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共和黨攔截hot potato川普?

2016-07-25  TCW

美國共和黨全國黨代表大會7/18起跑,頭號任務就是確認川普(Donald Trump)角逐總統寶座的資格。本身是不定時炸彈的川普已讓出過兩位總統的布希(Bush)家族等大老藉故缺席,據稱,反對派更密謀要搓掉這顆燙手山芋(hot potato)。

hot potato 燙手山芋、棘手問題

A:The Republican's delegates will choose the party's nominee at their national convention.


B:Right!But Trump’s derogatory remarks have made him a hot potato for the Republicans.


to endorse 支持、背書

A:It seems some politicians and magnates have refused to endorse Trump.


B:Some deIegates are doing everything they can to prevent Trump from securing the nomination.



A:These dissident delegates are pushing for a vote on allowing them to back whomever they wish.


B:That`s a long shot,but the anti-Trump camp thinks a coup is within reach.




2.presumptive nominee:推定提名

3.last-ditch effort:最後一搏


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