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Ztrader – Linear Regression Channel 港股博弈


A linear price channel (Raff Regression Channel) is something easy to interpret for ordinary traders. Especially for some stable and trending stocks, like # 1382:



# 2343



These trend lines can be semi-automatically created. The center line is created by linear regression, and the upper and lower band is created by computing the minimum size of the band to include all data points.


One can simplify the trend of a stock by look at the slope of such bands. For example, # 0746 this year, if I draw the trend lines in this way:



So the trend can be interpreted as: Negative => Very Negative => rebound => Negative => Positive


In fact some stocks, like 746, the historical trend show a repeating pattern:


Pattern since mid 2011: Very negative => rebound => Negative => Breakout => Very negative => negative => Positive => breakout => Very negative => rebound => Negative => Positive => ?


And linear price channel seems a helpful tool for this kind of stock. Buy and sell decision can be made on channel breakout, providing the channel is determine.



While this article has not published yesterday, today 746 break out the channel with relative high turnover:



PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=84355

$老恆和釀造(02226)$ 昨天去深圳的超市做了一下channel check。 TTSTOCK

'$老恆和釀造(02226)$ 昨天去深圳的超市做了一下channel check。1,中心城家樂福(如圖):基本佔據料酒架的最重要位置。據調味品的銷售人員講(老恆和無專門銷售人員),老恆和是他們最暢銷的產品,王致和第二。2,沃爾瑪山姆會員店:因超市定位原因,產品 size都較大。料酒基本只有老恆和的花彫(29.9元)和王致和的桶裝料酒。據調味品銷售人員講,王致和桶裝銷售最好,老恆和花彫也不錯。 3, 海岸城家樂福:貨架擺放同中心城店類似,據店員講王致和翻架率最快,老恆和也不錯,大概第二。





PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=96728

【POPA Channel】唔打唔鬧 點樣教?(下)

1 : GS(14)@2016-08-07 01:48:01


兒童心理學家Dr. Haim Ginott認為,大多數父母都低估了語言的破壞力,完全不自覺自己有時衝口而出的一句話,其實變相是謾罵、羞辱、嘲笑、恐嚇,會為孩子帶來精神傷害……想知更多?請看POPA Channel的短片。
POPA Channel面書:http://www.facebook.com/popachannel
POPA Channel網站:http://popa.hk記者:黃力

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20160804/19721797
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=304434

【POPA Channel】英語講得好 點先做得到?

1 : GS(14)@2016-08-18 06:05:05

英語這種國際語言世界通行,但每個地方總有不同,有美式、英式……不知何時開始,還有「港式」……This is「賣飛佛」、「You are the goodest」、「I am very thanks them」等等,香港人之間溝通無間,但外國人肯定聽得一頭霧水。我們明明由三歲開始學英文,但學了十幾二十年,都無法好好運用英語,到底是為什麼呢?根據著名語言學家Dr. Stephen Krashen的研究,問題可能出現在學習的方法上……想知更多,請留意POPA Channel短片。

POPA Channel面書:http://www.facebook.com/popachannel
POPA Channel網站:http://popa.hk

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20160818/19740551
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=306412

【POPA Channel】孩子品格 先天決定?

1 : GS(14)@2016-09-17 16:16:57


原來除了基因,我們的想法、周圍環境及身邊的人都有份塑造我們的品格特質。很多人都以為「江山易改,本性難移」,反而學習就可以靠後天努力。於是過去一段長時間,每當我們談到教育,都集中於如何訓練孩子的認知能力、學習知識,但事實上,品格特質都可以發展和強化鍛鍊,前提是我們得有一顆「成長心態」……想知更多?請看POPA Channel的短片。
POPA Channel面書:http://www.facebook.com/popachannel
POPA Channel網站:http://popa.hk

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20160915/19771063
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=309291

【POPA Channel】孩子有情緒 家長應制止?

1 : GS(14)@2016-10-29 13:23:24

好多時小朋友有負面情緒,家長馬上便説:「唔準喊,即刻同我收聲!」男孩子更可能被如此教導:「男孩子要堅強,大丈夫流血不流淚。」家長希望以此訓練小朋友控制情緒的能力,不會因小事便以哭鬧發洩,但大家有否想過,是不是叫一個人別哭,他的不安情緒就會自然消失?想知更多?請看POPA Channel的短片。

POPA Channel面書: http://www.facebook.com/popachannel
POPA Channel網站: http://popa.hk

來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/su ... t/20161029/19815594
PermaLink: https://articles.zkiz.com/?id=314029

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