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【隊長熱線】單日不成勢 (我的技術分析觀) 名人堂

來源: http://investhof.blogspot.hk/2014/11/blog-post_28.html

【隊長熱線】(歡迎各位於commentspost to pageinbox提問,除隊長的腰圍等一級國家機密外,必定知無不言,謝謝!)

網友Angus Chow問:尋晚(21/11)好多個股先高後低,點睇?




我覺得投資的最重要問題,是身處的資產類別,是屬於長期的上升趨勢橫行趨勢或是下跌趨勢? 如果是長期的上升趨勢,最重要的是令到自己能夠全程持續參與。

投機經典Reminiscences of a Stock Operator,當中精彩和實用的章節,多不勝數,但如果我只能推介一段的話,毫無疑問,我會推介這一段:

For instance, I had been bullish from the very start of a bull market, and I had backed my opinion by buying stocks. An advance followed, as I had clearly foreseen. So far, all very well. But what else did I do? Why, I listened to the elder statesmen and curbed my youthful impetuousness. I made up my mind to be wise and play carefully, conservatively. Everybody knew that the way to do that was to take profits and buy back your stocks on reactions. And that is precisely what I did, or rather what I tried to do; for I often took profits and waited for a reaction that never came. And I saw my stock go kiting up ten points more and I sitting there with my four-point profit safe in my conservative pocket. They say you never grow poor taking profits. No, you don't. But neither do you grow rich taking a four-point profit in a bull market.

What old Mr. Partridge said did not mean much to me until I began to think about my own numerous failures to make as much money as I ought to when I was so right on the general market. The more I studied the more I realized how wise that old chap was. He had evidently suffered from the same defect in his young days and knew his own human weaknesses. He would not lay himself open to a temptation that experience had taught him was hard to resist and had always proved expensive to him, as it was to me. I think it was a long step forward in my trading education when I realized at last that when old Mr. Partridge kept on telling the other customers, “Well, you know this is a bull market!” he really meant to tell them that the big money was not in the individual fluctuations but in the main movements that is, not in reading the tape but in sizing up the entire market and its trend.





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