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全球大選年 呼求game-changer

2016-01-18  TCW



game-changer 改變賽局的人/物

A:All of the Presidential Election candidates are pledging important reforms to the voters.(所有總統選舉候選人都向選民誓言改革。)

B:Do you really think that 2016 wiII be a game-changer

for thiS country?


campaign rally 選戰造勢

A:Who knows?I only know they’ve made use of every

opportunity to attend campaign rallies.

(誰知道?我只知他們不放過任何造勢活動。)B:That’S true!AII polIiticaL parties are trying their best to

encourage turnout among theiR supporters.


to shape up 改進 、行塑

A:According to the poiis,your favorite candidate isn’t

favored by young voters.


B :Maybe.Anyway,let’s vote to shape up the worId into a

better Place.



1.to slam:猛烈抨擊2.to have the edge over:有勝算3.to woo:拉票4.foul play:爛招


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