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2016-05-09 TWM

一九八六年四月二十六日,位於烏克蘭的前蘇聯車諾比核電廠發生爆炸,成為人類史上最可怕的核災事故。30年後,聯合國開發計畫署署長海倫.克拉克(Helen Clark)在30周年紀念日的記者會上發表演說,除了強調當年的災民返鄉無望之外,也說明這個被核災蹂躪過的地區,經濟與民生還在等待新的生機。(黃家慧)The Chernobyl accident was one of the most severe nuclear accidents in history. More than 330,000 people were relocated from the contaminated regions with little prospect of return. The shift in the UN strategy from a focus on humanitarian relief to development assistance was an acknowledgement that the communities of Chernobyl needed economic development and the creation of new livelihoods. Despite the considerable progress, however, more can be done.


contaminated /knˋtamnetɪd/ a. 弄髒的;受汙染的例句:The cholera outbreak was spread by contaminated water.


humanitarian relief 人道救助例句:This organization provides humanitarian relief and sustained development support to the distressed communities in Africa.


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