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老伴問我, 七警案搞乜案中案? 想拖延呀?

有好多人有所不知, 當然我也純屬猜測, 只靠睇報紙來估下發生乜事。案中案即voire dire, 未審案情事實之前, 先爭論影片能否呈堂, 所以叫案中案。這些影片是本案的致命因素, 所以連警署內的CCTV, 被告也爭論其真確性。聽落有點匪夷所思, 明明影到發生乜事, 都有得拗? 法律嘛, 有時不是普通人懂得的, 講你都唔明, 所以律師就值錢。如果影片不能呈堂, 有幾個警察就好難被定罪。影片主要是建立身份( establish ID)方面的證據。除了影片之外, 被告的身分要靠幾方面來建立。一, 警察方面。軍裝警員制服曾健超後交給CID, 但交了人之後這些軍裝警員再有沒有目睹之後發生的事呢? 原先接收曾健超的CID有沒有再把他交給其他人呢? 第二, 曾健超本人的證供。他認得這些人嗎? 就算認得, 辯方也會強烈爭論他這方面的可靠性, 當然對他的可信性會有vigorous cross-examination. 最簡單講辯方會指出他受到影片影響才認到人, 而並非真的憑自己記憶而認出誰有份打他。第三, 被告自己的承認。你以為七警會承認他們涉案的身分嗎?

要打甩啲片, 談何容易? 不是一家媒體, 是幾家喎, 有無可能幾家有聯合行動去干擾這些影片使其內容不真確? 這是一場 uphill battle. 如果影片不能呈堂, 就難以證明是joint enterprise, 被告的個別角色就很重要了。誰在暗角打曾健超呢? 控罪是GBH with intent, 這傷勢是甚麼時候造成的? 辯方會把成因歸咎於之前的拒捕所致, 這也是必然的爭論點。反而在警署內發生的只涉一個警員, 單靠曾健超一人的證供已足夠, 這一條要脫罪較難。

撇開審訊在證據上的要求, 也撇開政治立場, 也不講撐警仇警, 以普通人客觀的看法來判斷, 不論曾健超或七警, 哪個無罪?
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=200057


很高興昨天(blogger昨天上午10時到今早10時)的24小時內, 點擊爆燈, 創開blog以來紀錄, 舊紀錄是4400次, 那是因為林慧思事件, 今次主要是曾健超事件, 有5400次。多人閱讀也心情矛盾, 因為每當有社會分裂事件發生而我去評論, 點擊就會多。那麼, 這一次高點擊率是否社會分裂的訊號呢? 我覺得不是, 因為這社會已四分五裂, 裂無可裂。原本是藍絲、黃絲壁壘分明, 現在藍絲裏又裂痕重重, 李偲嫣那小眾裂了, 那原本是烏合糾結的一群, 不成氣候的, 建制派也各懷鬼胎, 又鬧出中澳槍炮團的醜聞來, 連大公報都對他們發炮。泛民也不見得有多好, 有比人民力量更激進擲磚派出現, 又有極度無知的港獨叫喊, 連悼念六四都變成另一種分裂, 甚至有弱智不堪的鴇母論。沉默的人越來越多, 無他, 誰不會厭倦, 天若有情天亦老。佔中的失敗引發一連串的後遺症現在漸漸浮現出來。

我以前寫得太多佔中的文, 現在也沒興趣去為它蓋棺定論, 這些東西還是留給政治歷史學者, 不如去講自己有點皮毛知識的刑事案。曾健超襲警案判決了, 但暫時還未算告一段落, 因為他明天就要為七警案作供。上一篇有一問:

匿名2016年5月31日 上午11:26


雖然潑液案已審結, 我也不知道曾健超在七警案錄取的口供在這方面講過甚麼, 有待明天或後天他開始作供時才能揭曉, 不過, 我想預先推測一下。我相信曾健超在證人口供裏沒有割喉式承認自己潑液(割喉式即攬住一齊死), 如果他承認了就不會多次高調接受訪問談論此事, 而談論時也避重就輕。如果他在證人口供裏承認了潑液, 而又多次高調地顧左右而言他, 作供時捅了出來, 這不單是打擊他個人誠信, 也禍及公民黨所餘無幾的公信力。所以我相信他在證人口供紙裏沒有承認自己是潑液的人, 而只會說警察誤認他是潑液的人而拘捕他。控方在七警案傳召曾健超, 一定會觸及潑液那部份證供, 那是提供他被打一鑊的原因, 控方會提出這是七警打他的動機。雖然審案的法官一定有看報、看電視及上網, 一定知悉本案的報導, 但審理本案, 他就如白紙一張, 一切可以考慮的證據, 都要從審訊過程中獲取, 而不是從傳媒處得來。故此, 就算講警察誤以為曾健超潑液, 控方也要引導這種證供出來, 才可以交待他為何被拘捕, 繼而被打。況且, 控方簡單交待, 辯方也會在這方面大肆盤問以攻擊其誠信。故此, 區域法院法官不會拒絕控辯雙方觸及這方面的證供。

