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1 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:40:47

2 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:41:30

3 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:42:18

4 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:43:34


We call on the SFC to investigate the connections between these parties. The areas they should investigate include, but are not limited to:

  Were Joseph Lau, Vicky Yu, Frankie Ma and Kwok Ming Fai really independent of each other when they took a combined majority of COMG after the open offer in 2007, without a whitewash waiver under the Takeover Code?
  Was Vicky Yu really independent when she invested nominal amounts in two start-up subsidiaries of COMG, namely iKanTV and CNMHK?
  Was Vicky Yu really independent when she sold stakes in the start-ups to CPEC, Inno-Tech, Railsmedia and CNC, probably at a huge profit?
  Was Kwok Ming Fai really independent when he sold a stake in iKanTV to CPEC?
  Was Frankie Ma really independent when he sold Easy Time, owner of Ratio Knitting, to CPEC, for almost 8 times what he paid for it? Are he and Joseph Lau, both listed as contacts at JLIC, acting in concert to control CPEC?
  Why is Tanrich Securities so often the broker of choice for depositing shares received by "independent third parties" in consideration for these acquisitions?
  Who really owns or owned Executive Talent?
  Who really are Wu Ka Cheung (subscriber in the COMG creation), So Ka Yan (unlisted warrant subscriber), Wu Ling Yee (owner of Executive Talent) and Huang Gui Dong (owner of Target Smart). Were they really independent?
  Who owned Joint Fortune?
5 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:44:48

Joseph Lau grants options over CPEC shares

On 26-May-2009, Joseph Lau granted 18-month options to Galaxy Asset Management (H.K.) Ltd (Galaxy) and Provenance Place Co Ltd (Provenance Place) for 78m (4.94%) and 122m (7.73%) existing CPEC shares respectively, a total of 200m (12.67%) at an exercise price of $0.18 per share, a 29% discount to the closing price of $0.255 that day (all figures after consolidation). No price for the grant of the options was disclosed in the announcement or in dealing filings, so we assume it was nominal, as a reward for some kind of service, but no reason was given.

The announcement did not disclose who owned Provenance Place, but a subsequent disclosure of interest shows that the owner is Eric Chan Man Hon (Eric Chan), who is a solicitor and consultant of Vincent T.K. Cheung, Yap & Co, which was legal adviser to CPEC from 2007-2010.

The announcement did not disclose who owned Galaxy, but we can tell you that it is owned by Joe Chan Man Fai (Joe Chan), who is the brother of Eric Chan. So the two option grantees are related. Galaxy advises several funds, including Galaxy China Deep Value Fund and Galaxy China Special Situations Fund SPC. They subscribed for shares in Inno-Tech on 13-Jan-2010, and on the same day Galaxy Capital Ltd (now known as Odysseus Capital Asia Ltd), also then owned by Joe Chan, was awarded a consultancy contract whereby it would receive 10.74% of Inno-Tech if it introduced an acquisition of at least HK$500m, as detailed here. The consultant was also granted options to subscribe Inno-Tech shares.

Of the 200m CPEC options granted by Joseph Lau, Eric Chan's Provenance Place exercised 44m options on 6-Jul-2009 and sold the shares the same day at $0.353, cutting below 5% and making about $7.61m of gain (we assume the options were granted for a nominal amount). The shares were delivered by Oriental Patron Securities Ltd (Oriental Patron).

Another 58m options were exercised before the remaining 98m expired on 26-Nov-2010, of which 5m were exercised on 26-Nov-2009, 38m on 5-Aug-2010 and 15m on 13-Oct-2010. We can't tell you whether Galaxy or Provenance Place was the exercising holder, or both, as they each held less than 5% of CPEC.

6 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:46:00

7 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:48:13

Regulatory note: names of listed company counterparties are often insufficient to identify them. You might as well say "The Vendor is John Doe". Vague descriptions such as "Mr Chan is a merchant" don't help either - they are equivalent to saying "Mr Chan would rather not say what he does". Names of companies, without saying where they are incorporated, are not unique either, and are meaningless when they are private companies and their beneficial shareholders are not disclosed.

