11月初,科技界新創活動展由Web Summit領跑,後交棒給芬蘭的Slush。全球這類新創比賽、展覽每年上百場,當紅形式就屬黑客松(hackathon):軟、硬體開發者結合圖形與介面設計師及專案經理的團隊,數十小時不眠不休競賽,就盼終獲金主青睞。 【黑客松淺談】 hackathon 黑客松(又名編程馬拉松)A:i will participate in a hackathon challenge held by a bank next week. B:it's one of the most popular contests in the startup business ecosystem.what's your specialization? (那時最熱門的新創活動!你主攻哪個領域?)fintech 金融科技(finance + technology)A:i am confident my fintech backgrouund will contrbute greatly to help our team succeed! (相信我的金融科技北京必能助本隊成功。)B : You guys will brainstorm intensively to attain a solution within 50 hours, won't you? (你們要腦力激盪50小時做出成果,對吧?) heavyweight A : The organizers have invited a panel of industry heavyweights to serve as judges for this event. (主辦單位邀請業界重量級人士當裁判。)B : Your focus had better be on scal ing your mission to service mill ions of customers. (你們的解決方案重心最好要支援百萬客群。) 【延伸關鍵字】 1.頭cater:滿足需要;迎合;投合2.to cultivate:培養、培育3.obsolete;過時的、淘汰的多益時事通工作團隊獨家授權 |