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別對客人說 I'll come back to you

2016-06-20  TCW

Debbie在美式餐廳打工,某天她正在幫A桌客人點餐時,B桌客人打翻果汁,請她協助善後。她對著A桌男客說:I'll come back to you. 五分鐘後,她回來點餐,卻只見男客一臉羞赧,身旁友人笑個不停。這句請對方稍候用語是鬧了什麼笑話?

【狀況A】暫時離開,想對他人說「馬上回來」時:(錯誤) I'll come back to you.

(正確) I'll be right with you.

解析:I'll come back to you意指「我會回到你身邊」,常出現在愛情電影的對白中。若想表達「請稍候,馬上回來」,應該用I'll be right with you。right是right away(立刻、馬上)之意。

例句:This shirt is not your size.Let me check on the back shelf.l'll be right with you.

(這件襯衫不是你的尺寸,我去看看後面的貨架,馬上回來。)【狀況B】趕赴約會,想告知對方「快要到了」時:x I'm coming! 0 I will be right there soon!

解析:直說I'm coruing,雖然沒有錯,但這句話是雙關語,常是床笫之間表示.快達高潮之意。為免讓對方聽了想入非非,最好換成安全的I will be right there soon!

例句:Sorry!A car accident delayed the bus.I wil I be right there soon!

(抱歉!交通事故耽擱了公車,我快到了!) 【狀況C】來電插撥,想請正在通話的人「稍後一下」時:x I have another phone. 0 I've got another call coming in。

解析:I have another phone是指’我還有另外一支電話j;欲表示通話中有來電插撥,應說I've got another call coming in,然後再請對方hold for a minute。

例句:I've got another calI coming in.Is it alright if I give you a call later?



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