The Listing Rules should be tightened - for people, either publish a unique, permanent and verifiable ID number, or sufficient biographical information to almost uniquely identify the person, such as a date of birth. For companies, require the name and domicile of the company, and identification of all beneficial human owners owning 10% or more. This is not a privacy issue - if you deal with a public company, you should be deemed to accept the transparency that goes with it, and if you are hiding behind a nominee, then that nominee will have to take the risk of being identified and criminally liable for lying to the Stock Exchange and the SFC by claiming to be the beneficial owner.
8 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:48:41

Technical note: This was a connected transaction for COMG, because its CEO Joseph Lau was controlling shareholder (owning 39.42%) of CPEC, so CPEC was his \"associate\". However, the amount involved was less than $10m so it was exempt from independent shareholders\' approval. If the loan balance (including accrued interest) had grown beyond $10m, then it would have become a non-exempt connected transaction. On the other side, Joseph Lau was Chairman of CPEC but he owned less than 30% (in fact 24.23%) of COMG so it was not his \"associate\" and this was not a connected transaction for CPEC.

9 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:51:43

10 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:53:03

Domain Name:  CPECH.COM.HK
Contract Version:   HKDNR latest version
Domain Name Commencement Date:   18-03-2009
Expiry Date:  18-03-2012
Re-registration Status:   Complete
Domain Status:  Active
Registrar Name :   Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited
Registrar Contact Information:  Email: [email protected] Hotline: +852 2319 1313
Active variants  CDN Variant  Punycode
Inactive variants

Registrant Contact Information
Holder Name(English) (It should be the same as the registered/corporation name on your Business Register Certificate or relevant documents):   CHINA POST E-COMMERCE GROUP LIMITED
Holder name(Chinese):   中郵電貿集團有限公司
Country:  HK
Email:  [email protected]

Administrative Contact Information
Given name:  FRANKIE
Family name:  MA
Contact Chinese Name:   -
Organization name(English):   CHINA POST E-COMMERCE GROUP LIMITED
Country:  HK
Phone:  +852-25202782
Fax:  +852-25202032
Email:  [email protected]
Account Name:  HK2296130T

Technical Contact Information
Given name:  HOST
Family name:  MASTER
Contact Chinese Name:   
Organization name(English):   I-SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY LIMITED
Country:  HK
Phone:  +852-35794258
Fax:  +852-31866705
Email:  [email protected]

Name Servers Information
Name Server 1:  NS1.UHOSTDNS.COM
Name Server 2:  NS2.UHOSTDNS.COM
11 : GS(14)@2012-02-28 22:53:38


Domain Name:  COMG.COM.HK
Contract Version:   HKDNR latest version
Domain Name Commencement Date:   04-01-2008
Expiry Date:  04-01-2013
Re-registration Status:   Complete
Domain Status:  Active
Registrar Name :   Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited
Registrar Contact Information:  Email: [email protected] Hotline: +852 2319 1313
Active variants  CDN Variant  Punycode
Inactive variants

Registrant Contact Information
Holder Name(English) (It should be the same as the registered/corporation name on your Business Register Certificate or relevant documents):   ECYBERCHINA HOLDINGS LIMITED
Holder name(Chinese):   光訊控股集團有限公司
Address:  RM 2508, 25/F, HARBOUR CENTER, 25 HARBOUR ROAD, WANCHAI, - - -
Country:  HK
Email:  [email protected]

Administrative Contact Information
Given name:  FRANKIE
Family name:  MA
Contact Chinese Name:   -
Organization name(English):   ECYBERCHINA HOLDINGS LIMITED
Address:  RM 2508, 25/F, HARBOUR CENTER, 25 HARBOUR ROAD, WANCHAI, - - -
Country:  HK
Phone:  +852-25202782
Fax:  +852-25202032
Email:  [email protected]
Account Name:  HK2034641T

Technical Contact Information
Given name:  HOST MASTER
Family name:  HOST MASTER
Contact Chinese Name:   -
Organization name(English):   I-SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY LIMITED
Address:  UNIT 2918, 29/F, ASIA TRADE CENTRE, 79 LEI MUK ROAD, KWAI CHUNG, N.T., - - -
Country:  HK
Phone:  +852-35794258
Fax:  +852-31866705
Email:  [email protected]