可能有人會質疑, 當曾健超作為襲警案的被告時, 辯方試圖引用他被毆打的證供卻被羅官所拒, 豈不是存在雙重標準? 其實這情況性質不同, 拘捕制服他的警員不涉毆打他, 而毆打那部份並非襲警案審理的案情, 所以屬離題。相反而言, 潑液卻是引致毆打的原因(motive)。而且, 作為證人, 可被盤問的範圍很大, 如果證入有刑事案底, 控方也有責任通知辯方, 以便對方循個人誠信方面作盤問。證人可被盤問的範圍遠比被告的大, 因為在法律原則上保障被告的權利比保障證人為多。

風水佬可以呃你十年八載, 我看得準不準一兩天就知道了。
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=200062


控方﹕七警有共識合謀犯案 須同負刑責


指可從軍裝警取警棍 將補證據





這件案要了結, 合謀是控方一個主要論據, 湊巧Jogee案(合謀犯罪)是熱議, 個別被告的state of mind有沒有合謀的元素呢? Jogee案看來用不着, 因為抗辯的講法不涉合謀, 或者合謀到甚麼程度, 各被告都無上證人台作供。抗辯打被告身分, 反對影片呈堂, 爭論受傷引起的原因, 爭論曾健超的可信性, 甚至爭論被打的不是曾健超(嘩! 我眼都跌埋, 唔止眼鏡)。這件案靠推論, 以環境證據來推論合謀, 推論涉案的警察就是毆打曾健超的, 而曾所受的傷除了之前拘捕掙扎造成外, 就是在暗角被毆傷的, 你話夠唔夠釘? 憑之前看審訊報導的印象, 我覺得夠釘。要放就幾時都得, 任你鐵證如山也可以揸doubt, 不過Dufton 不屬放官, 呢單嘢釘得落, 所以釘的機會頗大。如果釘, 講緊15隻, 單嘢其實無需上老地, mag court都夠晒, 主要考慮係公眾關注, 排頭大, 陣容強, 幾枝大砲, 由mag 做唔係幾公道。講到尾, 抹到盡, 條罪最高刑期只不過3年, 論傷勢, 無斷骨又無黐肺, 點判都唔會近兩年。一個月後揭曉。
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=229437


今天情人節, 不去打波, 偕老伴郊遊, 由山頂遊到海灘邊, 開車200公里, 愜意享受了大半天。也是今天, 有人心情沉重的過。曾蔭權案今天由陳官引導陪審團, 曾生心情忐忑, 生死未卜, 有待陪審團的裁決。這件案沒有直接證據, 全靠推論, 陪審團退庭商議時, 我相信一兩天內就有結果, 不會懸峙。

七警今天也面對結果, 新年在家過了, 元宵也過了, 最終也難逃在裏面過一段日子。我對這七人有點同情, 以前罵過他們, 現在不想再罵了。畢竟打人一鑊, 自己也落鑊, 付出沉重代價, 我還可以講甚麼。Dufton這判辭200幾頁, 共817段, 我沒有耐性細讀, 只是粗略地速讀了一次。

如果問我釘得合唔合理, 我覺得以證據而論(包括受爭議的電視及傳媒影片及圖片、ID及曾健超的可信性), 釘得合理。如果甩晒又合唔合理, 那就需要個放官, 加埋啲歪理, 加埋驚恐被上訴, 就可以全部脫罪。咁講仲有乜好評論。無就唔寫喇。

曾健超在自己身為襲警案的被告時, 抗辯的方向是爭辯自己是潑液者, 定罪之後打算上訴。他在七警案作供, 被盤問到他是不是潑液者時, 他突然承認了, 判案書第322段這樣描述;

322.  In cross-examination Mr Lok SC played to Tsang the police video shown to Sgt 47574 and asked Tsang whether he was the one who was pouring the liquid.  After the court gave a warning against self-incrimination[234] Tsang answered that he was the one pouring liquid.  Tsang agreed that he was charged in relation to his conduct that evening[235].

我以前曾經評論過, 曾健超這承認就等如放棄了他自己襲警罪的定罪上訴, 他還要上訴就只可就着判刑上訴了。他承認是在他受審的案中影片顯示的潑液者。他這做法叫兩害取其輕, 如果在盤問下他否認是潑液者, 他的可信性更加會被猛烈攻擊, 到時七警脫罪機會就更大。在這情況下, 他用了割喉式攬住一齊死的方式, 反而使法官可信納他的證供。當然, 七警律師一樣不會放過攻擊他的誠信, 尤其是他在襲警案否認控罪, 指證七警時就承認是潑液者。無論如何, 七警以後上訴時, 也會集中火力以曾健超的誠信來着墨。我覺得曾健超被拘捕後以至向警察投訴課投訴時, 都採納了律師的bad advice, 擴大了在盤問時受到的攻擊。這一點我以前寫過罵過, 我罵那些不熟悉刑事法的人, 胡亂教曾健超, 去警察投訴課投訴竟然這樣不答那樣不答, 係咁做乜去投訴啫? 我罵時還有人留言罵我。好喇, 判案書都間接批評這legal adviser, 睇你點撐。判案書有好幾處提到, 曾健超在大律師陪同下錄取口供, 有的出錯令法官對曾的可靠性置疑, 下面一個場景是一例:

