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價值投資的對與錯 天知 - 價值投資者



In security analysis the prime stress is laid upon protection against untoward events. We obtain this protection by insisting upon margins of safety, or values well in excess of the price paid. The underlying idea is that even if the security turns out to be less attractive than it appeared, the commitment might still prove a satisfactory one. In the market analysis there are no margins of safety; you are either right or wrong, and, if you are wrong, you lose money.


-          P.703, Security Analysis (Benjamin Graham)

對於一個市場分析者或市場投資者*來說,市場上只有對與錯。分析準確則賺,反之則蝕。他們的工作就像音樂家,成功必然要有過人的天資和後天努力,但就算天資聰穎,﹑勤於學習的藝術家也未必一定成功,而且不成功的多數非常潦倒。價值投資者(或稱(個別)股票分析者)的結果也只有兩個:對與錯,但並非只有成功和不成功。何解?原來在成功和不成功之間還有一層安全邊際(Margin of Safety),它可以使一個錯的決擇也得到還過得去的回報。他們就像律師,一個出色的律師可以非常成功,但平庸的律師也能糊口,不致於潦倒。




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