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川普副手首開炮 收割保守派鐵票

2016-07-25  TWM

美國大選逼近,民主黨和共和黨兩黨候選人希拉蕊與川普選情仍呈現膠著。幾乎集所有偏見與歧視於一身的川普,即使被視為全球經濟最大地雷, 仍一路過關斬將,打敗共和黨眾老牌政客,成為共和黨總統候選人。

把選舉當脫口秀天花亂墜的川普,在副手選擇上相當現實,15日宣布「反同志、反墮胎」的保守派中堅大將印第安納州州長彭斯(Mike Pence)為副手,欲收割保守派鐵票。彭斯初登板的演講,也忠實傳達了川普重振美帝雄風的願景。

Terrorist attacks at home and abroad, grim and heartbreaking scenes from France just a few short days ago, the attempted coup in Turkey, all attest to a world spinning apart. History teaches us that weakness arouses evil. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's foreign policy of leading from behind, feigning resets with a resurgent Russia and the rise of I.S.I.S. is a testament to this truth of history and we must bring a change to America's stand in the world. America needs to be strong for the world to be safe, on the world stage, Donald Trump will lead from strength, he will rebuild the arsenal of Democracy, stand with our allies and hunt down and destroy the enemies of our freedom.




attest / ˋtɛst/ v. 證實、證明例句:His high grade attests to his ability.


feign /fen/ v. 假裝、佯裝例句:She feigned to be rich.


arsenal /ˋɑrsn l/ n. 軍火庫、兵工廠例句:Terrorists possess an arsenal that holds weapons of mass destruction 恐怖分子持有大批毀滅性武器。

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