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GS(14)@2011-06-29 21:05:57http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/ ... TN20110628695_C.pdf
1. 王正平投入2,000萬救這上市公司,然後買間分銷商80%股權,但是又無講名啊。
「投資者」 指 Noble Wealth Holdings Limited,一家根據英屬處女群島法例註冊成立之公司
「王先生」 指 王正平先生
「目標公司」 指 一家於香港註冊成立之有限公司,主要從事著名品牌名貴手錶分銷及提供售後服務業務
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GS(14)@2011-06-29 21:06:16http://www.hket.com/eti/article/ ... e88a7f362b0f-344920
「太子」重現缸湖 沾手宜進利
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普通會員(10409)@2011-07-27 20:24:50監管者發出的公告及消息
http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/ ... TN20110727380_C.PDF
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普通會員(10409)@2011-07-27 20:26:21http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/ ... TN20110727443_C.pdf
公告及通告 - [私有化/撤銷或取消證券上市]
公佈 - 取消上市地位 (129KB, PDF)
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GS(14)@2011-07-28 21:11:06該公司自2010年12月22日起進入除牌程序的第三階段。根據除牌程序,該公司須於第三階段的六個月期限屆滿前至少十個營業日(定義見《上市規則》)提交有效的復牌建議。若該公司未能按規定提交有效的復牌建議,聯交所將取消該公司股份的上市地位。該公司於第三階段屆滿前向聯交所提交了一份復牌建議。然而,聯交所議決該復牌建議並非可行的建議。因此,聯交所將取消該公司股份的上市地位。
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GS(14)@2015-01-28 17:50:46people head
宜進利(0304): 取消上市地位
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GS(14)@2011-07-30 16:56:22http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110727/LTN20110727443_C.pdf
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GS(14)@2011-07-30 16:58:06Almost 3 years after the stock was suspended with a market value of HK$1.89bn, investors must be wondering whether any criminal charges will be brought in relation to the fraud suspected by the liquidators (see our article of 24-Dec-2008).
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GS(14)@2011-07-30 16:58:51http://webb-site.com/articles/peacemark2.asp
On 16-Sep-08 in our article Peace Mark's warning signals, we mentioned that we had received anonymous allegations against Peace Mark (Holdings) Ltd (PM Holdings, 0304) since we took down Egana in Jul-07, but we were were still unable to publish those allegations, for lack of evidence. Now a High Court judgement published on Monday this week (23-Dec-08), which approves the sale of parts of the Peace Mark business to Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co Ltd, sheds some light on the situation found by the provisional liquidators, Roderick John Sutton and Vincent Fok Hei-yu of Ferrier Hodgson Ltd.
In the judgement (which is a write-up of a decision he made orally in Chambers on 13-Nov-08), Deputy High Court Judge Anthony To Kwai-fung writes in relation to PM Holdings and its wholly-owned subsidiary Peace Mark Limited (PM Limited) at paragraph 8:
"Since taking over the Group, the Provisional Liquidators have serious doubt about the integrity of the senior management of PM Holdings and PM Limited such that they considered the ongoing control of the Group should not continue to be entrusted to the original management...
In the course of their investigation into the debts of the Group, they became concerned over the legitimacy of both sales and trade receivables relating to the Group’s wholesale and distribution business. They thought the Group had partially financed its acquisitions and loss making businesses via a trade finance “money go-round” utilizing sales of non-existent goods to corporate entities controlled by parties with close ties to the management of the Group that actually carry on little, if any, legitimate business. It appears that the Group’s operations are substantially smaller and less profitable than reported in its reports."
Of course, these concerns remain to be proven in court, and any parties involved are innocent unless proven guilty, but it does give you some idea of where the investigations are heading. The Police Commercial Crime Bureau should take an interest in this if they are not already. Watch this space.