352.  When describing the assault on the voir dire, Tsang was not asked how many people assaulted him.  What Tsang did say was that from the time he was picked up and carried by his arms and legs face down nobody left the group but having seen the video footage someone else joined the group.  The first reference by Tsang to seven people was when he gave evidence that after being assaulted he was taken to a car.  When asked how many males left the substation to go to the car Tsang replied seven.  
353.  In cross-examination[260]Tsang agreed that when the First Information of Complaints Against Police Report was completed, he was accompanied by Ms Tanya Chan, a barrister and member of the Civic Party; in a formal complaint to CAPO (exhibit P38), made later the same day, he said he was assaulted by several persons; in his first witness statement made four days later he said he was assaulted by a group of males and did not know how many kicked and punched him[261]; and later when applying for a Judicial Review he said he was attacked by a group of six. 
354.  Tsang explained that he told DSPC 50117 that he was assaulted by six or seven persons but DSPC 50117 only wrote six persons in the First Information of Complaint Against Police Report and drew six things below a figure in a diagram.  Tsang was not sure whether he corrected this but explained that when he pointed anything out, for example his injuries, the officer would not amend the complaint.  When put by Mr Cheng SC that he never told anyone he was assaulted by seven persons until the day before he gave evidence, Tsang disagreed and said that he mentioned this before going to the hospital. 
355.  Considering Tsang was accompanied by Ms Tanya Chan, a barrister and member of the Civic Party, I have my reservations DSPC 50117 did not write down what Tsang said, in particular if Tsang pointed out the error.  Notwithstanding these reservations, the fact that the initial complaint records Tsang was assaulted by six persons and not six or seven as he says and later he said he was assaulted by a group of persons does not cause me to doubt his evidence he was assaulted, which assault was captured on the video footage.  For the reasons already given I am satisfied that the video footage shows Tsang being assaulted.  Considering Tsang was carried face down and the manner in which he was assaulted, it is not at all surprising he was unable to say exactly how many people assaulted him. (Mr Cheng SC就是清洪)
382.     After Mr Cheng SC referred Tsang to his affirmation[285], and paragraphs 26 & 27 of the affirmation of Ms Tanya Chan[286], filed in the judicial review proceedings, Tsang agreed that during the giving of his first witness statement[287] he refused on three occasions to answer questions as to whether his recollection was based on his own memory or based on the video footage. 
383.  Tsang explained in refusing to answer the questions he was acting on legal advice and not because he did not want to bind himself to evidence he might not be able to change.  Tsang agreed the reason given by his legal advisers for refusing to answer the question was as stated in his affirmation, namely that they considered the question inappropriate and calculated to prejudice a possible prosecution. 
還有其他例子, 譬如407段提及在投訴課錄有關傷勢的口供與事實的分歧, 這些都因為索取了大律師的意見下出現的問題, 如果遇到個用放大鏡審視案情的法官, 分分鐘大條道理送幾個兜(doubt)畀你, 咁咪放晒囉。

上一篇有留言問, 如果行政長官特赦七警及曾健超, 是否可以大和解? 我覺得休想, 首先行政長官只可以就着判刑特赦, 而不是定罪特赦(《基本法》第48(12)條), 以前的港督, 現在的行政長官, 都只有赦免、減輕刑罰的權力, 而沒有撤銷定罪的權力。真的赦免刑罰, 就更加分裂, 到其時就拿算盤出來計, 我坐3個月, 佢坐15個月, 赦免咪好唔公平。

香港還未到置之死地而後生的地步, 梁振英下場後, 就輪到批鬥下一個, 抗爭批鬥慣了, 怎會讓心靈空虛寂寞。
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=235369


以前有不少人罵我撐警, 事實上因以往工作關係, 我比一般人了解警察, 我更同情他們近年因香港政治環境而變成政治角力的磨心, 所以我寫過這一篇:警察、公安、共狗, 有媒體要求轉載, 我不是為了揚名, 答應讓人轉載是希望更多人可以用公正持平的心看待警察。七警打人事件一出, 我罵他們, 一句辯護的說話也沒講過, 作為公正持平的評論人, 我不會做羊群裏的其中一隻羊, 也不會站在煽情一方煽風點火。

七警今天判刑, 他們被定罪之後已出現不少言論, 最甚的是辱罵主審法官David Dufton, 這種喪智的言論根本不值得討論, 也不關乎甚麼顏色絲帶的立場, 就算撐黃絲的也同樣喪智, 以胸襲警案判決之後陳碧橋受辱罵就是一例, 香港是充斥着辱罵而不講理據的社會, 所以不論怎樣長期排頭位成為經濟自由度最高的城市, 瘋癲地沉淪而沾沾自喜的氣氛仍然甚囂塵上。

大眾對社會事件表達看法, rightly or wrongly, 是在享受言論自由。因受到自己的政治立場影響, 有人激有人柔, 有人為此爭論到面紅耳熱, 跟那些人用理智分析是浪費時間的。特首候選人出來評論七警案(或者為了爭取非建制支持而噤若寒蟬), 我可以了解政治目的, 所以我省了批評他們的那口氣。可是, 見到梁美芬教授及何君堯律師等對七警案判罪後的言論, 我不禁搖頭歎息, 他們的法律思維是怎樣訓練出來的?

