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1 : GS(14)@2011-09-10 13:24:16

2011-9-8 NM

富豪爭產,真係咩招都出齊,繼南豐姊妹決裂,細妹上週登報割席,強調由家姐和阿媽打骰嘅山頂物業發生連串爆竊案,與阿妹陳慧慧及南豐冇關,字裡行間睇到兩邊已經勢成水火。正所謂相煎何太急,勢估唔到一單杰過一單。富豪飯堂福臨門老闆兄弟決裂已久,有福記員工話七哥响大庭廣眾,鬧五哥個仔徐德強做「敗家仔」。其實雙方早已對簿公堂,上星期案件又再開審,其間代表七哥徐維均嘅律師,用了「cannot see eye to eye」形容兩兄弟關係,法官遂命令雙方各自搵專家,替福臨門作出估值,他日法庭判定敗訴一方,睇怕要用呢個估值參考,將股權賣予勝方。最近小宗收到一封由柏立醫學化驗所發出的正規電郵,呢間化驗所來頭唔細,唔少名人幫襯,小宗起初以為是某某名人嘅驗身報告,豈料原來是告密信一封,內容如下:「福臨門五哥徐沛鈞的兒子徐德強,搞上市公司搞到一身蟻,詳情請參閱David Webb的文章。」

2 : GS(14)@2011-09-10 13:24:51


Mr Chui is an interesting chap himself. A grandson of the founder of the Fook Lam Moon Restaurant (where a dispute between his father and other relatives is underway), he is also CEO of AIM-traded China Private Equity Investment Holdings Ltd (AIM:CPEH). The bulk of the assets of CPEH are in 33.6% of a company called Fortel Technology Holdings Ltd (Fortel). This is accounted for as an investment rather than associate, so few numbers have been disclosed, but CPEH said in April that it hopes to list Fortel in HK later in 2011. Mr Chui owns 47.8% of Fortel himself, and part of the family stake was sold to CPEH in the first place.
3 : 龍生(798)@2011-09-11 14:53:16

4 : greatsoup38(830)@2011-09-11 15:03:16

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