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You Can Still Make It In The Market CUP



今次推薦的是 Nicolas Darvas 的 "You Can Still Make It In The Market" --下圖,在五窮六絕的市況中,這個書名可謂應景:

看這本書之前當然最好先看完我在2009年第4季推介的 "How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market" http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/Chui-Cup/article?mid=16926, 這本是今次推介書的上集。

這本1976年的作品 Nicholas Darvas 主要是透過敍述自己繼續用自創的 Box Theory 如何在50-60年代搵了$2M 、在1973-74的大熊市後,繼續贏大錢,以表示自己並非撞彩,自己所定的操作系統之重要性,以及歷久不衰。並藉此再解釋 Box Theory 的用法、持續有效性、以及如何切合市場的本質和實用性,並講及市場諸多普遍輸錢的錯誤以及股票市場的真相究竟是什麼。在 "You Can......" 一書中,作者把 Box Theory 稱為 DAR-CARD,不過都是一樣的,名稱並不重要。

此書其實很短,基本上英語水平不差的話,半天已可看完。以上兩書看似傻下傻下,但短小兼淺白,看完也有很大得著。比坊間大量超圾財經書藉,以及大而無當的 所謂經典有用得多。


  • Stocks don't like to be taken for granted. In some perverse way they have a habit of springing surprises and delivering a hearty slap in the face to anyone who is arrogant enough to think he has mastered them.
  • A business acquainance of mine once bought a stock at 18, saw it rise to 44, then drop to 4 and then rise to 17 and drop again. I have told him many times to sell at 17 -- after all, what is a loss of a point? But no -- he refuses to sell it until it reaches his purchase price of 18. He is determined to teach that damn stock a lesson and get even with it. He has now been holding it for ten years waiting for that opportunity! The stock's price is now 9 and it shows no sign of ever reaching 18.
  • Was the information true or false , reliable or planted, solidly based or completely unfounded? There was no way in which I or any other outsider like me could have found out with certainty. But I did not need to -- the behavior of the stock told me all I wanted to know.
  • I had no idea of course that the company was having troubles at its plant. My actions had been governed purely by the behavior of the stock in the market. I had behaved like an insider without actually being one!
  • A company may have the most wonderful fundamentals in the world, but if people do not buy the company's stock its share price will not go up one cent. Similarly, what is the point of buying a stock that is "cheap" if it then proceeds to get cheaper?
  • When you buy a stock keep in forefront of your mind, not the great killing you are going to make, but the possibility that your stock could drop 50 percent in value very quickly. Never ever let this happen to you. Set a stop-loss, even if only a mental one.
  • It is possible to misinterpret a stock's moves and end up picking a stock that does not behave as you thought it would. That can't be helped. There's no sure thing in the market -- that is why you must always have a stop loss.
  • You must have some system, some rules of behavior when you buy stocks. Any system is better than none at all. And everyone must include a stop-loss.
  • You must know your stock. By that I don't mean that you must know the company, its products, its history etc. I mean literally that you must know the personality of the stock you are buying, its idiosyncrasies, its moods, its mode of behavior. Some are slow, lethargic, and almost apathetic. Others are volatile, fidgety, and nervous and jump at the slightest happening.
  • I did not give up my daily routine of scouring the stock-market tables for promising stocks. I habitually spend at least half an hour a day doing this. I regard it as absolutely essential. It is only by such regular scanning of stock tables that one can train one's eyes to observe significant changes.
  • There's no sure thing in the market. Despite the most painstaking analysis, the most reliable information, and no matter how impeachable the source, stocks have the annoying habit of doing exactly the opposite of what you expect. The price of safety is eternal vigilance. You must keep a constant eye on your stocks.
  • You've got to keep an eye on your stocks -- hold on to them while they are rising, sell them if they decline badly, and never be married to a stock.
  • Not everyone is temperamentally suited to the stock market. Anyone who is unwilling or unable to devote some time to it is probably better off out of the game altogether.
  • When you realize that share prices are determined not by company earnings, dividends, assets, etc., as so many people fondly believe, but by investors' future expectations, emotions, sentiments, and even wishful thinking . A company in the red and with no earnings can thus find its share price climbing purely and simply because an improvement in its earnings is anticipated in the future, even though these expectations are never realized.
  • It is what the market thinks the share is worth and not its theoretical worth that determines its price. Whether the market is "right" or  "wrong" in its conclusion is irrelevant.