梁美芬在電台講七警不是故意打人, 因這定罪已失去工作和長俸。如果抬去暗角打一鑊不是叫故意, 唔通叫無意的意外? 唉! 教授去讀多兩年書喇。七警失去工作是事實, 失長俸就未必, 長俸不是每個都一定失去的, 要視乎公務員事務局對此事的定性來決定, 黃冠豪警司服刑後就沒有失去所有長俸, 就有此一例可援。據《線報》報導, 何君堯說: 「……而被打的曾健超不是癱瘓, 變成植物人, 反而事後可以參選立法會。」何君堯恨不得曾健超被打到癱了成為植物人? 若如此, 七警就會上高院審面對最高可判終身監禁的刑期了。

我今天整日都忙, 起床未吃早餐就先花一小時寫這一篇來預測刑罰。七警面對襲擊致造成身體傷害罪並沒有量刑指引, 判一年半載的刑期是正路的判罰, 視乎法官對辯方求情的講法接納到甚麼程度。抬去暗角打是aggravating factor, 如果當場打兩拳還比較好, 可以是因為犯人掙扎而使警察用了過份武力,  抬去暗角卻是刻意的教訓, 是提高判刑起點的因素。就算判15個月監也不屬於manifestly excessive, 而陳少丹在警署內打了曾健超兩巴, 就會另外加一個月分期執行。

我撐警, 但我更撐法治。在情感上有些人被打一鑊會感到痛快, 在理智上就不能贊成這種做法, 否則很多人行行吓街就會躺在橫巷呻吟了。我希望香港是個真正講法治又有憐憫之情的城巿, 而不是發展成lynching的城市。

#《線報》早兩天要求轉載本blog, 我答應了。除此之外, 對社會、對政治的立埸, 各不相干。
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從七警案的判刑, 看法官的判案步驟

香港受到政治氣候的影響下, 近年司法機構也變成磨心。十幾年來, 搞社會運動涉及示威遊行、非法集結、行為不檢、阻街等的控罪, 審訊經歷三級法院(裁判法院、高院及終審法院)的審訊及上訴, 逐步釐清了這些控罪在法律上的元素, 以及牽涉《人權法》、《基本法》及一些國際公約賦予平民權利義務方面的解說。經終院闡釋後, 下級法院在審案時比以前更易處理法律爭拗。以前建制人士不會批評法官, 只有泛民及激進社會運動人士罵法官。可是到了近年, 建制人士也開始罵官了, 不止罵官, 還會罵娘。一下子甚麼監察法官判案, 甚麼警拉官放等一干言論, 甚囂塵上。七警被定罪和判監兩年之後, 這股罵官氣氛被推上高潮, 連警察也罵官了, 又說會按章工作。不少人提出近期個別判決, 譬如襲警脫罪、暴徒輕判感化, 衝擊政府機構判社會服務令等例子, 來證明「黃官」的偏頗。我寫這一篇是預了給人罵的。我一直以來都被人罵撐警, 現在連撐警的人都罵起我來。罵就無需講道理, 罵我無妨, 有沒有道理都可以罵人, 這是言論自由賦予我們的權利。我罵得人多, 被別人罵也可能活該, 但道理我還是想講的。

我寫這一篇有兩個目的, 其一, 粗略分析一下法官判刑的準則, 其二, 上一篇有讀者在留言留下一篇文章的連結, 是香島中學鄧飛校長在《文匯報》發表一篇叫《用法治的方式解決法治中可能存在的問題》的文章, 我從鄧校長的文章學習之餘, 也寫一下香港法院在判刑一致性方面的法律原則。我不是為了反駁鄧校長的觀點而寫, 而是見到他在文章末兩段講英國的情況, 我借香港上訴庭一宗案例來講香港、英國及澳洲三地對判刑一致性(parity)的思維。

罵警拉官放的人其實也希望警拉官放吧, 他們不是很希望Dufton判七警無罪嗎? 如果Dufton判七警無罪, 到其時就輪到非建制的人罵警拉官放了。即是說, 只要法官釘你想釘的人, 而放你的同路人就可以了。那麼法官變成磨心, 兩面不討好, 該怎辦? 咿, 來個網上投票, 順應民情來判案好嗎? Majority wins. 一於搞判案雷動計劃, 發動網民來決定是釘是放, 符合民主精神, 豈不美哉? 真正維護法治, 不是那種一方面講維護法治, 另一方面收受利益, 也不是講贏了法治輸了公義、七警不是故意打人那類廢話。Dufton判這件案, 仔細考慮了影片呈堂的法律爭拗, 涉案人身份的爭論, 也衡量證據事實, 詳盡解釋了理據, 寫了817段判辭。不滿這裁決, 請從這判案書找空間去上訴, 沒有入會阻你, 而不是發動種族歧視去罵這洋法官, 罵就找判詞的錯處來罵。判刑可以批評嗎? 當然可以, 不過要用法律去批評, 說他判得輕和判得重, 都要提出實質理據。

