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孤立30年 伊朗sanctions-free

2016-02-29  TCW

伊朗被喻為「住在金礦上的窮人」,總統羅哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)趕在2月26日國會大選前承諾限縮核武發展計畫,換取西方結束長達30年的制裁(sanctions)。急著投資伊朗的世界各國摩拳擦掌,像是20多家台灣廠商便將在4月前往德黑蘭拓銷商機。


sanctions 國際制裁(多用複數)

A:The analysts are confident the lifting of sanctions will make our investments in Tehran profitable.


B:Correct!We'll pour more capital into Iran because of

its rich resources and ample labor force.


to tap into 開發、利用

A:Many multinational companies are seeking to tap into

the lranian market now.


B:The news said ambitious Chinese investors are active

over there.building highways and digging mines。


glut 供過於求

A:But lran will ramp up its oil production later,which

Would add to a global glut.

(不過伊朗未來會增產石油,加劇供過於求的窘境。)B:Sounds Like good news to me as a consumer!



1.to compromise:妥協、和解



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