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=25953

今年第一份研究報告 ---- Make America Great Again (節錄)



Trump當選以來,已經陸續提名20多名內閣候選人,其中包括國務卿Rex Tillerson、商務部長Wilbur Ross、財政部長Steven Mnuchin、貿易代表辦公室Robert Lighthizer。此外,特朗普還宣佈組建新機構,白宮國家貿易委員會,對華鷹派人士Peter Navarro被任命為該委員會主席。估計內閣閣員總身價高達350億美元;但是,這些閣員在政府單位的年資僅有55年,比列根政府的51年多一點,政治年資為史上第2低,全沒有政治包袱,這個名單,已經可以看出未來主政的風格:重商思維、強硬外交、保護主義,將是三大主軸。

Peter Navarro現任加州大學Paul Marage School of Business經濟學教授,經常出現在電視節目中,屬於網紅經濟學家。此人向來對支那態度強硬,曾出版《Death by China》、《The Coming China Wars》、《Crouching China》等書籍並導演了《致命中國》同名紀錄片。在該紀錄片中,他呼籲抵制中國製造的商品。


他還自導了同名紀錄片,這部片子宣傳畫是一把人民幣包裹的匕首插入美國。在《Death by China》同名紀錄片的官網上,特朗普盛情推薦:《Death by China》說得非常對。這部重要的紀錄片用充分的事實、資料和洞察力,描述了我們與中國之間存在的問題。我強烈推薦你們觀看這部紀錄片。



其中,Steven MnuchinWilbur Ross將聯手領導特朗普打造的一支由華爾街高管、投資人、企業家組成的經濟團隊。即將掌管經濟大權的兩位部長,之前均未在政府部門擔任過公職,缺乏政治舞臺上的決策經驗,但在金融和商業領域經驗豐富、擅長交易,這延續了特朗普對組閣人選的偏好。


我們的老友記,全球規模最大對沖基金橋水(Bridgewater)創辦人Ray Dalio最近發文指出,Trump試圖讓目前的反商情緒,轉為重商主義。當下的氣氛把會賺錢的人視為惡棍,限縮他們的權力,Trump政府希望把這些人變英雄,給予更大的權力。 

Ray Dalio建議讀者,想要瞭解特朗普政府的思維,最好趕快認識Ayn Rand (1905 -1982年)這個天字第一號人物。她是聯準儲局主席格林斯潘最重要的思想導師,1957年出版的小說《Atlas Shrugged》更是Trump團隊的聖經。Atlas是希臘神話中用雙肩扛天的擎天神,小說中描述有一天阿特拉斯們(企業家)集體罷工、隱居山林,造成美國經濟及社會崩潰。


她欣賞強悍獲利者,討厭軟弱沒有生產力的小人,Trump等等都公開表示是蘭德的信徒,Make America Great Again必須是商家、企業家、他們奉上帝差遣,註定命運到臨。襯托起企業家的英雄形象,主戰場一定是設在商場。主戰場一定是設置在商場,既然是金融戰,必然包括了資金戰、貿易戰、網戰。戰場有了,英雄要出場,怎麼能沒有強盜和小偷、契弟呢?從競選至今,主軸很清楚,選擇親俄立場、和日本合作,把中國視為頭號敵人。


財政部部長Steven Mnuchin




Peter Navarro Wilbur Ross的曾聯合發表一篇經濟論文,評論特朗普的經濟計劃,分析美國與中國、墨西哥等大國的貿易籌碼,這份文件等同於他們上任後的策略藍圖。



我們應該趁中美還未正式亮劍的時候,重新思考產業及投資定位,當你看蘋果沒有工廠、Nike沒有工廠,iPhone製造,外包俾郭台銘,錢卻到由佢添曲賺走。香港要打造品牌,瞄準全球的市場,沒有這麼簡單。這個史無前例的Dream Team,我們看到非常多投資機會。(節錄)


為配合証監署將FDT Securities改名「蜂投証券BeeInvest Capital2017年二月,我們基金破天荒第三次招收客戶。(上一次是2010年及2015) ,這支私募就是我們一直打造的「一蚊基金」,而且客戶/會員可選擇用我們的Robot人工智能投资,有興趣私信或Gmail

PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=233632

“Let's make love everywhere in our Guangzhou ”

1 : GS(14)@2010-07-25 17:28:35


当我看到 我们伟大的政府如此翻译时,我整个人都那什么了
2 : 我是毛主席!(2965)@2010-07-25 19:00:36

。。。。。。make love。。。。。。everywhere。。。。。!!!!太强大了!!祖国太。。。。伟大了!!!!

同志们,记住:要在everywhere, to make love。。。。一定要安全第一啊!!!
3 : reference(1610)@2010-07-27 17:04:17

讲文明,迎亚运 = Speaking civilization, Ying Asian Games

4 : reference(1610)@2010-07-27 17:08:08

。。。。。。make love。。。。。。everywhere。。。。。!!!!太强大了!!祖国太。。。。伟大了!!!!

同志们,记住:要在everywhere, to make love。。。。一定要安全第一啊!!!

猫主席, 請問你是否那位擁有很多PP名錶的那位?

5 : 我是毛主席!(2965)@2010-07-27 20:28:34

6 : GS(14)@2010-07-27 21:00:24

7 : wky(5)@2010-07-29 22:20:17

照道理 政府裡面總會有英文高手吧 怎會翻成這樣...囧rz
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=270145

ASX merger may not make good sense, but it now looks a good bet

1 : GS(14)@2011-02-12 17:42:53

http://www.smh.com.au/business/a ... 20110211-1aqp7.html
2 : 鱷不群(1248)@2011-02-12 20:23:22

3 : GS(14)@2011-02-13 12:02:17

4 : 鱷不群(1248)@2011-02-13 14:25:19


5 : GS(14)@2011-02-13 14:26:57



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