法官判刑是隨心所欲的嗎? 基本上法官可以有兩種途徑去決定怎樣量刑。其一, 司法機構有判案的Manual, 提供給不同工種的各級法官作為參考, 這種Manual是時常更新的, 民事、刑事、家事、各種審裁處、死因庭諸如此類, 都各有判刑及程序指引, 這些Manual只有法官才看到, 因為要從司法機構的內聯網登入, 公眾接觸不到。其二, 參考Sentencing In Hong Kong這本書, 這書是由前刑事檢控專員江樂士及他的下屬前助理刑事檢控專員張維新共同撰寫的, 現已出到第七版。法官判案的量刑基本上參考這些東西, 參考了也難免同一個官, 判同一件案(超過一名被告)會出現不一致的刑罰, 因為裏面涉及很多不同因素, 年齡、背景、案底、犯法的角色等, 都足以使判刑時出現各被告刑罰不一樣的情況。同一個官, 判不同的案就更加千變萬化了。不同的法官, 處理同類形和不同類形的案就更加不會一致。再加上有些法官仁慈, 有些法官嚴厲, 根本無可能會一樣。七警遇到另一位法官可能脫了罪, 定罪也未必判多過15個月, 根本沒有對錯可言, 有人會把量刑起點降低, 再把求情因素增大, 就會出現很不一樣的結果了。如果案情特別, 沒有可作參考的案例, 就靠法官個人看法去判刑了。七警案可算是這種情況。

