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VR元年 誰領風騷?

2016-04-04  TCW

今年被喻為「虛擬實境(virtual reality)元年」,從年初消費電子展、3/28臉書搶先推出VR裝置,到科技大廠微軟、宏達電、索尼等新品也將陸續在近期內問世,狂潮即將來襲的氣勢磅礡,但能否躍為殺手級應用則有待時間證明。

virtual reality 虛擬實境(簡稱VR)A:Virtual reality is expected to dominate people's living rooms this year. Game junkies are on cloud nine!

(VR今年要攻進我們的客廳,遊戲迷可樂了!)B:It is reported that the least expensive model costs nearly NTD20,000 dollars.

(據說最便宜的款式也要價近新台幣兩萬元。)to jump on the bandwagon搶搭潮流A:In that case,it may only be affordable to a limited number of people.

(若真如此,僅有一小部分的人能負擔得起了。)B :Well.for those Players who want to jump on the bandwagon should find the sweet spot soon!



A:Some people think that VR as the new media will cause a backlash against social interaction.

(有人說虛擬實境會對人際互動造成反效果呢。)B:Does it matter?The SOCial media has already caused a similar situation.



P.watershed:分水嶺2.to unfold:展開;呈現3.augmented reality:擴增實境(簡稱AR) 多益時事通工作團隊獨家授權.商業周刊1481期2016.4.122


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