Name Servers Information
Name Server 1:  NS1.UHOSTDNS.COM
Name Server 2:  NS2.UHOSTDNS.COM
12 : GS(14)@2012-03-13 22:57:36

http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/ ... TN20110713582_C.pdf
http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/ ... LN20110713042_C.pdf
Webb 哥講漏686、8006 同8041
13 : GS(14)@2012-03-13 22:57:53

http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/ ... LN20110902022_C.pdf
http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/ ... LN20110902140_C.pdf
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=277982


1 : GS(14)@2017-01-06 02:07:43


來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/international/art/20170105/19887313
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=321485


1 : GS(14)@2017-02-19 13:59:42

洗米華老婆陳慧玲(Heidi)生完細女Damiana之後火速收身,最近活躍喺IG多咗貼相,露出纖腰同馬甲線。前晚Heidi又再貼火辣相,身穿deep V高貴晚裝去灣仔君悅出席香港芭蕾舞團嘅籌款晚會,大晒出驕人上圍,一啲都唔輸蝕,條長裙亦相當貼身,顯得更瘦。

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/entertainment/art/20170219/19933025
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=327021

中環人壓力測試 爆晒煲自己都唔知

1 : GS(14)@2017-07-29 03:25:26


都說中環人工作壓力大,記者用手機app隨機替中區途人進行壓力測試,結果發現過半受訪者壓力偏高,有人更未為意自己正承受壓力。問到減壓方法,大部分受訪者表示喜歡做運動,亦有不少人喜歡到酒吧happy hour。其實今年十一月,香港將舉辦一項前所未見、結合跑步和飲啤酒的瘋狂競技;對講求效率的中環人而言,不失為省時又過癮的「雙料減壓」。記者:張育嘉 攝影:邱仲權 剪接:魏利民

是次街頭測試方法非常簡單:利用一個專門的手機應用程式,請受訪者以食指按住手機鏡頭,讓程式透過鏡頭讀取心率,便可測出壓力指數。記者前後為15位受訪者進行測試,結果竟有8人壓力指數在60%以上,亦即偏高;當中指數在80%以上的亦有3人,其中一人指數更高達100%,令人吃驚。另一令人意外之處,是三位指數超過80%的受訪者,測試前均認為自己的壓力水平只屬中等。誠然,這類民用的壓力測試程式準確度或有偏差;但都市人習慣長期受壓,身心受影響而不自知,亦不為奇。問到壓力來源,多達14位受訪者表示與工作有關;此外有4人表示,個人財政狀況亦構成壓力來源,包括供樓、交租、供養子女等。受訪者阿柏道出不少打工仔心聲:「租金囉,我同我老婆都係無殼蝸牛嘛。一出糧就冇咗大半架喇。」至於減壓方法,有7位受訪者表示喜歡運動,也有5人提到典型白領嗜好「Happy hour」。其實中環人凡事講求效律,可有想過把運動和喝酒結合,一舉兩得﹖外國近年便興起一種叫「Beer Run」的瘋狂玩意:參加者會進行1600米賽跑,然而每跑一圈(400米)之前,必須先把啤酒灌進肚子﹗喝的份量則是各處鄉村各處例,英美賽事一般為12安士至19.2安士不等。換言之,想完成1600米,跑手便要前後牛飲四次﹗酒量淺者,光喝這份量已吃不消,何況要頂著一肚子液體賽跑﹖沒想到今年香港將首辦這刺激過癮的玩意:由「全城街馬」主辦的「Beer Run」,將於十一月四日假啟德遊輪碼頭舉行,賽事分1600米的個人賽,及4 X400的接力賽;喝酒規則跟國際賽事一樣,每圈飲一round,份量則為每round330亳升。為迎合比賽的搞鬼氣氛,當日會場更有大型音樂會、攤位遊戲及各種豐富美食,務求讓人玩個痛快。想參加這項「雙料減壓」的頂癮賽事,可即到以下網址報名:http://runour.city/BeerRunHK

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20170727/20102340
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=338967

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