這種不一致, 就帶入鄧飛校長的宏文提出的論據。我講了不是要反駁, 而是用香港案例來展示香港法院的思維。在吳敏兒案 (HKSAR v Ng Man Yee CACC 278/2013), 上訴庭副庭長 Stock及上訴庭法官McWalters (不好意思, 那些不喜歡老外法官的, 這兩位是老外, 而且以前都是在律政司工作的), 在判辭中講了判刑是否一致的原則:
40.  When disparity of sentence is the ground of appeal we note that in the High Court of Australia decision of Lowe v The Queen (1984) 154 CLR 606 Mason J expressed the view that the fact that the sentence is not a just sentence is a ground for appellate intervention notwithstanding that the injustice is generated by error arising in proceedings other than those of the appellant.  At page 613 he said:
“The sentence under appeal may be free from error except in so far as discrepancy itself constitutes or causes error. And the justification which the courts assign for intervention in the case of disparity is that disparity engenders a justifiable sense of grievance in the applicant and an appearance of injustice to that impassive representative of the community, the objective bystander.” [5]
41.  These views were subsequently followed by the majority of the High Court in Green v The Queen (2011) 244 CLR 462 where French CJ, Crennan and Kiefel JJ said at page 475, paragraph 32:
“32 A court of criminal appeal deciding an appeal against the severity of a sentence on the ground of unjustified disparity will have regard to the qualitative and discretionary judgments required of the primary judge in drawing distinctions between co-offenders. Where there is a marked disparity between sentences giving rise to the appearance of injustice, it is not a necessary condition of a court of criminal appeal’s discretion to intervene that the sentence under appeal is otherwise excessive. Disparity can be an indicator of appealable error (88). It is also correct, as Mason J said in Lowe, that logic and reality combine to favour the proposition that discrepancy is a ground for intervention in itself (89). Unjustifiable disparity is an infringement of the equal justice norm. It is appealable error, although it may not always lead to an appeal being allowed.”
42.  It is important to recognize that whether a disparity between sentences is an unjustifiable one, thereby resulting in an unjust sentence, does not fall to be determined by the subjective feelings of the offender whose sentence is under appeal.  As the majority said in Green at page 474, paragraph 31:
“31. … The sense of grievance necessary to attract appellate intervention with respect to disparate sentences is to be assessed by objective criteria. The application of the parity principle does not involve a judgment about the feelings of the person complaining of disparity …”
43.  In Hong Kong the objective test that has been applied is that expounded by Lawton LJ in Fawcett (1983) 5 Cr App R (S) 158 which he described at page 161 as:
“… would right-thinking members of the public, with full knowledge of all the relevant facts and circumstances, learning of this sentence consider that something had gone wrong with the administration of justice?” [6]
44.  The argument in the present case seeks to extend disparity of sentence as a ground of appeal beyond co-offenders to a disparity in sentence between wholly unrelated offenders; here the applicant and other persons sentenced for the same type of criminal activity but in respect of completely unrelated crimes. In considering whether such an extension should be permitted it is helpful to have an understanding of the legal foundation of the parity principle.  This was explained by the majority in Green.  They said at page 473, paragraphs 28-29:
“28. … Consistency in the punishment of offences against the criminal law is “a reflection of the notion of equal justice” and “is a fundamental element in any rational and fair system of criminal justice” (75). It finds expression in the “parity principle” which requires that like offenders should be treated in a like manner (76). As with the norm of “equal justice”, which is its foundation, the parity principle allows for different sentences to be imposed upon like offenders to reflect different degrees of culpability and/or different circumstances (77). [7]
29. … The consistency required by the parity principle is focused on the particular case. It applies to the punishment of “co-offenders”, albeit the limits of that term have not been defined with precision.” [8]
45.  As can be seen from this passage the parity principle is confined in its application to co-offenders.  Likewise, in Hong Kong where there is long line of authority that limits disparity of sentence as a ground of appeal to co-offenders sentenced differently by the same judge.[9] It has never been extended to offenders charged with the same offence arising out of completely unrelated criminal conduct.
46.  Nor, has it been so extended in England. In the English case of Large (1981) 3 Cr. App. R (S) 80 the Court of Appeal refused to entertain a submission that there was disparity of sentencing between the sentence imposed on the appellant and sentences imposed by the same judge on other offenders for the same offence but who were participants in completely unrelated crimes.  At page 82 the Court said:
“This Court declines to entertain such a submission. By reason of the appeals which consistently come before it the Court is aware of the general level of sentencing throughout the country. If, when individual sentences are being considered, it was permissible for counsel to analyse sentences passed by other judges on other occasions for other offences the work of this Court would come to a standstill. It would occupy the time of the Court to an inordinate extent and would do no more than draw its attention to the sentencing practice of a particular judge on a particular occasion in circumstances quite different from those with which the Court is immediately concerned. We will consider the matter of disparity when it arises in respect of participants in the same offence who have received different sentences for the parts that they played in the offence. Where it appears that for similar involvement in the offence the offenders have received very different sentences it is a warning sign that something may possibly have gone wrong with one or more of the sentences.”
47.  The New South Wales Supreme Court adopted a similar view in Kardoulias v The Queen (2005) 159 A Crim R 252.  After accepting that what in Australia is referred to as the parity principle applies to co‑offenders, the Court of Criminal Appeal said at page 274, paragraph 106:
“However, the parity principle is not to be applied when a ground of appeal invites comparison between sentences imposed upon two offenders who are not co-offenders simply because the two offenders may have similar characteristics and may have committed similar crimes.”
48.  There is nothing in the judgment of the High Court in Green to suggest that the parity principle can inure to the benefit of persons other than co-offenders; nor is there in English or in Hong Kong case law.  All three jurisdictions speak with one voice.  The only occasion that relativity to other offenders’ sentences will create a justified sense of grievance is when the relativity concerns sentences imposed on persons who participated in the same offence as the offender.  That is not, of course, the position here.
49.  Outside of this situation it is for each applicant to demonstrate error or excessiveness in his own case.  A sentence otherwise appropriate for the level of that offender’s culpability does not become unjust simply by reference to an erroneous or unduly lenient sentence imposed on another offender in an unrelated crime.
50.  That being so, it cannot be said that other erroneous or unduly lenient sentences imposed in unconnected cases involving the same offence, provide an offender receiving a heavier sentence than those imposed in these other unconnected cases, with a justified sense of injustice.  It does not seem to us that it matters what the reason is for the alleged disparity between the cases; whether it be one judge being more lenient than another or the prosecutor selecting the wrong venue for trial.  Whatever the reason, the principle remains the same – the parity principle only applies to co-offenders.
51.  We do not doubt that this applicant and his family may not understand why others involved in more serious money laundering activity have been sentenced apparently more leniently but, for the reasons we have given, this does not entitle this applicant to harbour a justified sense of injustice.

