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史玉柱「不務正業」挨批:巨人短投達RMB 56億


(i美股訊)北京時間7月28日,巨人網絡董事長兼CEO昨日發表微博稱:近期收到不少國外基金的批評函,起因:在美國上市的巨人網絡有很多閒散資 金,我們董事會決定用閒散資金在保險金融領域進行些財務性投資,賺取更多現金。儘管安全性很高且回報可觀,但基金們認為我們不務正業。在人家地盤上就要遵 守人家習慣。我們要屈膝投降,痛改前非。



從表上五個季度的短期投資和現金變動可以看出,巨人確實利用現金買賣短期投資產品;2010年Q2現金增加至26.7億元人民幣,相應的短期投資從 38億人民幣減少至23億人民幣;而在2010年Q3短期投資大增後,現金相應銳減至6億元人民幣;2011年Q1也呈現同樣的變化規律,現金銳減,短期 投資從32.5億增加至56億元人民幣。

對於這些錢的投資去向,許多人可能會聯想到之前史玉柱對巨人的投資。據港交所披露,史玉柱旗下公司經過24次增持後,其持有民生銀行A股的比例已由 3月2日的0.65%增至6月8日的2.35%,投入的資金超過21億元。不過史玉柱今日在微博披露:增持民生銀行的是上海健特公司,並不是有人推測的巨 人網絡上市公司。持股量從去年的1.1億股,增到當前8億股。


(i美股 Peter Wu)

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RMB....China Mobile

I’m not an economist, but who love “rojak”, putting all facts and available information on the table; to find out what’s what, if I get it right, rewards are to be attached by the market and vice-versa.

Recent two years, most of the main stream media have been reporting constantly about appreciation of China’s Yuan or RMB. However, emerged various vary opinions about its VALUE. Wondering how and based on what those VALUE are rated. The world seems trying to shake the rock; billion of hot money has been flushing in China, hoping for the RMB piggy back. How about those companies with significant amount of RMB such as China Mobile?

The below news;
March 9 (Bloomberg) -- China’s yuan is facing increasing pressure to appreciate because of a widening interest-rate differential, the country’s top currency regulator said in a statement. The spread between China’s one-year deposit rate and its U.S. equivalent reached 1.43 percentage points today.

March 11 (Bloomberg) -- China’s inflation reached a 16- month high, Consumer prices rose 2.7 percent from a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said in Beijing today.

Based on the news, certainly the RMB is on the appreciation journey. The world is fully aware about the contingent impacts and just like any of us, trying to seek for capital outlet to overcome the inflationary eroding.
Thus, at this moment, letting the bank to generate profit from your saving is not a savvy act.

Come back to China Mobile, according to its Interim 2009 result, reported a net cash position of about RMB246 billion.
If I’m sitting on such a cash pile, I don’t mind paying some fees to get some advices from the investment banker or fund manager; a better idea than putting my cash in the bank?
China Mobile Took the 20% stake in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPD) at per share of RMB18.03 or RMB39,801,430,722.30 seems created some blast-comments. Virtually, all negative calls for China Mobile.
As a contrarian, I looked at the interim 2009 numbers again. Workout the number, after the 20% stake in SPD settled. China Mobile is still sitting on cash about RMB206 billion.
Comparatively, the SPB 20% stake is too small to shake China Mobile.
Don’t forget, the number is from Interim 2009, how about the China Mobile net profit from 30 June 2009 till now? I think the profit from these nine months “vacuum period”, would be able to add some aids to its cash position and untouched the dividend payout ratio.

The devil is in the details – Asking myself what’s the best estimation full year 2009profit forecast, I don’t know due to the low capacity of my research facility. The only equipment for me to outride others is, working hard to gain familiarity that derives a “feeling” towards the trend briefly.

Again, a glance of the Interim 2009 numbers, China Mobile had delivered a merely above RMB55 billion profit, how much going to be for the second half of the year, a period of six months when we were going through some festive seasons, tendency to consume more of the communication services.

(1) The net profit is to be dropped 10% to about RMB50billion.
(2) CAPEX for 3G is budgeted RMB10billion.
(3) Balance cash of RMB40billion, it is enough to “off-set” the SPB 20% stake
purchase amount included the fees involved.

Note: I don’t think the net profit is going to deteriorate, the number of subscriber had reached 527,398,000 as of 31 January 2010.
Year 2020

The year of 2020, Malaysia is dreamed to be a developed nation. Meanwhile, Shanghai is emerged to be a world financial centre. What is the valuation for a Shanghai home-grown bank when Shanghai becomes the world financial centre?
Or what is the valuation of SPB ten years later?

Lastly, as I always emphasized;

“The greatest risk in life is, not aware of what I don’t know.”

I don’t agree to those institutional on the theory of; no synergy for China Mobile to take the 20% stake in SPB.

I would rather recognize as harmless for China Mobile to have the 20% SPB.
“In the long run, investing in the bank share is better than letting the bank profit from your saving.”

Conclusion is;
the RMB VALUE is expecting to appreciate whereby the inflationary pressure is growing from strength to strength.

Investing in the China Banking business that able to generate some RMB dominated incomes should be priced at a premium multiple earnings ratio than keeping the cash, which would be eroded by inflationary in the long run.

China Mobile valuation shouldn’t be oppressed by the SPB 20% stake purchase.
Rewarding or gruelling by the market, shall see in a week. China Mobile result is expecting to be announced next week.
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=176399



緊隨其後,5月17日,彭博正式宣布推出全新RMB債券平臺。RMB債券平臺特別設計了中國貨幣經紀商專屬頁面(MOSB CN)。此頁面包含中國全部五家貨幣經紀公司提供的實時交易數據,這五家經紀商向市場提供了絕大部分流動性。RMB債券平臺還提供債券市場相關新聞、債券發行數據、公司基本面信息、市場公認的一級市場承銷排行榜和市場份額分析、實時更新的基準收益率曲線、中國人民銀行公開市場操作分析、債券衍生品定價工具以及多維度的信用分析功能。這使得全球投資者都可以看到中國債市的全面情況,可以說是對投資決策的再定義。













當前,國際上使用最廣泛的三大債券指數為彭博巴克萊全球綜合指數(BBGA, Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate)、花旗全球政府債券指數(WGBI, World Government Bond Index)以及JP摩根全球新興市場多元化債券指數(JPM GBI-EM Div, JP Morgan Global Emerging Market Bond Index Diversified)。

招商證券首席債券分析師徐寒飛表示,與其他兩大指數相比,BBGA包含的債券最為豐富,超過1.8萬種,包括了投資級的政府債和公司債。這也意味著被動投資者難以完全複制該指數。根據高盛最新的投資者調查,當前追蹤BBGA指數的被管理資產規模約為2萬億美元。 彭博已於3月1日正式將中國債市列入了BBGA的監測名單。彭博2017年1月24日發布公告稱,由於人民幣債券並未符合納入BBGA的標準,彭博將其中國綜合指數(China Aggregate Index)中國債和政策性金融債的部分與BBGA組合成新的BBGA+China指數。一旦完全符合準入條件,中國債市將被正式納入BBGA。


徐寒飛認為,從國際債券三大指數的準入規則看,資本管制是我國債市被納入指數的最大障礙。當前QFII、RQFII仍然存在著對於合格境外投資者投資本金的鎖定期(lockup period)、資金匯出等方面的限制,這給境外機構的流動性管理帶來了極大挑戰,影響其對中國債市的積極性。






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