙豐首階段在本港削減職位約 200多個,總數在 300個水平以下,實際被裁員工數目,應不超過 200人,意味明年稍後,該行進行的第二階段精簡規模力度將更大。《路透社》亦引述消息報道,指滙控( 005)旗下環球銀行及資本市場部( GBM),將在倫敦、本港及其他列入首批精簡計劃的市場,本周內可能裁減數百名 GBM員工,部份已接獲通知。目前 GBM全球員工總數約 2萬人,外電引述滙豐發言人指,不會就精簡計劃具體詳情置評。另外,滙豐銀行旗下滙豐(中國)宣佈,前者已向其注資 28億元人民幣,令其註冊資本增至 108億元人民幣,以配合拓展內地業務。增資後,滙豐成為在中國本地註冊的外資行中,註冊資本規模最大的銀行。
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