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1 : GS(14)@2011-07-30 17:00:58


香港傳統智慧「發三師」,即係做專業人士錢途無限,但近年世界變,專業人士搵食隨時要搵命博,八方冇誇張,最新一期會計師公會官方雜誌《 A Plus》就披露咗個會計師被槍指頭嘅驚險故事。
專做合併、上市前盡職審查( Due Diligence,DD)嘅顧問公司老闆 Steve Vickers接受《 A Plus》訪問時,形容大陸係「 Wild East」,佢手下會計師北上巡廠、查公司賬目時步步驚心,曾經有會計師被困房內,俾人用槍指住個頭!
Steve話好多小公司老闆唔知道 DD做乜,以為去算賬別有用心,因此好抗拒會計師睇數。仲有啲做戲咁做嘅 case,就喺民企搵老臨扮銀行經理,向查數嘅會計師出示偽造賬目文件,佢話近期見到越來越多大陸公司用疑似銀行信件去呃會計師,若然睇漏眼就唔得掂。
2 : GS(14)@2011-07-30 17:02:47

http://app1.hkicpa.org.hk/APLUS/ ... -selling-output.pdf
As he does for all companies he’s looking to short – making money by betting that the share price of a stock should be much lower – he pulled out Gulf Resources’ financial records and cross-compared them with equivalent companies. A look at Gulf Resources’
balance sheet from its 2009 annual report stopped him cold, he says.

“The American equivalent was a company, which is now private, called Great Lakes Chemical,” Hempton tells A Plus. The company, which was last publicly listed six years ago, recorded an inventory of US$324 million and sales of US$1.6 billion on its 2004 annual report – meaning it turned over its inventory five times
that year.

But Gulf Resources recorded US$110 million in sales with US$650,000 in inventories. “In other words, they turned their inventory stock over 170 times per year?” Hempton asks rhetorically. “That just didn’t make sense.”
3 : GS(14)@2011-07-30 17:06:50

http://app1.hkicpa.org.hk/APLUS/ ... 5-due-diligence.pdf
Even professionals can be swayed. Vickers recalls instances of targets under investigation being tipped off in advance, while Lane of Red Flag says he has heard of local due-diligence and other compliance-related staff succumbing to the temptation of under-the-table payments. “It usually happens to junior employees,” Lane says.
4 : 龍生(798)@2011-07-31 12:23:00

呢的咪叫在刀口上搵食lor, 即刻充滿霸氣, 呢的錢, 抵佢搵既!!
5 : GS(14)@2011-07-31 16:14:55

6 : GS(14)@2011-07-31 16:36:46


係大陸私藏槍枝係重罪,判十年廿年監都有可能,使唔使呀。做大都要有個譜架! :inv168_12: :inv168_12: :inv168_12:

要係畀我做大就係 ─ 用成噸炸藥指住個頭,或者用中短程飛彈指住個頭。咁先夠吸引眼球嗎! :inv168_12:

哈哈 ~~~~~~ 好好笑!


文章由 gaubinfor » 週六 7月 30日, 2011年 11:46 pm
你係會計師,響內地被 Due D 對象 / Client 槍指頭,你可以點做 ? 除左暫時表示應和,等回港 / 無危險後馬上向上級 / 相關團隊報告外,等佢地決定是否 resign / 妥協外,有無其他方法 ?

又,是否有兩家會計師事務所正在打官司,或某間行正與其前高層打緊官司? 如果唔係何以有這類陳年電郵外洩兼給推上報 ?

http://news.hotpot.hk/fruit/art_ ... 104&art_id=15478684

文章由 gaubinfor » 週六 7月 30日, 2011年 11:52 pm

假設你是某大陸廠佬的會計師。某日你回廠,廠佬在你未知情前忽然人間蒸發,and/or 同時廠內值錢原料和機器一夜被運走。大批憤怒的大陸工人和工頭把你困在辦公室裡討薪,容許你打電話但不許你報公安及通知家人,你會點做?

文章由 alia » 週日 7月 31日, 2011年 12:38 am
響大陸渣住枝槍有幾出奇, 淨係講有軍佬或者公安背景既公司已經有可能......況且, 原文幾時有講過話有人私藏槍械...??? :inv168_10:
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