2015堪稱超級購併年,交易額50億美元起跳的超大購併案(megadeal),至今總額已達1.2兆美元(約合新台幣40兆元),創新紀錄,勝過20年前開始吹大的.com狂潮。低利時代資金成本相對便宜,加上企業主相信購併是搶市場最快方法,成就今日榮景。 [超大購併案淺談] megadeal 超大購併案A: AB InBev and SABMIIer's 106 biIIion doIIar deaI Will rank among the six largest takeovers. (百威、美樂啤酒的收購交易將名列史上第6。)B:I know.The volume of megadeals in 2015 has surpassed previous all-time records. (我 知道,2015年超大購併案的交易額創新紀錄。)hostile takeover 敵意收購A:In Taiwan, the tie-up between Siliconware and Hon-Hai hit the headlines after ASE's tender offer. (台灣也是,日月光收購矽品後,鴻矽聯盟登上頭條。)B:Yes.Siliconware viewed ASE's tender offer as the first step in a hostile takeover. (矽品把日月光的買斷合併視為敵意收購。)synergy 綜效A:The sharehoIders hope their companies' mergers wiII create greater svnergv anyway. (股東只盼公司合併能1加1大於2。)B:The top executives could benefit ; the employees, however, worry about possible job Losses. (高階主管得利, 員工只擔心丟飯碗。) [延伸關鍵字] 1. merger& acquisition:合併與收購2. tender offer:買斷合併3. strategic alliance:策略聯盟4. to reiterate:重申多益時事通工作團隊獨家授權 文· 周強 |