我沒有本事去翻譯, 一言以蔽之, 判刑的一致性只適用於同案的被告(the parity principle only applies to co-offenders)。時下聽到批評法官判刑, 甚麼黃絲藍絲的, 有沒有人認真去硏究孰輕孰重的因由, 連那些所謂法律學者也在胡謅, 又怎能怪一般市民。以我自己觀察, 事實上確有些不太稱職的法官, 也有些遇到棘手案件就以案情事實來判被告無罪的法官。世界不是完美的, 制度也不能說不存缺陷的, 在社會撕裂分化之下, 才會因感性充昏了理性, 七警案的審判結果使這種情緒完全發酵。我尚算有幸, 沒有置身於瘋癲之中, 還可以提出理性討論, 盡量撇開個人情感去思考。我不是睡不著輾轉反側才去思考, 我住在悉尼十多年, 有機會把兩地發生的事情作比較, 像曾蔭權那類案, 在澳洲, 官商利益輸送無日無之, 在澳洲那些官員, 給捅出來就只有撤職, 像影片落畫, 從來都不會被檢控。香港在法治方面的成績, 真的很不錯了, 把香港的法治精神輸到這裏來, 恐怕不少官員已鋃鐺入獄了。香港警察來澳洲做, 就會更舒適, 很少機會被辱罵, 動了粗也很多人撐你, 分別在於社會的氣氛很不相同。今時今日在香港當差不是一份筍工, 但尚算是一份好工。
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早幾天從留言連結牽引下, 我看了港台節目《左右紅藍綠》, 由馬恩國大律師評論七警案的判刑。馬大狀自從在立法會用粗口罵長毛給人留下惡劣印象後, 近年我看過他幾次對社會事件的評論, 印象改觀了。是否同意他的看法是一回事, 起碼他表現得條理分明, 論述較以前持平。在這一輯的《左右紅藍綠》, 馬大狀認為七警判刑上訴, 理應可以大幅減刑, 他提出兩宗警察打人的案例支持他的論述。第一宗是沙展甘天寶(音譯)案, 是一宗一隊便裝警察上門查案, 戶主多番延遲及打四、五次電話報警, 直至軍裝到場才肯開門, 開門之後便裝對戶主鎖上手銬拳打腳踼, 這些便裝最後被控「襲擊致造成身體傷害罪」, 聽畢控方證供後, 甘天寶把罪名攬上身, 一人認罪, 其他同僚脫罪, 在那種情況下他被判監七個月, 判刑上訴駁回。(THE QUEEN and KAM TIN-PO (D2) CACC 122/1985). 這判辭簡單易明, 只有一頁。另一宗馬大狀提出的案例是衝鋒隊六名警員嫌三名海關關員多管閒事, 挺身為被打市民作證而被毆打案, 打人的警員因為犯案嚴重程度不同, 而被控「普通襲擊」和「襲擊致造成身體傷害罪」, 六人經審訊後定罪, 判刑由緩刑到判監七個月不等, 這件案只提出定罪上訴, 並無為判刑而上訴, 上訴駁回。(The Queen and Cheung Kin Tak and 5 others HCMA 416/1994). 我恐怕這兩件案的判刑未必幫到七警, 同情歸同情, 法理就是講法和理。我用了一個晚上搜尋案例, 也找不到實際對題的案例。重看Dufton對七警判刑的理據(DCCC 980/2015), 基本上除了引用許文泰案有關警察犯罪的判刑原則之外, 其他一點也沒討論。反而是練官在署任區域法院暫委法官審理三名懲教署職員「對他人身體加以嚴重傷害」罪(台灣男子陳竹南被毆打後死亡案)的判刑討論得較詳細。驗屍顯示陳竹南有117處外傷, 頭及大脾有深層瘀傷。三名懲教署職員面對的控罪和七警的雖然不一樣, 但都是最高可處三年監禁的。練官引用了英國的警察逼供打犯人的判刑案例, 該案判監兩年。考慮求情因素後, 三名懲教署職員判監十六個月。練官的判刑理由這樣講:
16.   The maximum sentence under section 19 of the Offences against the Person Ordinance, Cap. 212, is three years.  The offence is included in Schedule 3 of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, Cap. 221, as an “excepted offence”, for which a suspended sentence of imprisonment was not an option: see section 109B(1) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance.
17.   As has been pointed out by the learned editors of Archbold Hong Kong 2012 (at paragraph 20-221), there is no guideline sentence for such an offence,‘although the courts have consistently indicated that custodial sentences of some length are the normal means of dealing with such cases’.
18.   In my view, the most aggravating factor in the present case is the fact that the defendants as Correctional Services Officers had abused their positions and abused the trust of the society by using excessive force on an inmate, thereby causing him serious injuries.
19.   Although there must be plenty of instances of violence within the confines of the penitentiary, the cases that made their way to the courts were usually concerned with violence amongst inmates and violence on the officers.  While they are grim and serious in their own ways, they could offer little assistance for the present purpose.  Despite the joint effort of the prosecution, the defence and the undersigned, I can find no sentencing authority on facts similar to the present case.
20.   The most approximate authority came from England: R v. Lewis [1976] Crim LR 144:-
The defendant was a police officer with 24 years of service. In the course of questioning a suspect who he suspected to be not forthcoming, the defendant struck him twice in the face, causing his nose to bleed, banged his head against a wall and on a table and kicking him.
He also incited his colleague to do the same. The victim suffered a broken nose, a perforated ear drum, bruising and cuts. Finally, he had to make up some false information in order to stop the beating. The defendant’s sentence of two years’ imprisonment on a plea to charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm was upheld and the view of the Court of Appeal was reported thus:
“the court appreciated the tragedy of the matter in the light of (the defendant)’s excellent record. However the public interest must be served. Police officers were in a position of great trust and if that trust was broken the results for them must be serious. The sentence was correct in principle and not excessive”.
(HKSAR v. Leung Shing-chi (D1) So Kai-wai (D2) Tang Yuk-po (D3)  DCCC280/2012

三名被告不服定罪及判刑提出上訴, 上訴被駁回, 上訴庭對該案的量刑作出以下的觀察:

70.  I turn to the sentences of 16 months’ imprisonment.  The maximum sentence for an offence contrary to section 19 of the Offences against the Person Ordinance Cap 212 is three years.  The judge took a starting point of two years and reduced that by one third to reflect the mitigating circumstances that he identified.
71.  As can be seen from his reasons for sentences the judge was well aware of the implications of his sentences upon men of good character who had made positive contributions to society.  However, he rightly said that they had to be balanced against the interests of the victim and society.
72.  It was argued that the sentences were excessive “as it was impossible to tell which bruises and contusions on the deceased were inflicted during the legitimate attempts to control and subdue him and which were inflicted illegally”.
73.  Whilst, of course, it was right to say that some bruises may have been occasioned in lawful restraint, it is also right to say that one can look at the extent of the bruising and conclude that the deceased received the bulk of them in excess of such restraint.  After all, that was the basis of the convictions.
74.  I do not agree that the sentences were excessive.  Indeed, it can be said that the judge was merciful in the discount he gave for the mitigating factors.  I find no ground to interfere with the sentences.
(HKSAR and Leung Shing Chi (梁盛志) So Ka Wai (蘇嘉瑋) Tang Yuk Po (鄧旭波) CACC 382/2012

相比於馬恩國在《左右紅藍綠》提出的的案例, 我始終覺得梁盛志案更具參考價值。如果引用馬恩國提出的案例, 恐怕上訴庭未必會接納。若果是這樣, 馬恩國提出會大幅減刑的講法就會是一種false hope了。
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【七警囚2年】撐警大聯盟遊行促特首特赦 遞交千名市民簽名 (19:52)


(1/3/2017 明報即時新聞)

不論怎樣同情七警的判刑, 就算收集多幾百萬市民簽名, 在法律制度和原則上都不能在這階段考慮特赦。我以前也談過《基本法》第48(12)行政長官有權「赦免或減輕刑事罪犯的刑罰」, 這權力秉承自《英皇制誥》第15條(article XV of the Letters Patent),

"When any crime or offence has been committed within the Colony, or for which the offender may be tried therein, the Governor may, as he shall see occasion, in Our name and on Our behalf, grant a pardon to any accomplice in such crime or offence who shall give such information as shall lead to the conviction of the principal offender, or of any one of such offenders, if more than one; and further, may grant to any offender convicted of any crime or offence by any court of law in the Colony (other than a court martial established under any Act of Parliament), either free or subject to such conditions as the Governor may think fit to impose, a pardon or any remission of the sentence passed on such offender,or any respite of the execution of such sentence for such period as the Governor thinks fit, and may remit any fines, penalties, or forfeitures due or accrued to Us. Provided always that the Governor shall in no case, except where the offence has been of a political nature unaccompanied by any other grave crime, make it a condition of any pardon or remission of sentence that the offender shall be banished from or shall absent himself or be removed from the Colony."

《基本法》第48(12)只簡單講了「赦免或減輕刑事罪犯的刑罰」這一句話, 連在甚麼情況下才可以運用也沒有任何解釋, 我們除了參考《英皇制誥》外, 就是要看法律制度了。舉一個極端例子, 假設有被告經法庭審訊後, 判了一個稍輕的刑期, 控方不滿刑罰過輕向上訴庭申請覆核, 殊不知期間行政長官把刑罰赦免了, 那麼控方怎樣可以循司法制度行使覆核刑期的申請? 當然這種極端例子在現實生活中一定不會出現。在現實生活中會出現的情況會像七警案那樣, 不滿定罪和刑罰, 他們申請上訴, 由上訴庭重新審視有關理據, 再作定奪。假設上訴駁回, 行政長官也不應即時行使特赦或減刑的權力, 以免給人一種行政長官推翻法庭判決的印象。這類性質的案件, 由提出上訴至上訴正審(假設批出上訴許可), 起碼都要好幾個月, 除非定罪上訴得直, 或者只是刑罰上訴得直, 還有可能發展到向終審法院申請上訴, 到頭來監也坐完了。真的考慮特赦, 也不是行政長官說了算, 行政長官也要採納律政司司長的法律意見。啟動《基本法》第48(12)的大原則是, 要在所有司法程序完結之後才可以考慮, 否則會變成行政長官干擾司法, 就會破壞三權分立的制度。而且, 行政長官可以持甚麼理由去赦免或減輕七警的刑期呢? 如果理由跟法庭的判刑理據(包括上訴庭)產生矛盾衝突, 行政長官的權力就超過了司法的權力了。特赦在本案根本是行不通的想法。
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=237663

涉濫用私刑 七警身份曝光

1 : GS(14)@2014-10-16 13:16:15

【雨傘革命】【本報訊】七名警務人員公然涉嫌毆打示威者,令全城譁然,警方稱會成立專責嚴重投訴個案委員會跟進。據悉,涉事的七名人員主要來自觀塘警區反黑組,及俗稱「O記」的有組織罪案及三合會調查科。消息指,警方已下令這七名涉案人員轉做後勤工作,以便協助調查。有法律界人士認為,警方有足夠證據展開今次涉嫌毆打案,應立即拘捕涉案的七名警務人員。記者:謝明明 李家傑 謝志輝 鄭啟源






來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20141016/18901733
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=286067


1 : GS(14)@2015-06-23 20:16:34


來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20150623/19195017
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=291143

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