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巴黎峰會 anti-terror最搶鏡

2015-12-14  TCW



anti-terror 反恐A:After the Paris attacks,the authorities concerned worry about the risk of another terror attack.

(巴黎恐玫後,政府當局擔心另一波恐攻風險。)B:The French hosts of COP21 have heightened anti- terror measures,cancelling some demonstrations.

(巴黎氣候峰會主辦單位升高反恐層級,取消遊行。)to denounce 譴責A:More than 130 world Ieaders will attend,and some have denounced the Paris attacks.

(超過130國與會,這些領袖譴責巴黎恐攻。)B:This terror threat may encourage more unity for a new accord following Kyoto and Copenhagen.

(京都與哥本哈根後,恐攻或可促進各國訂定新約。)overstated 言過其實、誇大的A:The world needs a legally binding agreement on how to slow the rise of temperatures.

(這世界真需要法律約束力來減緩溫度上升。)B:I couldn't agree more.The important of COP21 cannot be overstated.



1.to delegate:委派(某人)做某事2.threshold:門檻;起點3.magnitude:量級、重大程度


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